Table of Contents


1: Numbers

2: Computer Use and Experimentation

3: Graphs and Visualization

4: Polynomials

5: Power Series

6: Slope and Derivative

7: Growth and Decay

8: Vibrations

9: Inverses and Equations

10: Language and Grammar

11: Proofs

12: Anagrams and Permutations

13: Logic and Sets

14: Properties of Functions

15: Linear Vector Functions

16: Polynomials and Number Systems

17: Algorithms

18: Anti-Derivative and Integral

19: Complex Numbers and the Exponential Family

20: Further Topics


Appendix 1: Utilities




Kenneth E. Iverson


In 1936, Lancelot Hogben published his still-popular Mathematics for the Million [1], stating his objective as follows:

The view which we shall explore is that mathematics is the language of size, shape and order and that it is an essential part of the equipment of an intelligent citizen to understand this language. If the rules of mathematics are the rules of grammar, there is no stupidity involved when we fail to see that a mathematical truth is obvious. The rules of ordinary grammar are not obvious. They have to be learned. They are not eternal truths. They are conveniences without whose aid truths about the sorts of things in the world cannot be communicated from one person to another.

Our objective is similar, but we now have new tools: the development of computer programming has provided languages with grammars that are simpler and more tractable than that of conventional mathematical notation. Moreover, the general availability of the computer makes possible convenient and accurate experimentation with mathematical ideas.

For example, the exclusive use of decimal notation in beginning mathematics entails the perplexing use of approximations such as 0.333333 and 0.857143 for the fractions one-third and six-sevenths, intermixed with exact values such as 0.046875 for the drill-bit-size three sixty-fourths. The present treatment also uses rational arithmetic, with exact representations such as 1r3 and 6r7 and 3r64, leading to the following computer production of an addition table for fractions:

   + table 1r1 1r2 1r3 1r4 1r5 1r6 1r7 1r8
|   |  1  1r2   1r3   1r4   1r5   1r6   1r7   1r8|
|  1|  2  3r2   4r3   5r4   6r5   7r6   8r7   9r8|
|1r2|3r2    1   5r6   3r4  7r10   2r3  9r14   5r8|
|1r3|4r3  5r6   2r3  7r12  8r15   1r2 10r21 11r24|
|1r4|5r4  3r4  7r12   1r2  9r20  5r12 11r28   3r8|
|1r5|6r5 7r10  8r15  9r20   2r5 11r30 12r35 13r40|
|1r6|7r6  2r3   1r2  5r12 11r30   1r3 13r42  7r24|
|1r7|8r7 9r14 10r21 11r28 12r35 13r42   2r7 15r56|
|1r8|9r8  5r8 11r24   3r8 13r40  7r24 15r56   1r4|
Hogben continues with:

The fact is that modern mathematics does not borrow much from antiquity. To be sure, every useful development in mathematics rests on the historical foundation of some earlier branch. At the same time, every new branch liquidates the usefulness of clumsier tools which preceded it.

Although algebra, trigonometry, the use of graphs, the calculus all depend on the rules of Greek geometry, less than a dozen from the two hundred propositions of Euclid"s elements are essential to help us in understanding how to use them. The remainder are complicated ways of doing things we can do more simply when we know later branches of mathematics.

These facts make it possible to present to the layman a simple view of calculus as the study of the rate of change of a function, and to use it to provide insight into matters such as the sine and cosine functions (so useful in trigonometry and the study of mechanical and electrical vibrations), and into the exponential and its inverse the logarithm (so useful in growth and decay processes, and in matters such as the familiar musical scale).

The presentation consists largely of examples, organized in function tables and illustrated by graphs. The more analytical aspects of proofs and the grammar of mathematical notation are deferred to Chapters 11 and 10. These chapters can, however, be profitably consulted at almost any point.

An overview is provided by the Table of Contents which (when the text is used interactively on the computer) can be "clicked on with a mouse" to jump to any desired Section. Chapters 1-3 introduce Numbers, Computer use, and Graphs and visualization. Chapters 4-8 introduce many of the important tools of applied mathematics. The topics of these chapters are commonly considered to be too difficult for the layman, but are examples of Hogben's comment about "...doing things we can do more simply when we know later branches of mathematics." In particular, the treatment is greatly simplified by the use of a programming language that makes simple the use of lists (vectors) and tables (matrices).

A supplement at the end of the book contains sections that expand on the treatments in the main text. They are not essential to the main thread of development, but should be consulted on occasion (by clicking on S1A, S1B, etc.).

Although familiarity with Hogben"s book is not essential to a study of the present text, it is highly recommended to the layman, especially the brief prologue. We conclude with the continuation of the preceding quote:

For the mathematical technician these complications may provide a useful discipline. The person who wants to understand the place of mathematics in modern civilization is merely distracted and disheartened by them. What follows is for those who have been already disheartened and distracted, and have consequently forgotten what they may have learned already, or fail to see the meaning or usefulness of what they remember. So we shall begin at the very beginning.

1: Numbers

1A. The Counting (Natural) Numbers

1B. Lists and Names

1C. Iteration (Repetition)

1D. Inverse

1E. Addition and Subtraction (+ and -)

1F. Bonding

1G. Multiplication or Times (*)

1H. Power and Exponent (^)

1I. Monomials and Polynomials (p.)

1J. Division (%)

1K. Review and Supplement

1L. Notes

1A. The Counting (Natural) Numbers S1A.

The Counting numbers begin with 1 2 3 4 and go on forever, because every counting number has a successor that comes next after it. Thus:
   >: 1
   >: 2
   >: 3
   >: 4
   >: >: 1
   >: >: >: >: 2

   >: 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6 7

>: "performs an action" upon the number to which it is applied, and is therefore analogous to an "action word" or verb in English. In math, such a verb is also called a function (from Latin fungi, to perform or execute).

The number to which a verb applies may be called a noun. In math it is also called an argument, in the sense of a topic or subject ("You and love are still my argument" -- Shakespeare).

1B. Lists and Names S1B.

A collection of numbers may be written as a list, in the form 2 3 5 7 11, and verbs may be applied to such lists. For example:
   >: 2 3 5 7 11
3 4 6 8 12
   >: >: >: 2 3 5 7 11
5 6 8 10 14
A name may be assigned to a number or list by using the copula =:, and the name may then be used to refer to its referent. For example:
   primes=: 2 3 5 7 11
   >: primes
3 4 6 8 12
   b=: >: primes
   >: >: b
5 6 8 10 14
The main copulas used in English are "is" and "are". They may be used in reading mathematical expressions aloud, as in "primes are 2 3 5 7 11" for primes=:2 3 5 7 11, and "first is one" for first=:1.

Names may also be assigned to verbs. There appears to be no English word that corresponds to >: except, perhaps, the command "next" used to summon a successor from a queue. Thus:

   next=: >:
   next 5
   next next 5

1C. Iteration (Repetition) S1C.

The expression next ^: 3 produces a verb that is equivalent to applying the verb next for three times. Thus:
2 3 5 7 11
   next ^: 3 primes
5 6 8 10 14
   next next next primes
5 6 8 10 14
   for=: ^:

   next for 3 primes
5 6 8 10 14
   list=: 1 2 3 4
   next for list primes
3 4 6  8 12
4 5 7  9 13
5 6 8 10 14
6 7 9 11 15

1D. Inverse S1D.

The verb previous=: <: "undoes" the work of the verb next=: >:, and is said to be its inverse. Thus:
   previous=: <:

2 3 5 7 11
   previous primes
1 2 4 6 10
   next previous primes
2 3 5 7 11
   previous next primes
2 3 5 7 11
   previous 3
   previous 2
   previous 1
   previous 0
   previous _1

Because 1 is the first counting number, the zero (0) and the negative numbers (_1 and _2) shown above are not counting numbers. But they are integers, so called because they are unbroken or intact (in=not, tag=touch), as distinguished from the fractions (broken or fractured) referred to in the preface.

Adopting the seemingly-innocent notion of a verb that undoes the effect of next has, rather surprisingly, led us out of the original domain of counting numbers, and forced the adoption of a broader class, the integers, that includes the zero and negative numbers.

In adopting further inverses we will again experience the same need to broaden our domain, to include rational numbers, and imaginary numbers. Moreover, the surprising effect of inverse processes is not confined to mathematics.

Consider the effect of reversing a movie projector to run a film backward. If the film shows a locomotive moving forward along a track, the result of reversal is unremarkable. But if it concerns the dropping of an egg on the pavement, or a dive from a diving-board, the result is a startling illustration of the important distinction between reversible and irreversible processes.

Finally, the inverse of a function can be obtained by using iteration (for) with the right argument _1. Thus:

   next for _1 primes
1 2 4 6 10
   >: ^: _1 primes
1 2 4 6 10
   >: ^: _1
   next for _3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3 primes
_1 0 2  4  8
 0 1 3  5  9
 1 2 4  6 10
 2 3 5  7 11
 3 4 6  8 12
 4 5 7  9 13
 5 6 8 10 14

1E. Addition and Subtraction (+ and -) S1E.

The effect of the verb next for 3 is to add 3 to its argument, and next for 3 primes is equivalent to the addition primes + 3 (using the familiar Saint George's cross to denote the verb). Thus:
   next for 3 primes
5 6 8 10 14
   primes + 3
5 6 8 10 14
   0 1 2 3 4 5 + 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 2 4 6 8 10
   + table 0 1 2 3 4 5
| |0 1 2 3 4  5|
|0|0 1 2 3 4  5|
|1|1 2 3 4 5  6|
|2|2 3 4 5 6  7|
|3|3 4 5 6 7  8|
|4|4 5 6 7 8  9|
|5|5 6 7 8 9 10|
The last result is an addition table, which may be "read" as follows:
To find the result of 3 + 4, choose the result (7) found in the row headed by 3 and the column headed by 4.
The verb + table is only one example of a function table, and other functions may be used. For example:
   previous for 3 primes
_1 0 2 4 8
   primes - 3
_1 0 2 4 8

   - table 0 1 2 3 4 5
| |0  1  2  3  4  5|
|0|0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5|
|1|1  0 _1 _2 _3 _4|
|2|2  1  0 _1 _2 _3|
|3|3  2  1  0 _1 _2|
|4|4  3  2  1  0 _1|
|5|5  4  3  2  1  0|
  1. Read from the addition table the sums 2 + 5 and 5 + 2 and verify that they agree. Make similar comparisons of additions of numbers that are similarly interchanged or commuted.

  2. Because of the agreements noted in Exercise 1, addition is said to be commutative. Use the subtraction table to find whether subtraction is commutative.

1F. Bonding (&) S1F.

The verb + & 3 is equivalent to "add 3", that is, to next for 3. Thus:
   + & 3 primes
5 6 8 10 14
   primes + 3
5 6 8 10 14

   with=: &
   + with 3 primes
5 6 8 10 14
   next for 3 primes
5 6 8 10 14

   - with 3 primes
_1 0 2 4 8
   primes - 3
_1 0 2 4 8

   - with 3 + with 3 primes
2 3 5 7 11
   + with 2 primes
4 5 7 9 13
   + with 2 for 0 1 2 3 4 primes
 2  3  5  7 11
 4  5  7  9 13
 6  7  9 11 15
 8  9 11 13 17
10 11 13 15 19
Although the referent of primes is the list 2 3 5 7 11, it would not be correct to substitute the referent for the name in the foregoing expression, because the resulting 0 1 2 3 4 2 3 5 7 11 would be treated as a single list argument to for. Thus:
   + with 2 for 0 1 2 3 4 2 3 5 7 11
+&2^:0 1 2 3 4 2 3 5 7 11
The lists may, however, be separated by parentheses:
   + with 2 for 0 1 2 3 4 (2 3 5 7 11)
 2  3  5  7 11
 4  5  7  9 13
 6  7  9 11 15
 8  9 11 13 17
10 11 13 15 19

1G. Multiplication or Times (*) S1G.

Three times four (3 * 4) is said to be the addition of four copies ("plies") of three. Thus:
   3 + 3 + 3 + 3
   3 * 4
   * table 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
|  |0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10|
| 0|0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0|
| 1|0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10|
| 2|0  2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18  20|
| 3|0  3  6  9 12 15 18 21 24 27  30|
| 4|0  4  8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36  40|
| 5|0  5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45  50|
| 6|0  6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54  60|
| 7|0  7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63  70|
| 8|0  8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72  80|
| 9|0  9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81  90|
|10|0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100|
  1. Study the multiplication table, and comment on its properties (such as commutativity).

  2. The numbers in column 5 are multiples of 5, that is, they result from multiplying by 5. Verify that they progress by "counting by fives", and check for similar properties in other columns and rows.

  3. Comment on any patterns you find in the rows, columns, or diagonals of other function tables.

  4. Make the table * table 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 and make a list of the counting numbers beginning with 2 (and up to perhaps 19) that do not occur in it. These numbers are called primes.

1H. Power and Exponent (^) S1H.

Just as repeated application of addition is equivalent to another important function (multplication, or *), so repeated multiplication is equivalent to power, or ^ . Thus, 3 ^ 4 is equivalent to 3 * 3 * 3 * 3. The right argument (in this case 4) is often called the exponent, and the expression 3 ^ 4 is read as "three power four" or "three to the power four". For example:
   3 ^ 4
   0 1 2 3 4 5 ^2
0 1 4 9 16 25

   ^ table 0 1 2 3 4 5
| |0 1  2   3   4    5|
|0|1 0  0   0   0    0|
|1|1 1  1   1   1    1|
|2|1 2  4   8  16   32|
|3|1 3  9  27  81  243|
|4|1 4 16  64 256 1024|
|5|1 5 25 125 625 3125|

1I. Monomials and Polynomials (p.) S1I.

An expression such as 5*4^3 is called a monomial (one name) with the coefficient 5, the argument 4, and the exponent 3; a sum of monomials is called a polynomial (many names). For example:
   5 * 4 ^ 3

   (5*4^3) + (_2*4^4) + (1*4^1)

A polynomial in which the exponents in the successive monomials are successive integers beginning with zero, is said to be in standard form, and may be expressed using the polynomial function p., with the list of coefficients as the left argument. For example:

   x=:  4
   (2*x^0) + (3*x^1) + (4*x^2)
   2 3 4 p. x

  1. Evaluate the following expressions, and comment on the results:
       a=: 0 1 2 3 4 5
       1 2 1 p. a
       (a+1) ^ 2
       1 3 3 1 p. a
       (a+1) ^ 3
       c4=: 0 1 3 3 1 + 1 3 3 1 0
       c4 p. a
       (a+1) ^ 4

1J. Division (%) S1J.

Division (to be denoted by %) "undoes" the work of multiplication. For example:
   a=: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
   b=: a * 2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
   b % 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
   b % 3
0 0.666667 1.33333 2 2.66667 3.33333 4
Just as the inverse of addition introduced new numbers outside the domain of the counting numbers, so some of the results of this inverse function lie outside of the domain of integers. These non-integral results (such as 0.666667) are "decimal approximations to" a new class of numbers, called fractions or rationals.

Just as we introduced a way to represent negative numbers, so we introduce a representation for rationals: 2r3 for the fraction two-thirds, 4r3 for the fraction four-thirds, etc. Thus:

   a=: 0 1r2 1r3 1r4 1r5 1r6

0 1 2r3 1r2 2r5 1r3
0 0 0 0 0 0
   a * a
0 1r4 1r9 1r16 1r25 1r36

   + table a
|   |  0  1r2  1r3  1r4   1r5   1r6|
|  0|  0  1r2  1r3  1r4   1r5   1r6|
|1r2|1r2    1  5r6  3r4  7r10   2r3|
|1r3|1r3  5r6  2r3 7r12  8r15   1r2|
|1r4|1r4  3r4 7r12  1r2  9r20  5r12|
|1r5|1r5 7r10 8r15 9r20   2r5 11r30|
|1r6|1r6  2r3  1r2 5r12 11r30   1r3|

   - table a
|   |  0   1r2   1r3   1r4   1r5  1r6|
|  0|  0  _1r2  _1r3  _1r4  _1r5 _1r6|
|1r2|1r2     0   1r6   1r4  3r10  1r3|
|1r3|1r3  _1r6     0  1r12  2r15  1r6|
|1r4|1r4  _1r4 _1r12     0  1r20 1r12|
|1r5|1r5 _3r10 _2r15 _1r20     0 1r30|
|1r6|1r6  _1r3  _1r6 _1r12 _1r30    0|

   * table a
|   |0  1r2  1r3  1r4  1r5  1r6|
|  0|0    0    0    0    0    0|
|1r2|0  1r4  1r6  1r8 1r10 1r12|
|1r3|0  1r6  1r9 1r12 1r15 1r18|
|1r4|0  1r8 1r12 1r16 1r20 1r24|
|1r5|0 1r10 1r15 1r20 1r25 1r30|
|1r6|0 1r12 1r18 1r24 1r30 1r36|

   % table a
|   |0 1r2 1r3 1r4 1r5 1r6|
|  0|0   0   0   0   0   0|
|1r2|_   1 3r2   2 5r2   3|
|1r3|_ 2r3   1 4r3 5r3   2|
|1r4|_ 1r2 3r4   1 5r4 3r2|
|1r5|_ 2r5 3r5 4r5   1 6r5|
|1r6|_ 1r3 1r2 2r3 5r6   1|
  1. Study the foregoing tables, and comment on their properties. (See the Exercises in Section 1G.)

  2. Comment on the _ that occurs in the first column of the division table (it denotes infinity).

  3. Study the multiplication table, and try to formulate rules for the multiplication of rationals.

1K. Review and Supplement S1K.

Using notation provided by a programming language (that will allow us to experiment with our math on a computer), we have introduced:
  1. The counting numbers 1 2 3 4 etc.

  2. The use of lists and of names that are assigned referents by a copula.

  3. The iteration operator for=: ^: that applies a function for a specified number of times.

  4. The function addition.

  5. Its inverse (subtraction).

  6. The class of integers that includes zero, and the negative numbers _1 _2 _3 _4 etc. introduced by subtraction.

  7. The multiplication that is given by iterated addition.

  8. The division that is inverse to multiplication.

  9. The fractions or rationals that are introduced by division.

  10. The power function and the polynomials based upon it.
Some of the assigned names (such as the for assigned by the expression for=: ^:) are "utilities" that will be utilized throughout the text, and are collected for easy reference in Appendix 1.

The pace of this text is brisk, moving on quickly to further topics as soon as the essential foundations for them are established. For example, although the Polynomials of Chapter 4 could provide a rich subject in itself, we pass on after a brief three pages to the Power Series of Chaper 5, and the Slope and Derivative of Chapter 6.

This gives a quick exposure to significant, and sometimes surprising, consequences of otherwise dull foundations. On the other hand, the reader may eventually (or immediately) want further treatments of the successive foundations: these are provided in a separate part of the book called Supplement.

In a printed text, the need to move between a given section and the corresponding supplemental section in a different part of the book might prove onerous. However, in reading the text from a computer (through a Browser), this switching back and forth is made by a click of a mouse.

For example, click on the S1K that appears to the right of the heading for this section to read the further discussion in the supplemental section S1K, and click on its heading to return.

The Find facility can be used as an index to find the occurrences of words in the text; invoke it by pressing F while holding down the control key, or select it from the Search menu.

1L. Notes S1L.

On page 75 Hogben says:

It may therefore be soothing for many to whom mathematical expressions evoke a malaise comparable to being seasick, if they can learn to think of mathematics less as an exploit in reasoning than as an exercise in translating an unfamiliar script like Braille or the Morse code.

In this chapter we shall therefore abandon the historical approach and deal mainly with two topics: for what sort of communication do we use this highly space-saving " now international " written language, and on what sort of signs do we rely. To emphasize that the aim of this chapter is to accustom the reader to approach mathematical rules as Exercises in economical translation, every rule in the sign language of mathematics will have an arithmetical illustration "

He continues with:

In contradistinction to common speech which deals largely with the quality of things, mathematics deals only with matters of size, order, and shape. " First let us consider what different sorts of signs go to the making of a mathematical statement. We may classify these as:

  1. punctuation;
  2. models;
  3. labels (e.g. 5 or x) for enumeration, measurement, and position in a sequence;
  4. signs for relations;
  5. signs for operations.

Conventional mathematical notation uses three pairs of symbols for punctuation: ( ) and [ ] and { }. We will use only the pair ( ) for this purpose, and will use the others for operations: { for indexing (selection), {. and }. for take and drop of a first item, and {: and }: for take and drop of a last item.

Hogben offers the following suggestions for study:

Although care has been taken to see that all the logical, or, as we ought to say, the grammatical rules are put in a continuous sequence, you must not expect that you will necessarily follow every step in the argument the first time you read it. An eminent Scottish mathematician gave a very sound piece of advice for lack of which many people have been discouraged unnecessarily. "Every mathematical book that is worth anything", said Chrystal, "must be read backwards and forwards ""


"Always have a pen and paper, preferably squared paper, in hand ". when you read the text for serious study, and work out all the numerical examples as you read ". What you get out of the book depends on your co-operation in the business of learning.

To this we may add the advice to use the computer in the manner introduced in the next chapter, and illustrated throughout the entire text. In particular, do not hesitate to do any computer experiments that may occur to you " the worst that can happen is the appearance of an error message of some kind, after which you may continue without any special action.

2: Computer Use and Experimentation

2A. Introduction

2B. Number of places

2C. Displays

2D. Integer Lists

2E. Vocabulary

2F. Functions over lists

2G. Notes

2A. Introduction S2A.

A computer can be programmed to "interpret" or "execute" sentences expressed in a variety of notations or programming languages; commonly used languages include Cobol, Fortran, APL, C, and J. The treatment of numbers in Chapter 1 is all expressed in J, a system that can be obtained from Website .

A computer-executed language such as J not only permits one to do extensive calculations quickly and accurately, it may also permit precise experimentation with mathematical ideas. In particular, J provides computation both in the rational arithmetic used in Chapter 1, and in the more familiar decimal notation.

For example, a list of rationals such as r=: 1r5 2r5 3r5 4r5 5r5 6r5 and a list of integers a=: 5 * r derived from it will produce results expressed as rationals when functions such as addition, multiplication, and division are applied to them. Thus:

   r=: 1r5 2r5 3r5 4r5 1 6r5
   a=: 5 * r
   % table a
| |1   2   3   4   5   6|
|1|1 1r2 1r3 1r4 1r5 1r6|
|2|2   1 2r3 1r2 2r5 1r3|
|3|3 3r2   1 3r4 3r5 1r2|
|4|4   2 4r3   1 4r5 2r3|
|5|5 5r2 5r3 5r4   1 5r6|
|6|6   3   2 3r2 6r5   1|

   % table r
|   |1r5 2r5 3r5 4r5   1 6r5|
|1r5|  1 1r2 1r3 1r4 1r5 1r6|
|2r5|  2   1 2r3 1r2 2r5 1r3|
|3r5|  3 3r2   1 3r4 3r5 1r2|
|4r5|  4   2 4r3   1 4r5 2r3|
|  1|  5 5r2 5r3 5r4   1 5r6|
|6r5|  6   3   2 3r2 6r5   1|

However, the list c=: 1 2 3 4 5 6, which is identical to a except that it is not defined as a rational, yields decimal approximations under division. Thus:

   c=: 1 2 3 4 5 6
   % table c
| |1   2        3    4   5        6|
|1|1 0.5 0.333333 0.25 0.2 0.166667|
|2|2   1 0.666667  0.5 0.4 0.333333|
|3|3 1.5        1 0.75 0.6      0.5|
|4|4   2  1.33333    1 0.8 0.666667|
|5|5 2.5  1.66667 1.25   1 0.833333|
|6|6   3        2  1.5 1.2        1|

It should be noted that the inclusion of even one rational in a list makes it behave as a rational.

The function x: applied to an argument causes its result to be treated as a rational when other functions are applied to it. Moreover, its inverse causes functions applied to its results to treat it in decimal form. Thus:

   rat=: x:
   dec=: rat^:_1

   d=: rat c
1 2 3 4 5 6
   % table d
| |1   2   3   4   5   6|
|1|1 1r2 1r3 1r4 1r5 1r6|
|2|2   1 2r3 1r2 2r5 1r3|
|3|3 3r2   1 3r4 3r5 1r2|
|4|4   2 4r3   1 4r5 2r3|
|5|5 5r2 5r3 5r4   1 5r6|
|6|6   3   2 3r2 6r5   1|
   e=: dec d
1 2 3 4 5 6
   % table e
| |1   2        3    4   5        6|
|1|1 0.5 0.333333 0.25 0.2 0.166667|
|2|2   1 0.666667  0.5 0.4 0.333333|
|3|3 1.5        1 0.75 0.6      0.5|
|4|4   2  1.33333    1 0.8 0.666667|
|5|5 2.5  1.66667 1.25   1 0.833333|
|6|6   3        2  1.5 1.2        1|
  1. To gain familiarity with the use of the computer, enter some of the expressions from Chapter 1, and compare the results with those shown in the text.

2B. Number of places S2B.

The precision of the decimal approximations in the table % table c is limited to six digits after the decimal point. This is a matter of convenience in display -- the results are actually computed to about eighteen decimal digits, of which only the first few are shown.

The following function may be defined and used to display any number of digits:

   set=: 9!:11
   set 12
   2 % 3
   dec 2r3
   set 6

2C. Displays S2C.

Tables and other results may also be displayed for convenient comparison, using the comma-dot to place them side-by-side, and the comma to place one table below another. For example:
   (+ table r),.(- table r)
|   |1r5 2r5 3r5 4r5    1  6r5|   |1r5  2r5  3r5  4r5    1  6r5|
|1r5|2r5 3r5 4r5   1  6r5  7r5|1r5|  0 _1r5 _2r5 _3r5 _4r5   _1|
|2r5|3r5 4r5   1 6r5  7r5  8r5|2r5|1r5    0 _1r5 _2r5 _3r5 _4r5|
|3r5|4r5   1 6r5 7r5  8r5  9r5|3r5|2r5  1r5    0 _1r5 _2r5 _3r5|
|4r5|  1 6r5 7r5 8r5  9r5    2|4r5|3r5  2r5  1r5    0 _1r5 _2r5|
|  1|6r5 7r5 8r5 9r5    2 11r5|  1|4r5  3r5  2r5  1r5    0 _1r5|
|6r5|7r5 8r5 9r5   2 11r5 12r5|6r5|  1  4r5  3r5  2r5  1r5    0|

  (* table a),(* table r)
|   |        1  2  3  4  5  6        |
| 1 |        1  2  3  4  5  6        |
| 2 |        2  4  6  8 10 12        |
| 3 |        3  6  9 12 15 18        |
| 4 |        4  8 12 16 20 24        |
| 5 |        5 10 15 20 25 30        |
| 6 |        6 12 18 24 30 36        |
|   | 1r5   2r5   3r5   4r5   1   6r5|
|1r5|1r25  2r25  3r25  4r25 1r5  6r25|
|2r5|2r25  4r25  6r25  8r25 2r5 12r25|
|3r5|3r25  6r25  9r25 12r25 3r5 18r25|
|4r5|4r25  8r25 12r25 16r25 4r5 24r25|
|  1| 1r5   2r5   3r5   4r5   1   6r5|
|6r5|6r25 12r25 18r25 24r25 6r5 36r25|
Function tables may also be produced without their bordering arguments by using the operator /, and other functions may be applied to such tables. For example:
    a %/ a
1 1r2 1r3 1r4 1r5 1r6
2   1 2r3 1r2 2r5 1r3
3 3r2   1 3r4 3r5 1r2
4   2 4r3   1 4r5 2r3
5 5r2 5r3 5r4   1 5r6
6   3   2 3r2 6r5   1

   (a %/ a)*(a */ a)
 1  1  1  1  1  1
 4  4  4  4  4  4
 9  9  9  9  9  9
16 16 16 16 16 16
25 25 25 25 25 25
36 36 36 36 36 36

2D. Integer Lists S2D.

i.5 produces a list of the first five non-negative integers, and i:5 produces a symmetric list from _5 to 5. Both are convenient for exploring tables:
      (* table i.5),.(* table i:5)
| |0 1 2  3  4|  | _5  _4  _3  _2 _1 0  1   2   3   4   5|
| |           |_5| 25  20  15  10  5 0 _5 _10 _15 _20 _25|
| |           |_4| 20  16  12   8  4 0 _4  _8 _12 _16 _20|
| |           |_3| 15  12   9   6  3 0 _3  _6  _9 _12 _15|
|0|0 0 0  0  0|_2| 10   8   6   4  2 0 _2  _4  _6  _8 _10|
|1|0 1 2  3  4|_1|  5   4   3   2  1 0 _1  _2  _3  _4  _5|
|2|0 2 4  6  8| 0|  0   0   0   0  0 0  0   0   0   0   0|
|3|0 3 6  9 12| 1| _5  _4  _3  _2 _1 0  1   2   3   4   5|
|4|0 4 8 12 16| 2|_10  _8  _6  _4 _2 0  2   4   6   8  10|
| |           | 3|_15 _12  _9  _6 _3 0  3   6   9  12  15|
| |           | 4|_20 _16 _12  _8 _4 0  4   8  12  16  20|
| |           | 5|_25 _20 _15 _10 _5 0  5  10  15  20  25|

  1. Examine the second multiplication table above, and formulate a rule for the sign of a product in terms of the signs of its factors.

  2. Examine the rows and columns, and give reasons for the alternation of signs between quadrants.
The signum or sign function denoted by * gives _1 for a negative argument, 0 for a zero argument, and 1 for a positive argument. When applied on (that is, to the result of) multiplication it yields a table that shows the pattern of the signs in the multiplication table more clearly. Thus:
   sign=: *
     on=: @

   (sign on *) table i:5
|  |_5 _4 _3 _2 _1 0  1  2  3  4  5|
|_5| 1  1  1  1  1 0 _1 _1 _1 _1 _1|
|_4| 1  1  1  1  1 0 _1 _1 _1 _1 _1|
|_3| 1  1  1  1  1 0 _1 _1 _1 _1 _1|
|_2| 1  1  1  1  1 0 _1 _1 _1 _1 _1|
|_1| 1  1  1  1  1 0 _1 _1 _1 _1 _1|
| 0| 0  0  0  0  0 0  0  0  0  0  0|
| 1|_1 _1 _1 _1 _1 0  1  1  1  1  1|
| 2|_1 _1 _1 _1 _1 0  1  1  1  1  1|
| 3|_1 _1 _1 _1 _1 0  1  1  1  1  1|
| 4|_1 _1 _1 _1 _1 0  1  1  1  1  1|
| 5|_1 _1 _1 _1 _1 0  1  1  1  1  1|
The pattern of signs in the multiplication table may be made more understandable by considering the behaviour of individual rows and columns: each proceeds by "counting by" the number at its head. For example, the row headed by 3 begins with _15, and proceeds by steps of three through _12 and _9 to 15. At some point it passes through the column of zeros, and the result must therefore change sign. Similar remarks apply to "counting by negative numbers", and to columns.

2E. Vocabulary S2E.

The complete J vocabulary can be displayed by pressing the key labelled F1, can then be printed as indicated, and can be closed by pressing the Escape key (labelled Esc). With the vocabulary displayed, the complete definition of any of its items may be displayed (and perhaps printed) by clicking the mouse on the desired item.

It may be interesting to explore the behaviour of various functions by producing their tables, either before or after studying their definitions. Moreover, it may be helpful to first assign more familiar names. For example:

   gcd=: +.
   lcm=: *.
   (gcd table ,. lcm table) a
| |1 2 3 4 5 6| |1  2  3  4  5  6|
|1|1 1 1 1 1 1|1|1  2  3  4  5  6|
|2|1 2 1 2 1 2|2|2  2  6  4 10  6|
|3|1 1 3 1 1 3|3|3  6  3 12 15  6|
|4|1 2 1 4 1 2|4|4  4 12  4 20 12|
|5|1 1 1 1 5 1|5|5 10 15 20  5 30|
|6|1 2 3 2 1 6|6|6  6  6 12 30  6|
Composite functions can also be tabled. For example:
   ((lcm */ gcd) table ,. (* table)) a
| |1  2  3  4  5  6| |1  2  3  4  5  6|
|1|1  2  3  4  5  6|1|1  2  3  4  5  6|
|2|2  4  6  8 10 12|2|2  4  6  8 10 12|
|3|3  6  9 12 15 18|3|3  6  9 12 15 18|
|4|4  8 12 16 20 24|4|4  8 12 16 20 24|
|5|5 10 15 20 25 30|5|5 10 15 20 25 30|
|6|6 12 18 24 30 36|6|6 12 18 24 30 36|


  1. Choose other functions from the Vocabulary for experiments such as:
       < table a
       ((< table ,. > table),(<: table,.= table)) a

  2. Make and study tables for the greatest common divisor (gcd=: +.) and the least common multiple (lcm=: *.).

  3. Exercise 3 of Section 1J asked to formulate rules for multiplying rational numbers. Re- examine the matter using the gcd function and the function nd=: 2&x: that gives the numerator and denominator (as a two-element list) of a rational number.

  4. Extend the discussion of the preceding exercise to the division of rationals.

  5. Use i. and i: to make tables of the comparison functions < and > and = .

  6. Make tables for <. (minimum) and >. (maximum).

  7. Make the table ! table i.5, and comment on the results.

The expression 3!5 gives the number of distinct collections of three items that can be chosen from a collection of five distinct items. For example, here are the ways of choosing three at a time from the first five letters of the alphabet:


The function ! might therefore be called outof but, for reasons that will appear later, we will call it the binomial coefficient function, and abbreviate it as bc. If the zeros in the table produced in Exercise 7 are ignored, a triangle remains. This triangle (or some orientation of it) is (wrongly, according to Hogben, p194) called Pascal"s triangle.

Functions for other useful lists are easily defined:

   even=:  2:*i.
    odd=:  1:+2:*i.
    pow=:  2:^i.
     i1=:  1:+i.
     i2=:  2:+i.
   (even,.odd,.pow,.i1,.i2) 6
 0  1  1 1 2
 2  3  2 2 3
 4  5  4 3 4
 6  7  8 4 5
 8  9 16 5 6
10 11 32 6 7

The expressions 2^3 and 2^2 are defined by 2*2*2 and 2*2, respectively, but it is not clear what this implies for 2^1 (multiplication with one factor?) or for 2^0 and 2^_1. Function tables give clues to the pattern to be expected:

   2 3 ^ table 2 3 4 5
| |2  3  4   5|
|2|4  8 16  32|
|3|9 27 81 243|

The patterns progress to the right by multiplying by the argument (2 or 3); conversely they progress to the left by dividing by the argument, giving the following results for the exponents 1 and 0, and for negative exponents:

   2 3 ^ table 0 1 2 3 4 5
| |0 1 2  3  4   5|
|2|1 2 4  8 16  32|
|3|1 3 9 27 81 243|

   2 3 ^ table i:5r1
| |   _5   _4   _3  _2  _1 0 1 2  3  4   5|
|2| 1r32 1r16  1r8 1r4 1r2 1 2 4  8 16  32|
|3|1r243 1r81 1r27 1r9 1r3 1 3 9 27 81 243|

   ^ table i:5r1
|  |     _5    _4     _3   _2   _1 0  1  2    3   4     5|
|_5|_1r3125 1r625 _1r125 1r25 _1r5 1 _5 25 _125 625 _3125|
|_4|_1r1024 1r256  _1r64 1r16 _1r4 1 _4 16  _64 256 _1024|
|_3| _1r243  1r81  _1r27  1r9 _1r3 1 _3  9  _27  81  _243|
|_2|  _1r32  1r16   _1r8  1r4 _1r2 1 _2  4   _8  16   _32|
|_1|     _1     1     _1    1   _1 1 _1  1   _1   1    _1|
| 0|      _     _      _    _    _ 1  0  0    0   0     0|
| 1|      1     1      1    1    1 1  1  1    1   1     1|
| 2|   1r32  1r16    1r8  1r4  1r2 1  2  4    8  16    32|
| 3|  1r243  1r81   1r27  1r9  1r3 1  3  9   27  81   243|
| 4| 1r1024 1r256   1r64 1r16  1r4 1  4 16   64 256  1024|
| 5| 1r3125 1r625  1r125 1r25  1r5 1  5 25  125 625  3125|

2F. Functions over lists S2F.

The expression 1+4+1+4+2 is said to apply addition over the list 1 4 1 4 2. This sum may also be expressed by applying the over adverb / to the function +, as in +/1 4 1 4 2. It may be applied to other functions similarly:
   a=: 1 4 1 4 2
   n=: 6
   b=: i1 n
1 2 3 4 5 6
The / used in the expressions +/ and */ is called an adverb because it applies to a verb to produce a related verb. In math, an adverb is also called an operator, a rather non-committal term adopted by the mathematician Oliver Heaviside about a century ago.

The sum +/ and the list i. can be used to clarify (or at least re-express) the polynomial function introduced in Section 1I. Thus:

   x=: 4
   c=: 2 3 4
   c p. x
   x^0 1 2
1 4 16
   c*x^0 1 2
2 12 64
   +/c*x^0 1 2

In the final expression above it was essential that the argument 3 equalled the number of items in the list of coefficients. This can be expressed for any coefficient list by using the number function # as follows:

0 1 2
   d=: 1 4 6 4 1
   (d p. x),(x+1)^4
625 625

2G. Notes S2G.

These two chapters have provided numerous examples of the evaluation of a variety of functions, but have not provided proofs or demonstrations of the properties of these functions or of relations among them.

On the other hand, the use of lists and tables has provided organized presentations of these examples that make it easy to recognize properties -- properties such as the commutativity of the functions plus, times, maximum, and greatest common divisor in the symmetry of their tables, as well as certain "skew-symmetries" evident in the tables for subtraction, division, and less-than.

Careful study of function tables can provide other insights such as the "counting by a constant" that occurs in rows and columns of certain functions, leading, in particular, (in Section 2D) to an informal proof or demonstration of the necessity for the familiar behaviour of the products of signed numbers -- the product of numbers of opposite signs is negative, and the product of two of the same sign is positive.

Conclusions about functions (such as the relation of prime numbers to the multiplication table, and rules for the multiplication of rational numbers) have been left to Exercises, as in those for Sections 1G and 1J. It is important to attempt these Exercises -- to repeat Hogben"s advice: "What you get out of the book depends on your co-operation in the business of learning".

Nevertheless, we will devote some attention to deriving certain relations, and will devote a separate chapter (11) to the treatment of proofs. Similarly in the matter of language (whose importance is so strongly stated by Hogben in the paragraph shown in our preface), we have introduced the necessary notation in context with no general discussion of the grammar involved, and will defer such matters to a separate chapter (10).

However, these cited chapters are relatively self-contained, and can be consulted at any point. But first we will introduce graphing as a further tool for making certain mathematical relations evident. Concerning graphs, Hogben has this to say (p 86):

A third kind of pictorial language used in mathematics has its origin in the construction of star maps and later of earth maps in the last two centuries before the beginning of the Christian era.

Such is co-ordinate geometry for which the slang word is graphs. It did not come into its own before the century of Newton, whereafter it led to many discoveries.

Unlike Euclid"s geometry, it can bring the measurement of time into the picture. For instance, it exposes (Fig. 1) why and when Achilles (pp 12-13) caught up with (and passed) the tortoise.

3: Graphs and Visualization

3A. Plotting

3B. Local behaviour and area

3C. Graphs versus function tables

3D. Notes

3A. Plotting S3A.

A table of the function "twenty-five minus the square", or "twenty-five with minus on the square" for each item of the argument x=: i:5 can be prepared as follows:

   f=: 25 with - on *:
   x=: i:5
   x,:f x
_5 _4 _3 _2 _1  0  1  2  3 4 5
 0  9 16 21 24 25 24 21 16 9 0
Study of such a function table can reveal much about the behaviour of the function: for example, from 0 at the argument _5, it grows at an ever-decreasing rate to a high point at 0 25, and then declines at an ever-increasing rate to 5 0.

However, the characteristics of the function can be seen more easily in a graph of the function, produced by plotting each column of the table as follows: starting at an arbitrary point on a sheet of squared paper measure a distance x to the right (or left, if negative), and a distance f x upward (or downward, if negative), and mark the resulting point. Then join adjacent points by "lines", and points to arguments by "sticks".

Graphs can be produced quickly and accurately by the computer as follows:

   load 'plot'
   PLOT=: 'line,stick' with plot
   PLOT x;f x
A plot can be removed from the screen (to permit further computation) by pressing the key labelled Esc. However, anyone unfamiliar with such graphs should perhaps make a few by hand, using simple functions such as the cube (f=: ^ with 3), negation (f=: -), and the identity (f=: ]).

Plots of polynomial functions may show further interesting characteristics. For example, study the plot of the following function, use x,:fs x or x,.fs x to make its table, and compare your observations with the remarks given below:

   fs=: 0 1 0 _1r6 0 1r120 0 _1r5040 with p.
   x=: 1r3*i:10
   PLOT x;fs x

Remarks: fs appears to be an oscillating function that begins at about (-3+1r7),0; drops at a decreasing rate to a low of _1; rises through 0 0 to a high of 1; and again drops to about (3+1r7),0.

The result of PLOT x;f x is said to be a plot of f x "against" or "versus" the argument x. A function can also be plotted against another function, as illustrated in the following exercise.


  1. Execute the following sentences, and comment on the results:
       fc=: 1 0 _1r2 0 1r24 0 _1r720 0 1r40320 with p.
       set 5
       x,.fc x
       PLOT x;fc x
       (fc x),.(fs x)
       PLOT (fc x);(fs x)

To anyone familiar with the functions sine and cosine of trigonometry, it may be evident that the functions fs and fc are approximations of them.

Moreover, the cosine and sine of a given angle are sometimes defined as the coordinates of a point on the unit circle of radius 1, located at the given angle (that is, the arc length along the circumference). It should therefore come as no surprise that the plot of fs against fc in the preceding exercise produced an approximate circle.

The expression d,:e produces a two-rowed table from the lists d and e, and expressions of the form c,d,:e form multi-rowed tables from further lists. Moreover, PLOT x;c,d,:e plots each of the lists against x in a single graph, providing visual comparison of the functions represented by the lists.


  1. PLOT x;(fs x),:fc x)

  2. PLOT x;(fs x),:fc x-3r2)

3B. Local behaviour and area S3B.

In addition to providing an overall view of a function, its graph shows the local behaviour, the slopes of the individual segments reflecting its local rates of growth and decay.

Moreover, the graph provides a direct view of the area under it, a result of considerable significance.

This will be illustrated by a plot of a semi-circle. The function cir=: 0 with o. gives the square root of one minus the square of its argument. Its plot for the argument a=: 1r5*i:5 is therefore a rough approximation to a semi-circle with a radius of one unit. Thus:

   cir=: 0 with o.
   a=: 1r5 * i:5
_1 _4r5 _3r5 _2r5 _1r5 0 1r5 2r5 3r5 4r5 1
   PLOT a;cir a

The function sum=: +/ sums a list, and sum cir a therefore sums the altitudes of the graph of the semi-circle, thus giving an approximation to its area (except that the sum must be multiplied by 1r5, the common width of the trapezoids that form the area). Thus:

   sum=: +/
   1r5 * sum cir a
   2*1r5 * sum cir a

The last result is the approximate area of the complete circle, and is therefore an approximation to the constant pi. Better approximations are provided by a larger number of points:

   b=: 1r1000 * i:1000
   2 * +/1r1000 * cir b

3C. Graphs versus function tables S3C.

Insights provided by the graph of the function cir that are not provided so directly by its function table are based upon the pairwise views of adjacent points; the slopes of the line segments between them reflect the rate of change of the function, and the trapezoids defined by them provide a basis for the area.

Tables of functions that apply pairwise to their arguments can, however, provide similar insights. Moreover, they can provide other information (such as the rate of change of the rate of change) not readily grasped from a graph. To this end we will define a pairwise operator pw, a sum function, a commuted difference function, and an average or mean function. Thus:

   pw=: 1 : '2 with (u.\)'
   sum=: +/
   dif=: -~/
   mean=: sum % #
   y=:  cir a
0 0.6 0.8 0.917 0.98 1 0.98 0.917 0.8 0.6 0
   mean y
   mean pw y NB. Average heights of the trapezoids
0.3 0.7 0.86 0.95 0.99 0.99 0.95 0.86 0.7 0.3
   dif pw y
0.6 0.2 0.12 0.063 0.02 _0.02 _0.063 _0.12 _0.2 _0.6
We will further illustrate the pairwise operator on a function for the Fibonacci numbers, using a definition discussed under "generating functions" in [2]:
   fib=: (0 1 with p. % 1 _1 _1 with p.)t.
   x=:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
   fib x
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233

   sum pw fib x
2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377

   sum pw sum pw fib x
5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610

   dif pw fib x
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

   gm=: %/pw fib x  NB. Pairwise ratios
   set 4
   gm NB. Appproximations to golden mean
1 0.5 0.6667 0.6 0.625 0.6154 0.619 0.6176 0.6182 0.618 0.6181 0.618
   gm * 1 + gm
2 0.75 1.111 0.96 1.016 0.9941 1.002 0.9991 1 0.9999 1 1

Pairwise relations such as dif pw f x are easily seen in a graph of f, but repeated use (as in dif pw dif pw f x) are not. They can, however, provide interesting results when applied to familiar functions. For example:

   sqr=: ^ with 2
   sqr x
1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169
   dif pw sqr x
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25
   dif pw dif pw sqr x
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
   dif pw dif pw dif pw sqr x
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

   dp=: dif pw
   dp sqr x
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25
   dp dp sqr x
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

   cube=: ^ with 3
   cube x
1 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729 1000 1331 1728 2197
   dp cube x
7 19 37 61 91 127 169 217 271 331 397 469
   dp dp cube x
12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
   dp dp dp cube x
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

  1. Experiment with pairwise differences of other power functions, and of polynomials.

  2. Experiment with the function p2=: 2 with ^ and the use of the pair-wise quotients %/ pw and %~/ pw on it.

3D. Notes S3D.

Chapters 2 and 3 introduced two important facilities for the study of functions, the function table, and graphs. Chapter 1 introduced one particularly important function, the polynomial -- important because it can approximate, and therefore be used to study, a wide range of functions. The next chapter examines it further.

Any reader puzzled by certain notations (such as the double use of * for both signum and multiplication in Section 1D) may wish to turn now to the two-page discussion of trains, inflections, ambivalence, and bonding in Section 10D.

4: Polynomials

4A. Bonding

4B. Notes

4A. Bonding S4A.

The polynomial function introduced in Chapter 1 is a function of two arguments, the first of which is commonly called the coefficients of the function. Using the example from Chapter 1:
   x=: 4
   2 3 4 p. x
   c=: 2 3 4
   c p. x
   g=: c with p.
   g x
The expression g=: c with p. illustrates the fact that the function p. can be bonded with a list of coefficients to define a specific polynomial function g. Consider the following examples:
   c2=: 1 2 1
   c3=: 1 3 3 1
   c4=: 1 4 6 4 1
   y=: 0 1 2 3 4 5
   f2=: c2 with p.
   f2 y
1 4 9 16 25 36

   f3=: c3 with p.
   f3 y
1 8 27 64 125 216

   (f2 y) * (f3 y)
1 32 243 1024 3125 7776
   g=: f2 * f3
   g y
1 32 243 1024 3125 7776
The Taylor operator t. applies to a polynomial such as f3 to produce a function which, applied in turn to an integer i, gives coefficient i of the polynomial. For example:
   f3 t. 2
   f3 t. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 3 3 1 0 0 0
   (f2 * f3) t. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 10 10 5 1 0
The result of f2 f3 y is said to be the result of applying f2 to the result of f3. The corresponding function is denoted by f2 on f3. For example:
   f3 y
1 8 27 64 125 216
   f2 1 8 27 64 125 216
4 81 784 4225 15876 47089
   f2 f3 y
4 81 784 4225 15876 47089
   h=: f2 on f3
   h y
4 81 784 4225 15876 47089
   h t. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4 12 21 22 15 6 1 0 0


  1. Determine the coefficients of various polynomials such as:
       g1=: f2 * f2
       g2=: f2 * f2 * f2
       g3=: f3 - f2
       g4=: f3 on g

Polynomials are important for a number of reasons:

* Because of the wide choice of coefficients available, polynomials can be defined to approximate most functions of practical interest.

* As already illustrated for sums, products, and composition of polynomials, they are closed under a number of important functions, in the sense that the resulting function is again a polynomial. These include:

SUM          c with p. + d with p.

DIFFERENCE   c with p. - d with p.

PRODUCT      c with p. * d with p.

COMPOSITION  (c with p.) on (d with p.)

SLOPE        or rate of increase over an interval

DERIVATIVE   or limit of the slope over small intervals

AGGREGATE    or area under the graph of a function

INTEGRAL     or limit of the area for small intervals

In most of these cases, the Taylor operator can be used to obtain the coefficients of the resulting polynomial.

4B. Notes S4B.

This brief treatment of polynomials is enough to provide a basis for the treatment of the important topics of Power Series, Slope and Derivative, Growth and Decay, and Vibrations in the next four chapters. We therefore defer further discussion of the polynomial to Chapter 16: Polynomials and Number Systems. That chapter may, however, be attempted at any point.

With increasing use of computer experimentation, it becomes important to learn to use the available tools. In particular:

  1. Use the left and right arrows to position the cursor, and use the delete (Del) and Backspace keys to delete text.

  2. Use the up arrow to move the cursor to an earlier line, press the Enter key to bring it to the entry line, and then edit and re-enter it.

  3. Hold down the Ctrl key and press N to open a script window that does not execute entries, but allows them to be freely edited and then run (in the execution window, to which you may return by entering Ctrl Tab).

  4. The run is performed by entering Ctrl Shift W, or silently by entering Ctrl W. A selected segment may be run by using the mouse or shift key to highlight it, and then entering Ctrl E.

  5. Learn to use more general facilities by using the mouse to drop the Help menu, and then using it to select the index and other information offered.

  6. Any unfamiliar term such as sine or magnitude (or its synonym absolute value) may be found in an English dictionary, or it may be ignored and returned to as suggested in Section 1L.

5: Power Series

5A. Introduction

5B. Truncated power series

5C. Notes

5A. Introduction S5A.

Elements of a list may be identified and selected by its indices, beginning at zero. For example:
   a=:  1 2 3 4 5 6 ^ 3
1 8 27 64 125 216
   0 { a
   1 { a
   5 { a
   6 { a
|index error
|   6    {a
A polynomial whose coefficients may be expressed as a function of their indices is called a power series. For example:
   g=: ! with 3
   g i. 8
1 3 3 1 0 0 0 0
   (g i.8) with p. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 8 27 64 125 216 343
g 0 gives the number of distinct ways that zero things can be chosen from three things; g 1 gives the number of ways that one thing can be chosen, and so on, to the case g 4 which shows that four things can be chosen from three in no ways. The resulting coefficients are those used in c3 in Section 4A; h=: ! with 4 gives those used in c4, and so on. The coefficients:
   0 1 0 _1r6 0 1r120 0 _1r5040
   1 0 _1r2 0 1r24 0 _1r720 0 1r40320
used in Section 3A can also be expressed as power series. Both lists are reciprocal factorials (such as 1r24 and 1r120) multiplied by _1 or 0 or 1. The power series function for the first is given by:
   ps=: % on ! * 2 with | * _1: ^ 3: = 4: | ]
   ps 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10r1
0 1 0 _1r6 0 1r120 0 _1r5040 0 1r362880 0


  1. Define a power series function pc for the second list of coefficients given above.

5B. Truncated power series S5B.

For the power series g=: ! with 3, the coefficients following the first four are all zero, and the truncated series g i.4 therefore defines a polynomial that is equivalent to the longer list produced by g i.8. Thus:
   g i.4
1 3 3 1
   (g i.4) with p. x=: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 8 27 64 125 216 343
   g i.8
1 3 3 1 0 0 0 0
   (g i.8) with p. x
1 8 27 64 125 216 343

On the other hand, the power series: ps=: % on ! * 2 with | * _1: ^ 3: = 4: | ] never "terminates" with all zeros. However, the reciprocal factorial factor (% on !) ensures that successive terms diminish rapidly in magnitude, and a short series may therefore provide a good approximation. For example:

   ] c12=: ps i. 12r1
0 1 0 _1r6 0 1r120 0 _1r5040 0 1r362880 0 _1r39916800
   ] c10=: ps i. 10r1
0 1 0 _1r6 0 1r120 0 _1r5040 0 1r362880
   set 9
   dec (c12 with p. ,c10 with p.) 2
0.909296136 0.909347443
However, the definition of the polynomial in Section 1I shows that successive coefficients are multiplied by successive powers of the argument x. For large arguments, the growth of this factor may be fast enough to overpower the decrease in the coefficient. For example:
   dec (c12 with p. ,c10 with p.) 5
_1.1336173 0.08963018
For small arguments (particularly for those less than one in magnitude), reasonably short power series of the type that includes a reciprocal factorial factor provide good approximations. For example:
   dec ((ps i.20) with p.,(ps i.18) with p.) 5
_0.958933165 _0.958776369
   y=: 1r5 * i:5
_1 _4r5 _3r5 _2r5 _1r5 0 1r5 2r5 3r5 4r5 1

   sin=: 1 with o.
   ((ps i.10) with p.,.(ps i.8) with p.,.sin) y
_0.841471010 _0.841468254 _0.841470985
_0.717356093 _0.717355723 _0.717356091
_0.564642473 _0.564642446 _0.564642473
_0.389418342 _0.389418342 _0.389418342
_0.198669331 _0.198669331 _0.198669331
           0            0            0
 0.198669331  0.198669331  0.198669331
 0.389418342  0.389418342  0.389418342
 0.564642473  0.564642446  0.564642473
 0.717356093  0.717355723  0.717356091
 0.841471010  0.841468254  0.841470985 

As illustrated by the last column, these truncated power series are approximations to the trigonometric sine function (on radian arguments). Moreover, the Taylor operator t. can be used to produce the power series for the sine as follows:

   sin t. i. 12r1
0 1 0 _1r6 0 1r120 0 _1r5040 0 1r362880 0 _1r39916800

   sign sin t. i. 12r1
0 1 0 _1 0 1 0 _1 0 1 0 _1


  1. Try Taylor series of other functions, including the exponential ^

  2. Comment on the results of the following:
       q=: (^t.i),.(1 with o.t.i),.(2 with o.t.i=: i.12x)

5C. Notes S5C.

Power series are of great importance in math, and it is tempting to digress in a discussion of reasons for this importance, much as was done for polynomials in Section 4A.

However, it was possible to confine that discussion to rather elementary ideas, whereas a meaningful discussion of the uses of power series would quickly lead to more advanced and less familiar mathematical notions outside the experience of many readers.

The same is true of many topics (such as the derivative, symbolic logic, sets, and permutations), and we will leave the reader to observe the importance of topics as they are exploited in later work. In other words, some faith is expected of the reader " a belief that topics will be introduced only if they are both important and interesting.

6: Slope and Derivative

6A. Approximation to the derivative (rate of change)

6B. Derivatives of polynomials

6C. Taylor coefficients

6D. Notes

6A. Approximation to the derivative (rate of change) S6A.

As remarked in Section 3B, the slopes of the segments of a graph show the average rate of change of a function between adjacent points. Plotting more points at lesser intervals gives a better approximation. For example:
   c=: 4 _3 _2 1
   f=: c with p.
   x1=: i.4
   PLOT x1;f x1

   x2=: 1r10*i.31
   PLOT x2;f x2

   x3=: 1r100 * i.301
   PLOT x3;f x3

Considered as a sample of points on a continuous graph of the function (using an infinite number of points), these sloping lines are secants (cutting lines) to the continuous curve, and the slope at a point is the tangent (touching line) to the curve, which may be approximated by a secant with a small interval.

The expression ((f x+r)-(f x))%r gives the slope of the graph of f between arguments x and x+r as the ratio of the rise (f x+r)-(f x) to the run r. For example:

   x=: 2
   r=: 1r10
   ((f x+r)-(f x)) % r
   x=: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
   r=: 1r1000
   ((f x+r)-(f x)) % r
_3.002 _3.999 1.004 12.007 29.01 52.013 81.016

   r=: 1r10000
   ((f x+r)-(f x)) % r
_3.0002 _3.9999 1.0004 12.001 29.001 52.001 81.002
For these small values of the run, the slopes appear to be "approaching a limiting value" given approximately by the run of one ten-thousandth. This limiting value is the derivative of the function f, that is, the slope of the tangent. The value r=: 0 might seem appropriate, but this only gives the meaningless division of a zero rise by a zero run. Thus:
   r=: 0
   ((f x+r)-(f x)) % r
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The desired result is given by the derivative operator d., with f d.1 giving the (first) derivative of f and f d.2 giving the second derivative (that is, the derivative of the derivative), and so on. For example:
   f d.1 x
_3 _4 1 12 29 52 81
   f d.2 x
_4 2 8 14 20 26 32
   f d.1 2 3 4 5 x
_3 _4 6 0 0
_4  2 6 0 0
 1  8 6 0 0
12 14 6 0 0
29 20 6 0 0
52 26 6 0 0
81 32 6 0 0
Moreover, the application of the Taylor operator to the resulting derivatives show them to be terminating power series, that is, ordinary polynomials:
   d=:  f d.1 t. i.7
_3 _4 3 0 0 0 0
   f d.2 t. i.7
_4 6 0 0 0 0 0
   d with p. x
_3 _4 1 12 29 52 81
   d with p. d.1 x
_4 2 8 14 20 26 32
   f d.2 x
_4 2 8 14 20 26 32
The coefficients d of the first derivative polynomial must bear some relation to the coefficients c of the original polynomial f. We will explore this relation by examining their ratios, as seen in their divide table:
   d % table c
|  |   4  _3   _2  1|
|_3|_3r4   1  3r2 _3|
|_4|  _1 4r3    2 _4|
| 3| 3r4  _1 _3r2  3|
| 0|   0   0    0  0|
| 0|   0   0    0  0|
| 0|   0   0    0  0|
| 0|   0   0    0  0|
The diagonal of successive integers 1 2 3 suggests that d may be obtained from c by multiplying by successive integers, and rotating the result one place to the left:
4 _3 _2 1
   #c NB. number of elements in c
0 1 2 3
   c * i.#c
0 _3 _4 3
   1 |. c * i.#c
_3 _4 3 0
_3 _4 3 0 0 0 0
We will first test this relation on another polynomial function and then, in the following section, examine the question of why the relation holds in general:
   c2=: ! with 5 i.6
1 5 10 10 5 1
   f2=: c2 with p.
   d2=: f2 d.1 t. i.5
5 20 30 20 5
   1 |. c2 * i.#c2
5 20 30 20 5 0

6B. Derivatives of polynomials S6B.

The polynomial f=: 4 1 3 2 with p. is a sum of four monomials. Thus:
   f=: 4 1 3 2  with p.
   f0=: 4 with * on (^ with 0)
   f1=: 1 with * on (^ with 1)
   f2=: 3 with * on (^ with 2)
   f3=: 2 with * on (^ with 3)
   (f0,f1,f2,:f3) x
4 4  4  4   4   4   4
0 1  2  3   4   5   6
0 3 12 27  48  75 108
0 2 16 54 128 250 432
   (f0+f1+f2+f3) x
4 10 30 76 160 294 490
   f x
4 10 30 76 160 294 490
Any slope of a function that is a sum of functions equals the sum of the corresponding slopes of the component functions, and the derivative of a sum of functions is therefore the sum of the derivatives of the corresponding functions. For example:
   (f0 d.1 , f1 d.1 , f2 d.1 ,: f3 d.1) x
0 0  0  0  0   0   0
1 1  1  1  1   1   1
0 6 12 18 24  30  36
0 6 24 54 96 150 216

   (f0 d.1 + f1 d.1 + f2 d.1 + f3 d.1) x
1 13 37 73 121 181 253
   f d.1 x
1 13 37 73 121 181 253
Similar remarks apply to the multiplication that occurs in the monomials. For example, in f2=: 3 with * on (^ with 2), the multiplication by three of the square function (^ with 2) multiplies each of its slopes by three, and therefore multiplies its derivative by three. It remains to determine the derivative of power functions such as the square. If f=: ^ with 2, then the rise (f x+r)-(f x) is given by the square of x+r (that is, (x+r)*(x+r)) minus the square of x.

Multiplication of the sums gives the square of x plus 2*x*r plus the square of r, and subtraction of the square of x then leaves a rise of 2*x*r plus the square of r. The slope of the square function (for the run r) is then given by dividing this sum by r to obtain (2*x)+r. The derivative is then given by the case for r=: 0, that is, 2*x (or, equivalently, 2*x^1).

Similar calculations for the product (x+r)*(x+r)*(x+r)gives 3*x^2 for the derivative of the cube ^ with 3, and, in general, gives n*x^(n-1)for the derivative of ^ with n. The contribution of a monomial cn * x ^ n to the derivative polynomial is therefore the monomial n * cn * x ^ (n-1), which therefore appears as a coefficient n * cn displaced one place to the left in the list of coefficients.

This is all embodied in the calculation d=: 1: |. c * i.#c given in the preceding section for the coefficients d of the derivative polynomial. These results will be summarized by defining a function der which, applied to a list of coefficients of a polynomial, gives the list of coefficients of the derivative polynomial. We will illustrate its use on the polynomial graphed in Section A, and will graph it together with the secant slopes of the function so that they can be compared:

   der=: 1: |. ] * i. on #
   c=: 4 _3 _2 1
   d=: der c
_3 _4 3 0
   x2=: 1r10*i.31
   PLOT x2 ; (c with p. ,: d with p.) x2

Note that the zero value of the graph of the derivative occurs at the argument value for which the original function reaches its low point, that is, where its graph is horizontal.

The phrase derivative of f correctly suggests that it is a function derived from f, but it is only one among many (such as the inverse) also derived from f. The phrase slope of f would be more informative, and could be distinguished from the associated secant slope of f.

6C. Taylor coefficients S6C.

It is also interesting to compare the Taylor coefficients of the derivative of the polynomial d with p. with the result of the function der:
   d with p. d.1 t. i.8
_4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
   der d
_4 6 0 0
As a foretaste of the growth and oscillating functions of the next two chapters, we will also show Taylor series for the exponential and sine functions:
   exp=: ^
   exp t. i=:  i.10r1
1 1 1r2 1r6 1r24 1r120 1r720 1r5040 1r40320 1r362880

   exp d.1 t. i
1 1 1r2 1r6 1r24 1r120 1r720 1r5040 1r40320 1r362880
   exp d.2 t. i
1 1 1r2 1r6 1r24 1r120 1r720 1r5040 1r40320 1r362880

   sin=:  1 with o.
   ]s=: sin t. i.12r1
0 1 0 _1r6 0 1r120 0 _1r5040 0 1r362880 0 _1r39916800
   der s
1 0 _1r2 0 1r24 0 _1r720 0 1r40320 0 _1r3628800 0
   sin d.1 t. i.11r1
1 0 _1r2 0 1r24 0 _1r720 0 1r40320 0 _1r3628800
   der der s
0 _1 0 1r6 0 _1r120 0 1r5040 0 _1r362880 0 0
   der der der s
_1 0 1r2 0 _1r24 0 1r720 0 _1r40320 0 0 0
   der der der der s
0 1 0 _1r6 0 1r120 0 _1r5040 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 _1r6 0 1r120 0 _1r5040 0 1r362880 0 _1r39916800

6D. Notes S6D.

For an arbitrary function f (such as any one of the functions of trigonometry), the matter of the limiting value of the secant slope ((f x+r)-(f x)) % r as r "approaches" zero (discussed in Section 6A) raises difficult questions that are properly answered only by lengthy analysis of the notion of limits. This is what makes Calculus such a forbidding subject.

In this chapter we have skirted the issue by confining attention to polynomial functions, for which the limit of the secant slope is easily obtained. We will, however, extend these results to the many important functions that can be approximated by the power series (themselves polynomials) that were discussed in Chapter 5.

Can we be certain that the derivative of a polynomial approximation to a function f is a good approximation to the derivative of f ? Yes, but only for functions that are "uniformly continuous". This is true of a wide range of functions of practical interest, including all of those to be treated in subsequent chapters.

7: Growth and Decay

7A. Growth polynomials

7B. The name "exponential"

7A. Growth polynomials S7A.

It is a common observation that growing things (such as young plants and animals, young commercial companies, and a colony of bacteria) change not at a constant rate, but at a rate roughly proportional to present size.

The simplest case is where the rate of growth is equal to the size -- this is described by the exponential function, denoted here by ^ . In a graph of this function this relation may be seen approximately in the slopes of the secants. Thus:

   x=: 1r2*i.11
0 1r2 1 3r2 2 5r2 3 7r2 4 9r2 5
   set 4
   ^ x
1 1.649 2.718 4.482 7.389 12.18 20.09 33.12 54.6 90.02 148.4
   PLOT x;^x

Since a polynomial may be found that can approximate almost any function, it should be possible to find one that approximates the exponential. Consider the following:

   c=: 1 1 1r2 1r6 1r24 1r120 1r720 1r5040
   der=: 1:|.]*i.@:# NB. Gives coeffs of derivative
   d=: der c
1 1 1r2 1r6 1r24 1r120 1r720 0

   dec c with p. x
1 1.649 2.718 4.481 7.381 12.13 19.85 32.23 51.81 82.22 128.6
   dec d with p. x
1 1.649 2.718 4.478 7.356 12.01 19.41 30.95 48.56 74.81 113.1
The two polynomials differ only in the term 1r5040*x^7, and are therefore nearly equal for reasonably small values of x. Moreover, the pattern required of further coefficients is clear: coefficient k must be 1%!k. Thus:
   ! i. 12r1
1 1 2 6 24 120 720 5040 40320 362880 3628800 39916800
   a=: 1 % ! i. 12
   b=: der a
   (a with p. ,. b with p. ,. ^) x
    1     1     1
1.649 1.649 1.649
2.718 2.718 2.718
4.482 4.482 4.482
7.389 7.389 7.389
12.18 12.18 12.18
20.08 20.08 20.09
33.11 33.08 33.12
54.55 54.44  54.6
 89.8 89.42 90.02
147.6 146.4 148.4


  1. Experiment with expressions such as ^(x+3) and (^x) * (^3), and comment on the results.

  2. Try the following expressions, and comment on the results:
       (^x) * (^-x)
       set 2
       % ^ x
       decay=: ^ on -
       decay x
       decay t. i. 10

7B. The name Exponential S7B.

In the dyadic use of the symbol ^, the expression x^e is said to denote the base x to the exponent e, and the function x with ^ may therefore be said to be an exponential function. For example:

   e=: 1r10*i.11
0 1r10 1r5 3r10 2r5 1r2 3r5 7r10 4r5 9r10 1
1 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.7 3
   3 with ^ e
1 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.7 3
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.5 2.7
   2 with ^ e
1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.9 2
The exponential function ^ appears to lie between the functions 2 with ^ and 3 with ^. Thus:
   set 7
   (^,.2.5 with ^,.2.75 with ^,.2.71 with
^,.2.718 with ^,.1x1 with ^) e
       1        1        1        1        1        1
1.105171 1.095958 1.106454 1.104834 1.105159 1.105171
1.221403 1.201124  1.22424 1.220658 1.221377 1.221403
1.349859 1.316382 1.354565 1.348624 1.349817 1.349859
1.491825   1.4427 1.498763 1.490005 1.491763 1.491825
1.648721 1.581139 1.658312 1.646208 1.648636 1.648721
1.822119 1.732862 1.834846 1.818786 1.822005 1.822119
2.013753 1.899144 2.030172 2.009456 2.013607 2.013753
2.225541 2.081383 2.246292 2.220115 2.225356 2.225541
2.459603 2.281109 2.485418 2.452858 2.459374 2.459603
2.718282      2.5     2.75     2.71    2.718 2.718282
The base that gives the exponential exactly is called Euler"s number, and is denoted in math by e and in J by 1x1 .

8: Vibrations

8A. Introduction

8B. Harmonics

8C. Decay

8A. Introduction S8A.

Vibrations are commonly seen in the motions of a clock pendulum, of a piano string, and of a weight (such as a plumb bob suspended on a rubber band or steel spring). If the bob is pulled straight down a certain distance from its rest position and released, it visibly oscillates above and below its rest position until it is brought to rest by friction in the air and in the suspension.

If b is a function that gives the position of the bob as a function of time, then its speed or velocity is given by b d.1 (the rate of change of position), and its acceleration is given by the second derivative b d.1 d.1 (the rate of change of its velocity).

Moreover, the acceleration is caused by the "restoring force" exerted by the spring, which is proportional to its extension as measured by the position b of the bob. In other words, the second derivative b d.1 is proportional to -b.

In the simplest case -b is equal to b d.1 d.1, and we seek a polynomial with this property. Consider the coefficients of the function fs introduced in Section 3A:

   c=:  0 1 0 _1r6 0 1r120 0 _1r5040
   der c
1 0 _1r2 0 1r24 0 _1r720 0
   der der c
0 _1 0 1r6 0 _1r120 0 0
   -der der c
0 1 0 _1r6 0 1r120 0 0
The required pattern is clear: it is the same as for the exponential of Chapter 7, except that alternate coefficients are zero, and that the other coefficients alternate in sign. The function with this property is called the sine, commonly abbreviated to sin:
   sin=: 1 with o.
   sin t. i.12
0 1 0 _1r6 0 1r120 0 _1r5040 0 1r362880 0
   sin t. 20 21 22 23
0 1r51090942171709440000 0 _1r25852016738884976640000

8B. Harmonics S8B.

The function sin on (2:*]) applies the sin to the double of its argument, and therefore produces a vibration (or oscillation) of twice the frequency. It is called an harmonic of the oscillation sin. This may be seen in a combined plot of the two functions:
  x=: 1r10 * i.65
  plot x;(sin x) ,: (sin on (2:*]) x)


  1. Replace the 2 in the function sin on (2:*]) by other integers to produce other harmonics, and plot the results.

  2. Plot the function cos and some of its harmonics.

  3. Plot the function cos against its harmonic cos on (2:*]).

8C. Decay S8C.

Because of "friction" of some sort, vibrations commonly decay, usually at an approximately exponential rate determined by a function of the form decay=: ^ on - on (] % [).


  1. Plot the decaying oscillation sin * 6 with decay .

  2. Plot sine and cosine functions with rates of decay other than 6, and plot them together with their non-decaying counterparts.

9: Inverses and Equations

9A. Inverse

9B. Equations

9C. The method of false position

9D. Newton"s method

9E. Roots of Polynomials

9F. Logarithms

9A. Inverse S9A.

The predecessor function (<:) introduced in 1D is said to be the inverse of the successor function (>:) because it "undoes" its work. For example:
   >:1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 6
   <:>:1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Conversely, >: is also the inverse of <:, and we may simply say that the two are inverses.

The need for inverse functions arises frequently. For example, the heat produced by an electric heater may be given by the function h=: (* with 4) on sqr, where sqr=: *: is the square function. In order to determine the voltage required to produce a desired heat, we need the inverse v=: sqrt on (% with 4), where sqrt=: %: is the square root function. Thus:

   h=: (* with 4) on sqr
     sqr=: *:
   v=: sqrt on (% with 4)
     sqrt=: %:
   h 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 4 16 36 64 100 144 196
   v h 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
   v 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0.5 0.707107 0.866025 1 1.11803 1.22474 1.32288
   h v 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
For many (but not all) functions, the inverse operator INV=: ^:_1 produces the inverse function. For example:
   INV=: ^:_1
   <:INV 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
   cube=: ^ with 3
   cuberoot=: cube INV

   cube 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 8 27 64 125 216 343
   cuberoot cube 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

   ^ with 4 INV 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 1.18921 1.31607 1.41421 1.49535 1.56508 1.62658
   ^ with 4 ^ with 4 INV 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

   f=: ^ with 3 + ^ with 4
   f 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 2 24 108 320 750 1512 2744
   f INV 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
|domain error
|       f INV 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9B. Equations S9B.

However, for a specific argument, say y=: 20, we could find the value of the inverse of f by guessing the result x, and applying f to it to guide us to an improved guess, by either increasing or decreasing x. For example:
   y=: 20
   x=: 2
   f x
   x=: x-1r2
   set 5
   f x
   x=: x+1r4
   dec f x
   dec f x=: x+1r8
   dec f x=: x+1r16
   dec f x=: x-1r32
   dec f x=: x-1r64
   dec f x=: x+1r128
   dec f x=: x+1r256
   dec f x=: x+1r512
   dec x
This problem is commonly stated as the equation (f x)=y, implying that one is to find a value of x such that the relation is true. Moreover, the problem of solving equations is commonly introduced with little or no clue as to why the matter is important.

The function g=: - with y on f differs from f in subtracting y from the result, and a solution of (g x)=0 is therefore a solution of (f x)=y. A solution of (g x)=0 is said to be a root of the function g.

9C. The method of false position S9C.

If one knows two values a and b such that g a and g b differ in sign, then a root of g must lie somewhere between them; the list ab=: a,b is said to bracket the root. Evaluation of f at its midpoint m (that is, m=: mean ab) will either yield zero (in which case m is a root of g), or it will differ in sign from one of the two results of g ab.

The element of ab that differs can be used with m to form a tighter bracket, whose mean will give a better approximation to the root of g. This process may be repeated to obtain as close an approximation as desired. For example:

   g=: - with y on f
   g ab=: 1,2
_18 4
   mean=: +/ % #
   ]m=: mean ab
   g m
   ]ab=: m,1{ab
1.5 2
   g ab
_11.563 4
In general, a bracket of a root of a function g may be tightened by the function tighten, defined and illustrated below:
   tighten=:  mean,(sign on{. on g = sign on g on mean) { ]
   tighten ab=: 1,2
1.5 2
   tighten tighten tighten ab
1.875 2
   g tighten tighten tighten ab
_1.0486 4
The function tighten may be paraphrased as follows: Compare the sign of the first element ({.) of the result of g for equality with the sign of g on the mean, and use the result (0 or 1) as an index to select from the argument; finally, catenate the selection with the mean. The operator ^: can be used to apply a function repeatedly, as illustrated below:
   tighten^:3 ab
1.875 2
   z=: tighten^:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ab
   z;g z
|      1       2|         _18            4|
|    1.5       2|    _11.5625            4|
|   1.75       2|    _5.26172            4|
|  1.875       2|    _1.04858            4|
| 1.9375   1.875|     1.36501     _1.04858|
|1.90625   1.875|    0.131333     _1.04858|
|1.89063 1.90625|   _0.465246     0.131333|
|1.89844 1.90625|   _0.168624     0.131333|
|1.90234 1.90625|  _0.0190637     0.131333|
| 1.9043 1.90234|   0.0560301   _0.0190637|
|1.90332 1.90234|    0.018457   _0.0190637|
|1.90283 1.90332|_0.000309859     0.018457|
|1.90308 1.90283|  0.00907195 _0.000309859|

9D. Newton"s method S9D.

If x=: 2 is an appoximation to the root of g, then (as suggested by the small "triangle" with apex at the point x,g x in the accompanying graph) a good correction is provided by dividing g x by the derivative g d.1 x that gives the slope of the tangent to the graph at the point x,g x:
    PLOT x;g x=: 1r10*i.22
   x=: 2
   (g , g d.1 , g%g d.1) x
4 44 0.0909091

   x=: x - (g%g d.1) x
   g x
   x=: x - (g%g d.1) x
   g x

   newton=: ] - g % g d.1
   newton 2
   g newton 2

   newton^:(i.4) 2
2 1.90909 1.90287 1.90284
   g newton^:(i.4) 2
4 0.24124 0.00106658 2.1139e_8

   g newton ^:(i.3 5) 25
  406230     128520      40655     12855.8     4061.08
 1279.01    399.129    121.057     33.5929     7.07075
0.658183 0.00775433 1.11692e_6 2.13163e_14 3.55271e_15

Although Newton"s method converged rather rapidly for the function g, its convergence is not guaranteed in general, especially for initial guesses far from the root.

9E. Roots of Polynomials S9E.

The (possibly multiple) roots of a polynomial c with p. may, in principle, be obtained by the methods of sections 9C and 9D, but it may be difficult to find suitable brackets or initial guesses. However, the function roots=: > on {: on p. may be applied to the coefficients c to obtain the roots. For example:
   roots=: > on {: on p.
   c=: _1 0 1
   r=: roots c
1 _1
   c p. r
0 0

   d=: 6 1 _4 1
   s=: roots d
3 2 _1
   d p. s
3.55271e_15 2.66454e_15 0
Because of the limited precision of the computations leading to the roots s, the application of the polynomial to them yields tiny results, but not exact zeros. The following function (the product of the sign function with the magnitude) serves to make such results more readable by "zeroing" tiny results:
   zero=: **|
   zero d p. s
0 0 0
A graph of the polynomial 1 0 1 with p. (one plus the square) indicates that it has no roots, because the graph never drops to zero:
   e=: 1 0 1
   x=: i:4
   PLOT x;e p. x

Nevertheless, the function roots applies as follows:

   roots e
0j1 0j_1
   e p. roots e
0 0
The root 0j1 is an example of an imaginary number, to be discussed in Chapter 19. Its square is negative one:

9F. Logarithms S9F.

The logarithm (^.) is the function inverse to the exponential:
   ^ ^:_1
   ^. ^:_1
   ]x=: i.8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2.71828 7.38906 20.0855 54.5982 148.413 403.429 1096.63
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

__ 0 0.693147 1.09861 1.38629 1.60944 1.79176 1.94591
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
As discussed in Section 7B, the exponential ^ is equal to e with ^, where e=: 1x1 is Euler's number. Similarly, e with ^. is inverse to e with ^, as illustrated below:
   e=: 1x1
   e with ^ x
1 2.71828 7.38906 20.0855 54.5982 148.413 403.429 1096.63
   e with ^. e with ^ x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

   10 with ^ x
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e6 1e7
   10 with ^. 10 with ^ x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

   10 with ^. 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
0 1 2 3 4 5
The function 10 with ^. is the base-10 logarithm, more commonly used in elementary math than the natural log ^. .

The logarithm is discussed further in Chapter 20.

10: Language and Grammar

10A. Introduction

10B. Word formation

10C. Parsing

10D. Conventional mathematical Notation

10A. Introduction S10A.

Despite its importance, the grammar of our native language is not acquired by formal instruction, but by imitation and casual guidance in conversation. Formal grammar becomes important only at a later stage, in addressing more complex and more precise uses of language.

Formal grammar becomes particularly important in writing, where the reader has no recourse to interjected questions, but must extract meaning from the text alone.

Similar considerations apply in mathematics. Although the Hogben remarks cited in our preface emphasize the importance of language and grammar, we have introduced the grammar of our language J only informally, allowing us to concentrate on the mathematical notions it has been used to convey.

This informal approach has been made tolerable by limiting the writing required of a student in Exercises to imitation of expressions already used, and by providing guidance through conversation with the computer, a native speaker of the language. This chapter will address the formal grammar of J, and will also comment on the more loosely structured grammar of conventional mathematical notation.

10B. Word formation S10B.

Grammar is commonly taken to concern parsing the words of a sentence into phrases, and determining the order in which the phrases are to be interpreted. However, it is worth noting that the comprehension of a sentence must begin by first breaking it into its component words.

In a written English sentence this process is so simple as to go unnoticed, although the separation by spaces is somewhat complicated by things such as hyphens and apostrophes. In oral communication it is also unnoticed, not because the breaking of a continuous stream of sound into words is simple, but because (except in the case of a foreign language) it is so deeply ingrained.

In the case of J the word formation requires some attention, although it is simple enough to have been thus far treated informally by example. The computer provides a word-formation function that may be applied to a sentence enclosed in quotes. Thus:

   ;: '12+27'
   ;: '12+.27'
   ;: '12+0.27'
   ;: '+/1 2 3 4'
|+|/|1 2 3 4|
The formal rules are stated in the J Dictionary as follows:

The alphabet is standard ASCII, comprising digits, letters (of the English alphabet), the underline (used in names and numbers), the (single) quote, and others (which include the space) to be referred to as graphics.

Alternative spellings for the national use characters (which differ from country to country) are discussed under Alphabet (a.).

Numbers are denoted by digits, the underbar (for negative signs and for infinity and minus infinity -- when used alone or in pairs), the period (used for decimal points and necessarily preceded by one or more digits), the letter e (as in 2.4e3 to signify 2400 in exponential form), and the letter j to separate the real and imaginary parts of a complex number, as in 3e4j_0.56. Also see the discussion of Constants.

A numeric list or vector is denoted by a list of numbers separated by spaces. A list of ASCII characters is denoted by the list enclosed in single quotes, a pair of adjacent single quotes signifying the quote itself: 'can''t' is the five-character abbreviation of the six-character word 'cannot'. The ace a: denotes the boxed empty list <$0 .

Names (used for pronouns and other surrogates, and assigned referents by the copula, as in prices=: 4.5 12) begin with a letter and may continue with letters, underlines, and digits. A name that ends with an underline or that contains two consecutive underlines is a locative, as discussed in Section II.I.

A primitive or primary may be denoted by a single graphic (such as + for plus) or by a graphic modified by one or more following inflections (a period or colon), as in +. and +: for or and nor. A primary may also be an inflected name, as in e. and o. for membership and pi times. A primary cannot be assigned a referent.

It would clearly be confusing if it were possible to assign the name + to multiplication, as in +=: * .

10C. Parsing S10C.

The complete parsing rules are stated in the J dictionary as follows. The leading five-point summary will suffice for most purposes:

A sentence is evaluated by executing its phrases in a sequence determined by the parsing rules of the language. For example, in the sentence 10%3+2, the phrase 3+2 is evaluated first to obtain a result that is then used to divide 10. In summary:

  1. Execution proceeds from right to left, except that when a right parenthesis is encountered, the segment enclosed by it and its matching left parenthesis is executed, and its result replaces the entire segment and its enclosing parentheses.

  2. Adverbs and conjunctions are executed before verbs; the phrase ,"2-a is equivalent to (,"2)-a, not to ,"(2-a).

    Moreover, the left argument of an adverb or conjunction is the entire verb phrase that precedes it. Thus, in the phrase +/ . */b, the rightmost adverb / applies to the verb derived from the phrase +/ . *, not to the verb * .

  3. A verb is applied dyadically if possible; that is, if preceded by a noun that is not itself the right argument of a conjunction.

  4. Certain trains form verbs, adverbs, and conjunctions, as described in Section F.

  5. To ensure that these summary parsing rules agree with the precise parsing rules prescribed below, it may be necessary to parenthesize an adverbial or conjunctival phrase that produces anything other than a noun or verb.

One important consequence of these rules is that in an unparenthesized expression the right argument of any verb is the result of the entire phrase to its right. The sentence 3*p%q^|r-5 can therefore be read from left to right: the overall result is 3 times the result of the remaining phrase, which is the quotient of p and the part following the %, and so on.

Parsing proceeds by moving successive elements (or their values except in the case of proverbs and names immediately to the left of a copula) from the tail end of a queue (initially the original sentence prefixed by a left marker ") to the top of a stack, and eventually executing some eligible portion of the stack and replacing it by the result of the execution.

For example, if a=: 1 2 3, then b=: +/2*a would be parsed and executed as follows:

" b =:  + / 2 * a
" b =:  + / 2 *          1  2  3
" b =:  + / 2          * 1  2  3
" b =:  + /          2 * 1  2  3
" b =:  +         /  2 * 1  2  3
" b =:  +             /  2  4  6
" b =:              + /  2  4  6
" b             =:  + /  2  4  6
" b                       =:  12
"                       b =:  12
"                            12
                           " 12
The foregoing illustrates two points: 1) Execution of the phrase 2 * 1 2 3 is deferred until the next element (the /) is transferred; had it been a conjunction, the 2 would have been its argument, and the monad * would have applied to 1 2 3; and 2) Whereas the value of the name a moves to the stack, the name b (because it precedes a copula) moves unchanged, and the pronoun b is assigned the value 12.

Parsing can be observed using the trace conjunction 13!:16 (q.v.). The executions in the stack are confined to the first four elements only, and eligibility for execution is determined only by the class of each element (noun, verb, etc., an unassigned name being treated as a verb), as prescribed in the following parse table.

The classes of the first four elements of the stack are compared with the first four columns of the table, and the first row that agrees in all four columns is selected. The bold italic elements in the row are then subjected to the action shown in the final column, and are replaced by its result. If no row is satisfied, the next element is transferred from the queue:

EDGE      VERB        NOUN   ANY        0  Monad
EDGE+AVN  VERB        VERB   NOUN       1  Monad
EDGE+AVN  NOUN        VERB   NOUN       2  Dyad
EDGE+AVN  VERB+NOUN   ADV    ANY        3  Adverb
EDGE+AVN  VERB        VERB   VERB       5  Trident
EDGE      CAVN        CAVN   CAVN       6  Trident
EDGE      CAVN        CAVN   ANY        7  Bident
NAME+NOUN ASGN        CAVN   ANY        8  Is
LPAR      CAVN        RPAR   ANY        9  Paren

Legend:	AVN	denotes	ADV+VERB+NOUN

10D. Conventional mathematical notation S10D.

This section is a discussion of mathematical notation from the vantage point of programming languages, with emphasis on ideas from programming that might be adopted without conflict in mathematical notation.

It includes a discussion of the learnability of mathematical notation as compared with other specialized notations and with native languages, as well as the importance of such learnability.

SOME HISTORICAL VIEWS ON NOTATION Mathematicians have often noted the power and importance of notation. In Part IV of his two-volume A History of Mathematical Notations [3], Florian Cajori offers the following examples:

By relieving the brain of all unnecesary work, a good notation sets it free to concentrate on more advanced problems, and in effect increases the mental power of the race... By the aid of symbolism we can make transitions in reasonings almost mechanically by the eye... A. N. Whitehead

Nothing in the history of mathematics is to me so surprising or impressive as the power it has gained by its notation or language ... But in Napier"s time, when there was practically no notation, his discovery or invention [of logarithms] was accomplished by mind alone, without any aid from symbols. J.W.L. Glaisher

Some symbols, like an, ..., log n, that were used originally for only positive integral values of n stimulated intellectual experimentation when n is fractional, negative, or complex, which led to vital extensions of ideas. F. Cajori

The quantity of meaning compressed into small space by algebraic signs, is another circumstance that facilitates the reasonings we are accustomed to carry on by their aid. Charles Babbage

Symbols which initially appear to have no meaning whatever, acquire gradually, after subjection to what might be called experimenting, a lucid and precise significance. E. Mach

On the other hand, Cajori comments on the paucity of publications concerning the general question of notation, and quotes De Morgan ("a close student of the history of mathematics") as follows: Mathematical notation, like language, has grown up without much looking to, at the dictates of convenience and with the sanction of the majority.

In Sections 740 ff, Cajori laments the lack of standardization of mathematical notation in the following excerpts:

"740 Uniformity of mathematical notations has been a dream of many mathematicians ...

"741 The admonition of history is clearly that the chance, haphazard procedure of the past will not lead to uniformity.

"746 In this book we have advanced many other instances of "muddling along" through decades, without endeavor on the part of mathematicians to get together and agree on a common sign language.

"748 In the light of the teaching of history it is clear that new forces must be brought into action in order to safeguard the future against the play of blind chance. ... We believe that this new agency will be organization and co-operation. To be sure, the experience of the past in this direction is not altogether reassuring.

However, in William Oughtred: A Great Seventeenth-Century Teacher of Mathematics [4], Cajori touches on a quite different agency that bears upon the development and teaching of mathematics -- the mathematical instrument. On page 88 we have:

In that preface William Forster quotes the reply of Oughtred to the question of how he (Oughtred) had for so many years concealed his invention of the slide rule from himself (Forster) whom he had taught so many other things. The reply was:
That the true way of Art is not by Instruments, but by Demonstration: and that it is a preposterous course of vulgar Teachers, to begin with Instruments, and not with the Sciences, and so in-stead of Artists, to make their Scholers only doers of tricks, and as it were Iuglers ... That the vse of instruments is indeed excellent, if a man be an Artist: but contemptible being set and opposed to Art. And lastly, that he meant to commend to me, the skill of Instruments, but first he would haue me well instructed in the Sciences.
On page 93 Cajori continues with:
It may be claimed that there is a middle ground which more nearly represents the ideal procedure in teaching. Shall the slide rule be placed in the student"s hands at the time when he is engaged in the mastery of principles? Shall there be an alternate study of the theory of logarithms and of the slide rule -- on the idea of one hand washing the other -- ...
Writing in the early 1900"s, Cajori could not have foreseen the advent of that universal mathematical instrument, the modern computer, nor its spawning of the development and study of the notations of programming languages.

PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Early computers provided a small set of operations such as addition and multiplication, and were controlled by programs specifying sequences of these operations. For example, on the Harvard Mark IV [5], the program:

      00 0080 10
      00 0081 11
      10 0082 11
loaded the number contained in register 80 into the accumulator, added register 81 to it, and stored the resulting sum in register 82.

Programs were later developed to translate from languages more congenial to mathematicians into equivalent machine language programs for subsequent execution. For example, in BASIC, a language largely derived from FORTRAN (Formula Translator) [6], one might write:

      Let a=3
      Let b=5
      Let c=(a+b)*(a-b)
Although a few symbols from programming languages (such as FORTRAN"s * for multiplication) have been widely adopted in math, the mathematical notation used in exposition has been largely unaffected. On the other hand, many mathematicians have been forced to learn programming languages, or to work with programmers who translate their mathematical expressions.

Moreover, many have moved to Computer Science, unwittingly following the advice of Newton, as expressed in the following excerpt from page 95 of Cajori [4]:

"I doubt not but that there shall be in convenient time, brought to light many precepts which may tend to ye perfecting of Navigation, and the help and safety of such whose Vocations doe inforce them to commit their lives and estates in the vast Ocean to the providence of God." Thus farr that very good and judicious man Mr. Oughtred. I will add, that if instead of sending the Observations of Seamen to able Mathematicians at Land, the Land would send able Mathematicians to Sea, it would signify much more to the improvemt of Navigation and safety of Mens lives and estates on that element.
The need to make translation manageable has led to the development of languages with simple and precisely defined grammars, that is, rules for word-formation and parsing. Although mathematical notation undoubtedly possesses parsing rules, they are rather loose, sometimes contradictory, and seldom clearly stated. It is perhaps significant that Cajori"s History makes no mention of the matter of grammar.

The proliferation of programming languages shows no more uniformity than mathematics. Nevertheless, programming languages do bring a different perspective. Not only do they provide precisely defined grammars, but they address a much wider range of applications than do any one of the notations treated by Cajori. Moreover, they sometimes adopt notions from advanced mathematics and apply them fruitfully at elementary levels.

For example, the essential notion of Heaviside"s operators [7] (introduced in the treatment of differential equations) is the application of an entity (called an operator) which, applied to a function, produces a related function; a notion more familiar in the form f ' for the derivative of f. In APL [8], an operator (denoted by /) is used to provide reduction over a vector argument. The sum over a vector is obtained as follows:

   v<-2 7 1 8 2 8
The operator applies to any function, such as * (times), >. (max), or <. (min), and may therefore obviate the use of many symbols such as the capital Greek sigma and pi for summation and product:
1792 8 1
Because of their application to a broad range of topics, their strict grammar, and their strict interpretation, programming languages can provide new insights into mathematical notation. We begin with the matter of symbols.

ECONOMY OF SYMBOLS Far from introducing further symbols in the manner of Oughtred"s list (of some 150) shown in "181 of Cajori [3], programming languages are largely confined to a standard alphabet (ASCII) whose special characters are limited to the following familiar list:

    = < > _  + * - %  ^ $ ~ |  . : , ;
    # ! / \  [ ] { }  " ' ` @ & ? 
This economy is achieved in part by adopting from mathematics the use of reserved words such as sin, cos, e, and log -- reserved from use as names for variables. Further economies are implicit in notions that have been used in mathematics but not systematically exploited. We will illustrate them by their use in J, a language derived from APL.

TRAINS Some writers, such as March and Wolf in their Calculus [10], denote the function that is the sum of functions f and g by f+g. This notion can be exploited more generally, including constructs such as f+g*h for f added to the product of g and h. For example, using % for divide, and # for number of elements:

   mean=:  +/ % #    NB. Arithmetic mean or average
   mean 1 2 3 4 5
   com=:  ] - +/ % # NB. ] is the identity function
   com 1 2 3 4 5    NB. Center on mean
_2 _1 0 1 2
Non-mathematical functions can be used in a train. For example, the function ; (which boxes each argument and catenates the boxed results) can be used to display results for convenient comparison:
   (];mean;com;] - +/ % #) 1 2 3 4 5
|1 2 3 4 5|3|_2 _1 0 1 2|_2 _1 0 1 2|

INFLECTION A symbol formed by appending a dot or colon to a given function symbol will be said to be inflected, and such inflection is used to assign related symbols to related functions, providing names that therefore have some mnemonic value. For example, in his Laws of Thought [9], George Boole used 1 and 0 to denote true and false, and used the symbols for times and plus to denote the logical functions and and or.

The analogy between times and and was helpful, and the conflict with the normal use of the symbols was of no concern within the confines of logic. In a wider context it is a concern, and J uses *. for and and +. for or. Similarly, = is used as a truth-function (like < and >), whereas =: is used as a copula (to assign a referent to a name), and <. is used for lesser-of (that is, minimum). Thus:

   p=:  0 0 1 1 [ q=:  0 1 0 1
   (p *. q);(p +. q);(p + q);(p < q);(p <. q)
|0 0 0 1|0 1 1 1|0 1 1 2|0 1 0 0|0 0 0 1|
AMBIVALENCE In the expression a-b the symbol - denotes subtraction (a function of two arguments), whereas in -b it denotes negation, a different (albeit related) function of one argument. This ambivalence (a "binding power" of either two or one) introduces no confusion in conventional notation, and could be exploited for other functions:
   a=: 2
   b=: 5
   (a-b),(-b)   NB. Subtraction and Negation (0-b)
_3 _5
   (a%b),(%b)   NB. Division and Reciprocal (1%b)
0.4 0.2
   (a^b),(^b)   NB. Power and Exponential (e^b)
32 148.413
   (a^.b),(^.b) NB. Base-a log, Natural log (e^.b)
2.32193 1.60944
BONDS In their Combinatory Logic [11], Curry and Feys developed a set of combinators, which we will treat as operators in the sense of Heaviside. One of these bonds a function of two arguments (such as ^) to one of its arguments (such as 3) to produce a function of one argument (the cube), an operation that has come to be called Currying in honour of its author. For example:
   cube=:  ^ with 3
   log10=:  10 with ^.
   (cube ; log10) 10 50 100 200
|1000 125000 1e6 8e6|1 1.69897 2 2.30103|
Conclusion. Taken together, trains, inflection, ambivalence, and bonds provide highly mnemonic representations for a host of functions. Their advantages can be fully appreciated only by careful comparison with the alternatives now used in mathematics.

A UNIFORM NOTATION Cajori recognizes the importance of individual invention, but warns against individual efforts to impose a uniform system:

"727 Invention of Symbols. -- Whenever the source is known, it is found to have been individualistic -- the conscious suggestion of one mind.

"742 This confusion is not due to the absence of individual efforts to introduce order. Many an enthusiast has proposed a system of notation for some particular branch of mathematics, with the hope, perhaps, that contemporary and succeeding workers in the same field would hasten to adopt his symbols and hold the originator in grateful remembrance. Oughtred in the seventeenth century used over one hundred and fifty signs for elementary mathematics -- algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.

Comments about the hope of grateful remembrance appear unkind; perhaps Oughtred invented symbols to clarify his own thinking, and as a tool for teaching. Nevertheless, Cajori"s main point is sound -- any attempt to impose an individual system is vain and hopeless.

However, such a system can be used as a basis for the discussion of mathematical notation: the precision provided (or enforced) by programming languages and their execution can identify lacunas, ambiguities, and other areas of potential confusion in conventional notation.

Discussion here will focus on such matters, and may suggest remedies. Discussion will also center on a single programming language (J), for the following reasons:

* As indicated in my A Personal View of APL [12], it was designed "as a simple, precise, executable notation for the teaching of a wide range of subjects".

* It has received some use in mathematical exposition.

* Its simple grammar is defined by a ten-by-four table in terms of six parts of speech.

* It uses vectors, matrices, and higher-dimensional arrays, based on the unifying concept of rank or order in Tensor Calculus [13].

* In addition to the bond operator already discussed, it embraces some fifteen or more operators (such as dual, Taylor, and Hypergeometric) of interest in mathematics.

GRAMMAR The evaluation, interpretation, or execution of the mathematical expression (or sentence) log(a+b)*(a-b) is carried out by identifying the primitive operations (such as addition) and then performing them in an appropriate order. The process begins with word-formation (identification of the individual words: log, left parenthesis, a, +, b, etc.), and continues with parsing the sequence of words according to a formal or informal grammar based upon the parts of speech (variables, functions, punctuation, etc.).

In natural language, the word-formation is largely unnoticed, except in listening to an unfamiliar language. In programming languages, the word-formation and parsing are commonly lumped together under the term syntax.

In J, the word- formation may be made explicit by applying the word-formation function (;:) to a quoted character string:


Although programming languages adopt the term grammar from English, most use terms for the parts of speech adopted from mathematics. J, on the other hand, uses terms from English, avoiding certain ambiguities (such as the use of operator both as a synonym for function in elementary math, and as an operator in the sense of Heaviside), and providing additional distinctions.

The following fragment exemplifies all of the parts of speech:

   sqr=: ^ with 2
   area=: sqr 4
3 6 9 12

              PARTS OF SPEECH

      MATH TERMS           ENGLISH (J) TERMS

      Constants	   2 3 4   Nouns
      Variable	   area    Pronoun
      Functions	   ^ #     Verbs
      Function	   sqr     Proverb
      Operators	   / \     Adverbs
      Operator	   with    Conjunction
                   ( )     Punctuation
                   =:       Copula

The choice of English terms is based on the analogy between the "action words" verb and function (which derives from the Latin fungio, to perform). Moreover, adverb describes the action of an operator in applying to a verb to produce a verb, and conjunction reflects the use of the copulative conjunction and to produce a verb such as "run and hide". The word proverb (in the sense used here) is pronounced with a long o.

The term variable merits further comment. The expressions 2+2 and 2*2 and 2^2 yield identical results, only for the specific argument 2, but 2*2 and sqr 2 are identical for any argument. Such an identity is usually expressed by using a variable argument in the form x*x and sqr x .

However, the use of the term variable for the pronoun pi in the expression pi=: 3.14159 is jarring, since there is no intent to allow its value to vary. Although the term pronoun is not commonly used in mathematics, Hogben uses it (p 432) to refer to the symbol e used for Euler"s number.

SYNONYMS, ANONYMS, AND SUBSTITUTION A synonym of a word is a word with a similar, but not necessarily equivalent, meaning. Synonyms that occur in mathematical notation can be misleading if they are carelessly interpreted.

For example, division may be expressed as a%b or a/b. Are they equivalent? If so, are a%b%c and and a/b/c and a%b/c and a/b%c equivalent? Or do they differ in order of execution?

It may be said that "one would never write such forms", but if not, why not? Are there any rules that forbid it, and how is the beginning student to know? Notice that a/ 3/4 would probably be accepted, if only because the form 3/4 no longer denotes division: it is the commonly-accepted form of the constant three-quarters.

Synonyms for multiplication raise further questions. For example, are the following expressions all executed in the same order: a%b*c and a%bc and a/b*c and 3/4c?

The term anonym (a nameless person) will be used for any nameless entity: in the product abc, the matrix product M N (or MN), and the power xn, the functions applied are unnamed.

Although this anonymity normally goes unremarked, it has consequences. As remarked in the section on Programming Languages, the notation +/v can replace the Greek sigma for summation and, more generally, f/ can replace other such symbols, but only for functions that are not anonymous.

Moreover, the strict use of the anonymous form abc forbids the use of multi-character mnemonic names such as age and area in elementary algebra, giving the unfortunate impression that algebra is about letters rather than about the use of names.

Multi-character names that end in digits do get used: a2 is interpreted as a single name rather than as the product of a and 2, although 2a is interpreted as two times a.

An important general notion is the validity of substituting equals for equals, and it is particularly valuable in mathematics. Nevertheless, conventional mathematical notation does not always permit it.

For example, using the anonymous form xy:

   x=:  3 [ y=:  4
   (x*y),(3*4),(xy),(34) NB. xy is NOT a J expression
12 12 12 34
HIERARCHY AND ORDER OF EXECUTION The polynomial expression 3x+4x2+2x4 evaluates correctly only under the convention that the power function is executed before multiplication, and multiplication before addition. This heirarchy is adopted throughout mathematics, and in almost all programming languages.

In APL and J there is no heirarchy, the need for parentheses in polynomials (as in many other expressions) being obviated by the use of vectors, as in +/3 4 2*x^1 2 4, and in +/c*x^e.

The expression 1-2-3-4-5 may be interpreted differently according to how it is parenthesized: the following interpretations are used in mathematics and in J:

   (((1-2)-3)-4)-5  NB. Math
   1-(2-(3-(4-5)))  NB. J

The math result is the first element less the sum of the rest (i.e., 1-(2+3+4+5)), and the J result is the alternating sum (1+3+5)-(2+4).

Since f/v inserts the function f between elements of v, the J expression -/v gives the alternating sum, a commonly-needed result that is expressed in math as the sum over (Greek sigma) (-1)i v. Similarly, the alternating product is expressed as %/v.

Heirarchy introduces ambiguities, particularly for synonyms and anonyms, which may or may not be accorded the same positions: are a/bc and a/b*c equivalent?

CONSTANTS Mathematics reserves various symbols for constants, such as e (for Euler"s number), and the Greek pi. Programming languages use "scientific" notation of the form 3e6 to denote 3*10^6. Producing no conflict, this has also been widely adopted in mathematics.

Notations such as 3j4 (a complex number) and 1r2 (a rational) and 1r2p1 could be similarly adopted for many convenient constants, as illustrated by the following examples from J:

   2p1 1r2p1 1r4p_1   NB. Multiples of powers of pi
6.28319 1.5708 0.0795775
   3x2 2b101    NB. 3 times e sqared,101 in base 2
22.1672 5
   2ad30 NB. Complex number, magnitude 2 at 30 deg.

NEUTRAL OR IDENTITY ELEMENT In Section 2.6 of Concrete Mathematics [2], Graham, Knuth and Patashnik state that "... a product of no factors is conventionally taken to be 1 (just as a sum of no terms is conventionally 0)."

These choices are not mere conventions, and may be based more firmly on the neutral or identity element of a function, that is, a value n (when it exists) such that n f x yields x for any argument x. For example, 0 is the neutral of +, and 1 is the neutral of * .

Using k{.v and k}.v to take and drop the first k elements of a vector v, we may write identities concerning sums and products over partitions of a vector:

   v=:  2 3 5 7 11
   k=:  3
   (k{.v);(k}.v);((+/k{.v) + (+/k}.v));(+/v)
|2 3 5|7 11|28|28|
   (*/v);((*/k{.v) * (*/k}.v))

The indicated identities hold as well for the case k=: 0 (for which k{.v is an empty vector), but only because the results of +/i.0 and */i.0 are defined to be the neutrals of + and *. The neutral of minimum (<./i.0) is infinity, in effect defining it.

EMPTY CASES IN DEFINITION In a definition of the form x(x-1)...(x-m+1) (As in Eq 2.43 of Concrete Mathematics [2] together with the note: m factors for m not equal to 0), the notation does not show explicitly what happens in the case of m=0.

In vector notation, this definition (of the falling factorial function) becomes */x-i.m, correctly including the case of the empty vector that occurs when m is zero. Moreover, */x+s*i.m covers a host of cases; in particular, the values _1 and 0 and 1 for s give the falling factorial, the ordinary power function, and the rising factorial. Non-integer values of s are equally useful in the finite calculus.

Because the factors in the expression change in steps like the stope in a mine, these functions are collectively called stopes, and the fit operator !. provides them in expressions of the form ^!.s.

Furthermore, p.!.s provides the corresponding polynomial functions (in which the power function ^ used in the ordinary polynomial is replaced by the stope function ^!.s). Compare the use of ^!.s with the notations discussed in the introductory Note on Notation in [2].

DUALS It is a familiar observation that almost every stated task t is preceded by some preparation p, and followed by restoration (the inverse of p). This is sometimes expressed as performing "t under p", as in "surgery under anesthetic".

In mathematics, the terms dual and duality are sometimes used, as in "or is the dual of and under (or with respect to) negation", and "the duality of and and or".

The use of under is ubiquitous in mathematics and related disciplines, but often cloaked in other terms, such as similarity in the product S-1 A S, where S is a matrix of eigenvectors that maps to "natural" coordinates.

We will express "t under p" as t under p, using the "under" operator under=: &. . Thus:

   under=: &.
   0 0 1 1 +. under -. 0 1 0 1 NB. Or under not is and
0 0 0 1
   3 + under ^. 4      NB. Times as add under natural log
   3 " under (10 with ^.) 4 NB. Division using base-10 log

   (<2 1 3) + under p. (<1 0 4)    NB. Add polynomials
|2|3.68614 1 0.813859|

This last example uses the function p. to map the polynomial roots given by the arguments to corresponding coefficients, which are then added and mapped back to give the equivalent multiplier 2 and roots 3.68614 1 0.813859.

LEARNABILITY OF LANGUAGE The learnability of a discipline depends strongly on the learnability of the language used. In teaching mathematics we should therefore consider the learnability of the language used, and compare it with that of specialized languages (such as musical notation), and of our native tongue.

For example, a child can quickly learn to transcribe the following tune from musical notation to a piano, perhaps by merely watching it done by an adult:

   O                   O
        O         O         O


Further refinements such as the indication of time, sharps, flats, and phrasing may be added and learned with equal facility.

Two matters warrant further comment:

* A less graphic presentation of the notes (such as the sequence e c a c e c) would be more difficult for a beginner to learn. Moreover, the phenomenal rate of transcription by a pianist could hardly be achieved using parallel lists of named notes. Admittedly, this speed is due in part to the musical coherence of the piece transcribed, just as our speed in reading a meaningful English sentence is much greater than in reading gibberish.

* The ease of learning musical notation claimed in this example is due in part to the tool used; in this case the piano. The linear arrangement of the piano keys mirrors the vertical movement over the musical staff, and proves much easier to understand than the multiple strings (and absence of frets) on a violin.

With the computer and programming languages, mathematics has newly-acquired tools, and its notation should be reviewed in the light of them. The computer may, in effect, be used as a patient, precise, and knowledgeable "native speaker" of mathematical notation.

In The Language Instinct [14], Pinker has treated the phenomenal learnability of natural languages as an inborn instinct in children, and in The Symbolic Species [15], Deacon has presented the co-evolution of language and the human brain as an explanation of this miracle of an inborn facility.

In Deacon"s view, language has developed under evolutionary pressure to have, at least for elementary purposes, a uniform structure that is easily learned, particularly by infants. For example, the pattern in the sentences:

	Hold the doll
	Drop the ball

applies uniformly to other nouns and verbs. Moreover, these patterns extend to simple compound sentences and tenses:

	Drop the ball and hold the doll
	I dropped the ball and holded the doll

Of course a child never hears a phrase such as "holded the doll", but uniformly applies the pattern used in "dropped", finally adopting the anomalous forms of strong verbs such as hold. According to Pinker, this adoption occurs at a time quite independent of badgering by adults (No, dear, you held the doll).

However, in contrast to our native tongue, mathematical notation is neither uniform nor easy to learn. Consider the following examples, expressed first in English:

(base 10) logarithm of 3    log10 3

negation of 3               -3

factorial 3                 3! (Order of noun and verb reversed)

(# of combs of)             3 above 5 in large parentheses

3 to the power 5            3 superscript 5

3 beside 5                  (3,5) (Parens mandatory for vectors)

this is 3                   Let t=3 (Single-letter names only)

that is  5                  Let u=5

this plus that              t+u

(is) this lessthan that     t<u Usually treated as assertions,

(is) this equalto that      t=u     rather than as more usable truth-
                                    functions that return results

A review of earlier sections will suggest other examples of non-uniform notation that further increase the difficulties for a beginner.

Experienced mathematicians may well accept such non-uniformities as obvious or natural. Moreover, they will be properly concerned about the continued readability of older literature if any change were to be made. However, this is not a new problem, and there are known ways in which such change may be addressed.

Are such non-uniformities essential to mathematics, or are they simply relics of the "...chance, haphazard procedure of the past..." cited by Cajori, and therefore replacable? To illustrate the possibilities, we will repeat the foregoing examples together with equivalent expressions in two distinctly different programming languages:

English                 Math                 J         C

logarithm of 3          log10 3              10^.3     log10(3.0)

negation of 3           3                    -3        -3

factorial 3             3!                   !3        fact(3)

(# of combs of)         3 above 5 in parens  3!5       outof(3,5)

3 to the power 5        3 superscript 5      3^5       pow(3.0,5.0)

3 beside 5              (3,5)                3,5

this is 3               Let t=3              this=: 3   this=3

that is 5               Let u=5              that=: 5   that=5

this plus that          t+u                  this+that this+that

(is) this equalto that  t=u                  this=that this==that

A PROGRAM FOR MATHEMATICAL NOTATION We cannot expect our mathematical notation to be as accessible as our native language. In particular, it can never enjoy the ever-present opportunity to experiment and to provide immediate and gratifying results that is enjoyed by our native language, at least not for very young children.

However, we might make mathematical notation more accessible by:

* Complementing existing notation by notation possessing a simple and uniform grammar and using only familiar and readily available symbols.

* Making this complementary notation executable on a computer, so that a student might easily obtain gratifying results that encourage exploration.

* Providing material to guide exploration in a restrained manner that does not stifle the thrill of independent discovery.

EXPLORATION We now present examples of using the computer in exploring a few functions and operators, as well as in exploring the grammar of the notation used. We invite mathematicians to ponder the question of how they might be presented in conventional notation.

Exp 1 From the functions: + - * ^ ! +. *. ^. < = > >: select a few for exploration by entering expressions such as:

   16 + 36
   16 +. 36

Observe the results and attempt to identify and name the functions used; but do not spend too much time, since the next exploration provides better tools.

Exp 2 Enter x=: 0 1 2 3 4 5 and y=: x and x +/ y to produce an addition table. Then enter expressions for further tables to identify each of the functions listed in Exp 1. Which of the functions appear to be commutative?

Exp 3 Define and experiment with functions such as f=: +/*-/ and g=: </+.=/

Exp 4 Repeat explorations 2 and 3 using the following symmetric lists, and comment on any interesting characteristics of the resulting tables:

   ]y=: x=:  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 - 3
_3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3
Exp 5 Evaluate the familiar sum over (denoted by capital Greek sigma) cixi at x=0, assuming that (as is often stated) zero to the power zero is undefined.

Exp 6 Use the results of the following expressions (and similar experiments) to state in English (and in conventional math notation) the relations among the tables generated:

   2 3 5 7;11 13
   x (-/ ; -~/) y
   x (</ ; =/ ; g ; <:/) y

Exp 7 Enter expressions of the following forms, and then describe in English (and in mathematical notation) the effects of ~ , and state what part of speech it is in J:

   x (-/ ; -~/) y
   x (!/ ; !~/) y
   x (*./ ; *.~/) y

Exp 8 Examine the production of tables of Stirling numbers by the expression

   S1=:  %.S2=:  |: (^/%.^!._1/)~ i.10r1

(%. N is matrix inverse, and M %. N is "matrix divide")

Exp 9 To explore the rhematic (word-formation) rules of J, enter expressions such as: ;: 'TABLE=: x (*./ ; *.~/) y'

Exp 10 Enter the expressions trace=: 13 !: 16 and 9 trace 1 to invoke the tracing of subsequent expressions, that is, to show their detailed parsing and execution. Then enter TABLE=: x (*./ ; *.~/) y and other expressions from earlier explorations.

Tracing may be switched off by entering 9 trace 0 .

The parsing table from Section C illuminates the annotations provided by the trace.

Exp 11 For further simple explorations use Exercises from Chapter 1 of Iverson [16].

SUMMARY In this section we have attempted to:

* Use the strict grammar and precise interpretation of programming languages to illuminate some of the vagaries of a mathematical notation that has, as De Morgan said, "...grown up without much looking to, at the dictates of convenience ..."

* Indicate the potentially benign effects on the learnability of mathematical notation that can be provided by simple uniform notation combined with the opportunity for precise and independent exploration using computers.

* Sketch the possibilities of adopting some complementary and non-conflicting notation executable on computers.

11: Proofs

11A. Introduction

11B. Informal proofs

11C. Formal proofs

11D. Inductive proofs

11E. Recursive definition

11F. Guessing games

11A. Introduction S11A.

Although proofs are an important (and many might say the essential) part of mathematics, we will spend little time on them in this book.

In introducing his book Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery [17], Imre Lakatos makes the following point:

Its modest aim is to elaborate the point that informal, quasi-empirical, mathematics does not grow through a monotonous increase of the number of indubitably established theorems but through the incessant improvement of guesses [Italics added] by speculation and criticism, by the logic of proofs and refutations.

The main point of the present book is to exploit new tools for the exploration of relations and patterns, that can be used by both mathematicians and laymen to find those guesses that are amenable to, and worthy of, proof.

We recommend the reading of Lakatos at any point: his book is highly entertaining, instructive, and readable by any layman with the patience to look up the meanings of a small number of words such as polyhedron, polygon, and convex. The following quotes from Lakatos reflect his view of the importance of guessing:

Just send me the theorems, then I shall find the proofs. Chrysippus

I have had my results for a long time, but I do not yet know how I am to arrive at them. Gauss

If only I had the theorems! Then I should find the proofs easily enough. Riemann

I hope that now all of you see that proofs, even though they may not prove, certainly do help to improve our conjecture. Lakatos

On the other hand those who, because of the usual deductive presentation of mathematics, come to believe that the path of discovery is from axioms and/or definitions to proofs and theorems, may completely forget about the possibility and importance of naive guessing. Lakatos

We cite two further comments on the effects of excessive formalism in the teaching of mathematics:

Plato"s exaltation of mathematics as an august and mysterious ritual had its roots in dark superstitions which troubled, and fanciful puerilities which entranced, people who were living through the childhood of civilization, when even the cleverest people could not clearly distinguish the difference between saying that 13 is a "prime" number and saying that 13 is an unlucky number.

His influence on education has spread a veil of mystery over mathematics and helped to preserve the queer freemasonry of the Pythagorean brotherhoods, whose members were put to death for revealing secrets now printed in school books.

It reflects no discredit on anyone if this veil of mystery makes the subject distasteful. Plato"s great achievement was to invent a religion which satisfies the emotional needs of people who are out of harmony with their social environment, and just too intelligent or too individualistic to seek sanctuary in the cruder forms of animism. Hogben

" the author has the notion that mathematical formulas have their "secret life," behind their Golem-like appearance. To bring out the "secret life" of mathematical relations by an occasional narrative digression does not appear to him a profanation of the sacred rituals of formal analysis but merely an attempt to a more integrated way of understanding The reader who has to struggle through a maze of "lemmas," "corollaries," and "theorems," can easily get lost in formalistic details, to the detriment of the essential elements of the results obtained.

By keeping his mind on the principal points he gains in depth, although he may lose in details. The loss is not serious, however, since any reader equipped with the elementary tools of algebra and calculus can easily interpolate the missing details.

It is a well-known experience that the only truly enjoyable and profitable way of studying mathematics is the method of "filling in details" by one"s own efforts. Lanczos[18]

However, it is important to remember that in addition to the mathematics that is important to the intelligent layman, there is another mathematics, as expressed by G.H. Hardy in his A Mathematician"s Apology [19]:

There are then two mathematics. There is the real mathematics of the real mathematicians, and there is what I will call "trivial" mathematics, for want of a better word. The trivial mathematics may be justified by arguments which would appeal to Hogben, or other writers of his school, but there is no such defence for the real mathematics, which must be justified as an art if it can be justified at all. There is nothing in the least paradoxical or unusual in this view, which is that held commonly by mathematicians.

11B. Informal proofs S11B.

We will illustrate a proof by first guessing at a relation, using the function odd from Section 2E:
   odd=: 1:+2:*i.
   odd 6
1 3 5 7 9 11
   +/odd 6
   (+/ odd 1),(+/odd 2),(+/odd 3),(+/odd 4),(+/odd 5)
1 4 9 16 25
It appears that the sum of the first n odd integers is n*n, a relation we will demonstrate by using a few facts illustrated by the following:
   |. odd 6
11 9 7 5 3 1
   (+/odd 6),(+/|.odd 6)
36 36
   (odd 6)+(|.odd 6)
12 12 12 12 12 12
   6 # 2*6      NB. Six copies of twice six
12 12 12 12 12 12
   half=: % with 2
   half 6 # 2*6
6 6 6 6 6 6
   +/half 6 # 2*6
We now write a sequence of (obviously?) equivalent sentences:
   n=: 6
   +/odd n
   +/|.odd n
   half (+/odd n)+(+/|.odd n)
   half +/(odd n)+(|.odd n)
   half +/6 # 2*6
   +/6 # 6
Because a value (6) was assigned to the argument n, each of the foregoing sentences were executable, and were executed to give results whose equality provided some assurance that an error had not been made. We will, however, write an informal proof as a similar sequence, omitting the results that would have been produced by their execution. Thus:
   +/odd n
   +/|.odd n
   half (+/odd n)+(+/|.odd n)
   half +/(odd n)+(|.odd n)
   half +/6 # 2*6
   +/6 # 6

11C. Formal proofs S11C.

In a formal proof it is necessary to state clearly the justification for each equivalence, that is, the reason why each statement is believed to be equivalent to the one that precedes it. For example, we will begin to convert the foregoing informal proof to a formal proof as follows:
   +/odd n
   +/|.odd n
   half (+/odd n)+(+/|.odd n)
   half +/(odd n)+(|.odd n)
   half +/6 # 2*6
   +/6 # 6     NB. Half of sum is sum of halves
   n*n         NB. Def of multiplication (in 1G)
A stickler for logic might ask why he should believe that half of a sum equals the sum of the halves of the list summed. A convincing answer is not as easy as might be supposed, leading to an appreciation of the following statement from Lakatos:
TEACHER: This decomposition of the conjecture suggested by the proof opens new vistas for testing. The decomposition deploys the conjecture on a wider front, so that our criticism has more targets.

What about other steps, such as the equivalence of +/odd n and +/|.odd n? It may seem obvious, but what is special about +/ that would not apply for another function such as %/ ? A mathematician might say (and offer proofs that) functions such as +/ and */ and gcd/ and >./ are symmetric, meaning that they give the same result when applied to any permutation (re-ordering) of their arguments.

For the layman it may be best to accept informal proofs, but harbor a healthy suspicion that obvious ideas are sometimes wrong. In a further quotation from Lakatos:

TEACHER: I agree with you that the conjecture has received a severe criticism by Alpha"s counterexample. But it is untrue that the proof has "completely misfired". If, for the time being, you agree to my earlier proposal to use the word "proof" for a "thought experiment" which leads to a decomposition of the original conjecture into "subconjectures", instead of using it in the sense of a "guarantee of certain truth", you need not draw this conclusion.

" You are interested only in proofs which "prove" what they have set out to prove. I am interested in proofs even if they do not accomplish their intended task. Columbus did not reach India but he discovered something quite interesting.


  1. Determine and test an expression equivalent to +/even n, and write an informal proof of the equivalence.

  2. Repeat Exercise 1 for +/i.n

  3. Examine and discuss the Taylor series +/ on i. t. i. 4

11D. Inductive proofs S11D.

Suppose that by assuming that +/ on odd n were equal to n*n for a certain value of n, we were able to use this assumption to prove that +/ on odd n+1 must therefore equal (n+1)*(n+1), we could then conclude that equality must hold for all succeeding values, n+2 and n+3, and so on.

If, independently of this assumption, we are able to show further that equality does hold for some specific value (such as n=: 0), we may further conclude that the relation is true for all integers greater than or equal to that value. For example:

+/ on odd n+1

(+/odd n)+(2*n)+1   NB. From definition of odd

(n*n)+(2*n)+1       NB. Assumed "induction hypothesis"

(n+1)*(n+1)         NB. Simple algebra

11E. Recursive definition S11E.

A function that is defined in terms of itself is said to be recursively defined. For example, a factorial function fac might be defined by saying that fac n is n * fac n-1. However, it is necessary to further define its value for some specific argument; for example, to define fac 0 as 1.

A recursive definition therefore depends upon three functions, such as ]*fac on <: to perform the recursion, the constant function 1: for the specific argument 0, and the "conditional function" = with 0 to choose between them. Thus:

   fac=:  (]*fac  on  <:) ` 1:  @. (= with 0)
   fac 0
   fac 4
In the foregoing, the tie operator ` forms a gerund from the two functions to which it is applied, and the agenda operator @.selects one of them according to the result of the conditional function = with 0.

A recursively defined function provides a convenient base for an hypothesis for use in an inductive proof. For example a function sodd for the sum of the odd integers might be recursively defined as follows:

   sodd=: (sodd on <: + 2 with * - 1:)`0: @. (= with 0)
  (sodd 0),(sodd 1),(sodd 2),(sodd 3),(sodd 4)
0 1 4 9 16
The first and "main" function of the three used in this recursive definition may be interpreted as follows: sodd n is equal to (sodd n-1) + (2*n) " 1 or, equivalently, that sodd n+1 equals (sodd n) + (2*n+1) " 1.

We will use this last relation in an inductive proof that the sum of the first n odd numbers is n*n, using the inductive hypothesis of Section D as follows:

   sodd n+1
   (sodd n) + (2*n+1) " 1  NB. Recursive def of sodd
   (n*n) + (2*n+1) " 1     NB. Induction hypothesis
   (n+1)*(n+1)             NB. Simple algebra


  1. Make recursive definitions for functions such as the sum of even integers and the sum of all integers. Then write proofs of the appropriate identities.

  2. Test and prove the equality suggested by the following expressions for the sum of squares:
       n=: 6
       d=:  0 1r6 _1r2 1r3
       d p. n

11F. Guessing games S11F.

The quotes from Lakatos in Section 11A emphasize the importance of guessing at relationships, and the use of proofs to test and refine the resulting conjectures. We will now discuss techniques for guessing, emphasizing the use of the computer. However, games are seductive; the reader should perhaps limit the time spent on this section, but plan to return to it again and again.

EACHBOX and BOX The list function i. applies to an argument such as 3 4 to produce a table, but we may also wish to apply it to each of the arguments 3 and 4 to produce separate lists. Thus:

   a=: 3 4
   i. a
0 1  2  3
4 5  6  7
8 9 10 11
0 1 2
0 1 2 3
   eachbox=: &.>
   i. eachbox a
|0 1 2|0 1 2 3|
PREFIX In summing the list 2 7 1 8, we may also wish to obtain the "subtotals" or "partial sums" by applying sumation over each prefix of the list. Thus:
   pref=: \
   sum=: +/
   a=: 2 7 1 8
   sum a
   sum pref a
2 9 10 18
   */pref a
2 14 14 112
   <./pref a
2 2 1 1
   >./pref a
2 7 7 8

DIAGONAL It is sometimes necessary to apply a function to each diagonal of a table. For example:

   diag=: /.
   c=: 1 2 1
   d=: 1 3 3 1
   t=: c */d
1 3 3 1
2 6 6 2
1 3 3 1
   sum diag t
1 5 10 10 5 1

DIFFERENCES If f is a function and g is a guess at an equivalent function, then f-g gives the needed correction. For example:

   x=: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7r1


   f=: +/ on i. each    NB. Sums of integers
   f x
0 0 1 3 6 10 15 21
   g=: (^ with 2 % 2:) each
   g x
0 1r2 2 9r2 8 25r2 18 49r2
   (f-g) x
0 _1r2 _1 _3r2 _2 _5r2 _3 _7r2

   corr=: (- % 2:) each
   corr x
0 _1r2 _1 _3r2 _2 _5r2 _3 _7r2

   gc=: g+corr          NB. Corrected guess
   (f=gc) x
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
RATIOS The ratio f%g may sometimes provide a better guide to correction. Consider, for example, the following sums of powers:
   f1=: +/ on (^&1) on i. each
   f2=: +/ on (^&2) on i. each
   f3=: +/ on (^&3) on i. each
   f4=: +/ on (^&4) on i. each
   f5=: +/ on (^&5) on i. each
   (f1,f2,f3,f4,:f5) x
0 0 1  3   6   10   15    21
0 0 1  5  14   30   55    91
0 0 1  9  36  100  225   441
0 0 1 17  98  354  979  2275
0 0 1 33 276 1300 4425 12201
For f1 the equivalent function g1 is, of course, the function gc derived above, and we will use the ratio f3%g1 to look for a definition of a function g3 corresponding to f3. Thus:
   g1=: gc
   (f3%g1) x
0 0 1 3 6 10 15 21
   g1 x
0 0 1 3 6 10 15 21
It therefore appears that g3 may be expressed as the product of g1 with itself:
   g3=: g1*g1
   (f3=g3) x
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
TAYLOR COEFFICIENTS For functions such as g1 and g3 that are expressed directly in terms of powers, quotients, products, and sums, the Taylor operator may be applied to give the coefficients of an equivalent polynomial. For example:
   x=: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7r1
   c1=: g1 t. x
0 _1r2 1r2 0 0 0 0 0
   c1&p. x
0 0 1 3 6 10 15 21
   f1 x
0 0 1 3 6 10 15 21
   c3=: g3 t. x
0 0 1r4 _1r2 1r4 0 0 0
   (f3=c3&p.) x
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
POLYNOMIAL APPROXIMATIONS The Taylor operator does not apply to functions such as the square root, and we use instead an expression that gives coefficients that approximate the function. Thus:
   f=: %:
   f x
0 1 1.4142 1.7321 2 2.2361 2.4495 2.6458
   (f x)*(f x)  NB. To verify that f is square root
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
   c=: (f x) %. (x ^/ i.#x)
   c p. x
0 1 1.4142 1.7321 2 2.2361 2.4495 2.6458
It may be noted that the polynomial appeared to give not just an approximation, but the exact result. However, the result may be far from correct for arguments other than the x used in computing the coefficients, especially so for arguments outside the range of the elements of x. For example:
   c p. x+1r2
0.64666 1.2301 1.5796 1.8717 2.1204 2.3468 2.5436 2.8157
   f x+1r2
0.70711 1.2247 1.5811 1.8708 2.1213 2.3452 2.5495 2.7386
   c p. 9
   f 9

12: Anagrams and Permutations

12A. Anagrams

12A. Anagrams S12A.

Although we have discussed the importance of relations and analysis (proofs) in math, our exclusive use of numeric arguments has probably given the impression that math is exclusively about numbers. To redress the balance, we will now treat some relations concerning English words, beginning with sorting and anagrams.

The letters in a word can be sorted into alphabetical order by using the function sort=: /:~ (which applies equally to numeric arguments). For example:

   sort=: /:~
   w0=: 'REVEL'
   sort w0
   w1=: 'LEVER'
   sort w1
0 1 1 1 0
   (sort w0)=(sort w1)
1 1 1 1 1
As shown in the last results the words are not equal, but they are similar, in the sense that they are anagrams, or permutations of one another, containing the same letters but in a different order. Although it is not an English word, we will also call the word 'EELVR' an anagram.


  1. Make a table of all anagrams of the word w2=: 'AH' (including itself).

  2. Repeat Exercise 1 for the word w3=: 'ART' .

  3. Repeat Exercise 1 for the word w4a=: 'SPOT' .

  4. Repeat Exercise 1 for the word w4b=: 'ABCD' . To check your work, use the anagram function A. as illustrated below:
       0 A. w2=: 'AH'
       1 A. w2
       0 1 A. w2
       0 1 2 3 4 5 A. w3=: 'ART'
       6 A. w3
    |index error
    |   6     A.w3

The last result indicates that there are only six anagrams of the three-letter word, with the indices i.6. Similar tests will show that there are twenty-four anagrams of four-letter words, leading to the following tables:

   (i.24) A. w4a=: 'SPOT'

   trans=: |:   NB. Function to transpose a table
   trans (i.24) A. w4a=: 'SPOT'

   trans (i.24) A. w4b=: 'ABCD'

   trans (i.24) A. i.4
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
1 1 2 2 3 3 0 0 2 2 3 3 0 0 1 1 3 3 0 0 1 1 2 2
2 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 0 3 0 2 1 3 0 3 0 1 1 2 0 2 0 1
3 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 3 0 2 0 3 1 3 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 1 0

   (trans (i.24) A. i.4) { 'arst'

   trans (i.24) A. 'arst'

The last results illustrate that anagrams of lists of numbers may be made, and that if these lists are indices (such as i.4) they may be used to index a word to produce its anagrams.


  1. Experiment with the function anag=: trans on (i. on ! on # A. ]) on various lists of numbers and letters.

In making tables of anagrams by hand as required in the first list of Exercises, it was probably easy to do the first two by simply jotting down the anagrams unsystematically. However, for larger tables it becomes difficult to avoid repetitions and to ensure that the table is complete, especially if one does not know how many there are in all.

The number of anagrams of an n-letter word can be obtained by a simple argument: the leading letter can be chosen in n ways, so that the total is n times the number of anagrams of an (n-1)-letter word, leading to the product n times n-1 times n-2, etc. -- in other words, !n. Thus:


A comparison of Exercises 3 and 4 indicates that it is easier to write the table for a word whose letters are in some systematic order, preferably alphabetic. The result of (i.24) A. 'ABCD' suggests a systematic approach: choose the first letter of the word as the initial letter, and append to it the table for the remaining letters organized by the same principle; then choose the second letter as the initial, and so on.


  1. Enter i.4 3 2 and (i.4 3 2) A. 'ABCD' and <"2(i.4 3 2) A. 'ABCD' . Study the results, and try similar expressions for shorter and longer words.

If p is any one of the six permutations of 0 1 2, then 3,p is a permutation of order four. However, if p is prefixed by any of the other possible beginnings of a permutation of order four (2 or 1 or 0) the result is not a permutation, but it can be made so by incrementing each element of p that is greater than or equal to the prefix. Thus:

   P=: (i.6) A. 0 1 2

|0 1 2|3 0 1 2|0 0 1|0 1 3|2 0 1 3|1 0 2 3|0 1 2 3|
|0 2 1|3 0 2 1|0 1 0|0 3 1|2 0 3 1|1 0 3 2|0 1 3 2|
|1 0 2|3 1 0 2|0 0 1|1 0 3|2 1 0 3|1 2 0 3|0 2 1 3|
|1 2 0|3 1 2 0|0 1 0|1 3 0|2 1 3 0|1 2 3 0|0 2 3 1|
|2 0 1|3 2 0 1|1 0 0|3 0 1|2 3 0 1|1 3 0 2|0 3 1 2|
|2 1 0|3 2 1 0|1 0 0|3 1 0|2 3 1 0|1 3 2 0|0 3 2 1|

This suggests a method for making permutations of the next higher order: replicate and modify the table of permutations of order n, and prefix each by an element of i.n+1. The scheme can also be used as the basis for a recursive definition of a function for making tables of permutations.

13: Logic and Sets

13A. Introduction

13B. Or, and, and not

13C. Lists and sets

13D. Classification

13A. Introduction S13A.

Boolean or symbolic logic concerns propositions, a proposition being simply a function that produces one of only two possible results. These two results are commonly referred to as true and false, and (following George Boole, the father of symbolic logic) will be denoted by the numbers 1 and 0. For example:
   f1=: <&0
   f2=: >&0
   x=: i:3
_3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3
   f1 x
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
   f2 x
0 0 0 0 1 1 1
The proposition f1 is true (that is, gives the result 1) for any negative number, and is said to define the set of negative numbers; f2 defines the set of positive numbers.

The list of positive numbers that occur in a list y may be obtained by using the result f2 y to copy from y each element of y for which f2 y is true. For example:

   y=: 3 1 4 1 5 9 - 3
0 _2 1 _2 2 6
   f2 y
0 0 1 0 1 1
   (f2 y) # y
1 2 6

13B. Or, and, and not S13B.

The function or=: +. may be applied to two propositions to yield a proposition that is true if either of the propositions is true. For example:
   or=: +.
   g=: f1 or f2
   g x
1 1 1 0 1 1 1
Similarly for and=: *., the proposition proposition h=: f1 and f2 is true only if both f1 and f2 are true. Since a number cannot be both positive and negative, h can never be true, and is said to define an empty set. Thus:
   and=: *.
   h=: f1 and f2
   h x
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   (h x) # x

   (g x) # x
_3 _2 _1 1 2 3
The (monadic) function not=: -. negates a boolean result. For example:
  not=: -.
  (f1,.(not on f1),.g,.(not on g),.h,.(not on h)) x
1 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 1

13C. Lists and sets S13C.

The set of English vowels is defined by the proposition vow, developed as follows:
   s=: 'do you love me'
   'aeiou' =/ s
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   or/'aeiou' =/ s
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1

   vow=: or/ on ('aeiou'&(=/))
   vow s
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
   (vow s)#s
   (not vow s)#s
d y lv m

   alphabet=: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz '
   (vow alphabet)#alphabet
It is important to understand that the set of English vowels is defined by the function vow, not by the list 'aeiou' (nor by the same list that resulted from applying the function to the universe of the entire alphabet).

Otherwise one might confuse the question of the ordering of the defining list 'aeiou' or repetitions of its elements (neither of which affect the definition of the function) with the question of whether a set is ordered (which it is not).

13D. Classification S13D.

A single proposition can be used to classify its arguments according to whether they belong to the set it defines, and several propositions can be used to provide several classifications. Consider, for example, a list of transactions that are recorded as a list of account numbers (an) and a corresponding list of credits (cr) to the accounts, as well as the list of all possible account numbers (all). Thus:
   an=: 1010 1040 1030 1030 1060 1010 1040 1040 1050
   cr=:  131  755  458  532  218   47  678  679  934
   all=: 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060
   c=: all =/ an
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
   eachrow=: "1
   cr +/ on * eachrow c
178 0 990 2112 934 218

14: Properties of Functions

14A. Introduction

14B. Commutativity

14C. Associativity

14D. Symmetry

14E. Distributivity

14F. Distributivity of dyadic functions

14G. Parity

14A. Introduction S14A.

A pair of expressions (such as x*y and y*x) that give identical results for all possible values of the arguments are said to form an identity. Identities are important because they allow a function to be expressed in different ways, each of which may possess particular advantages, such as ease of evaluation or insight into the behaviour of the function.

For example, Section 11C showed that +/ odd n (the sum of the first n odd numbers) is identical to the more easily computed product n*n. Similarly, the sum of the squares of the first n positive integers (+/(1+i.n)^2) is identical to the polynomial 0 1r6 1r2 1r3 p. n.

Certain important identities are expressed as general properties of functions, referred to as commutativity, associativity, symmetry, distributivity, and parity.

14B. Commutativity S14B.

The commute operator ~ interchanges the arguments of the function to which it is applied. For example:
   3 -~ 5
   5 " 3
   from=: -~
   3 from 5
   into=: %~
   5 into 3
If f~ is identical to f, then the function f is said to be commutative. For example, + and * are commutative, but - and % are not.


  1. Test a number of functions for commutativity, including <, =, [(left), ], <. (min), >., +: (greatest common divisor), and *: (least common multiple).

  2. Make function tables of the form f table i:4 for both commutative and non-commutative functions, and observe the symmetry of the former.

14C. Associativity S14C.

The expressions 3-(4-5) and (3-4)-5 apply the same function to the same arguments, but yield different results because the parentheses associate them differently; subtracting 5 from 4 and then subtracting the result from 3 to yield 4 in the first case, and subtracting 4 from 3 and then subtracting 5 from the result to yield _6 in the last.

A function that yields the same result for any association imposed by parentheses is said to be associative. For example, 3+(4+5) and (3+4)+5 both yield 12.


  1. Test a number of functions for associativity.

14D. Symmetry S14D.

A function that applies to any permutation of a list to yield the same result is said to be symmetric. For example:

   +/2 3 5 7
   +/3 5 2 7
   -/2 3 5 7
   -/3 5 2 7
If f is both associative and commutative, then f/ is symmetric. For example:
   all=: (i.!3) A. 2 3 5r1
2 3 5
2 5 3
3 2 5
3 5 2
5 2 3
5 3 2

   lcm=: *.
   eachrow=: "1
   lcm/ eachrow all
30 30 30 30 30 30
   %/ eachrow all
10r3 6r5 15r2 6r5 15r2 10r3

14E. Distributivity S14E.

If f(x g y) is equivalent to (f x)g(f y), we say that the (monadic) function f distributes over the (dyadic) function g. The two parts of this identity may also be stated as f on g and (f on [) g (f on ]). For example, +: (double) and -: (halve) each distribute over both addition and subtraction, facts that may be tested in the following manner:
   3 (+:on+) 5
   3 (+:on[ + +:on]) 5
The operator over defined below can be used in the expression f over g to test whether f distributes over g. Thus:
   over=: 2 : '(u. on v.) = ((u. on [) v. (u. on ]))'each
   (+:over - table ,. -: over + table ,. +: over * table) i:3
|  |_3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3|  |_3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3|  |_3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3|
|_3| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|_3| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|_3| 0  0  0 1 0 0 0|
|_2| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|_2| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|_2| 0  0  0 1 0 0 0|
|_1| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|_1| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|_1| 0  0  0 1 0 0 0|
| 0| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1| 0| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1| 0| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|
| 1| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1| 1| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1| 1| 0  0  0 1 0 0 0|
| 2| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1| 2| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1| 2| 0  0  0 1 0 0 0|
| 3| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1| 3| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1| 3| 0  0  0 1 0 0 0|


  1. Use over to test whether +: distributes over gcd and lcm.

Since double and halve each distribute over addition, and since they may be expressed as the equivalent functions d=: * with 2 and h=: % with 2 it appears that numbers other than 2 would do as well, that is, any multiple or fraction function would distribute over addition (and subtraction). Thus:

   (((* with 2.5)over + table),.((% with 4)over + table))i:3
|  |_3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3|  |_3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3|
|_3| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|_3| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|
|_2| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|_2| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|
|_1| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|_1| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|
| 0| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1| 0| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|
| 1| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1| 1| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|
| 2| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1| 2| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|
| 3| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1| 3| 1  1  1 1 1 1 1|
Since * is commutative, 2.5 with* would serve as well as *with 2.5 in the foregoing, but would 4 with% give the same result as %with 4 ?

14F. Distributivity of dyadic functions S14F.

Although we have discussed the distribution of monadic functions over dyadic functions, it is more common in mathematics to discuss the distribution of dyadic functions over dyadic functions. Thus, because a*(b+c) is equivalent to (a*b)+(a*c), it is said that multiplication distributes over addition. Similarly (a+b)*c is equivalent to (a*c)+(b*c), and again multiplication distributes over addition.

However, (a+b)%c is equivalent to (a%c)+(b%c) and we might conclude that division also distributes over addition. On the other hand, a%(b+c) is not equivalent to (a%b)+(a%c), and it is sometimes said that division "distributes to the left" over addition.

The situation is more accurately stated by saying that the monadic functions x with * and * with x and % with x distribute over addition, but that x with % does not. Finally, the idea of a monadic function distributing over addition leads to the important notion of linear functions, treated in Chapter 15.

14G. Parity S14G.

A graph of the square function appears to be reflected (as in a mirror) in the vertical line through the origin. This is so because the square of -x equals the square of x for every x. Thus:
   sqr=: ^ with 2
   x=: i:1j10
_1 _0.8 _0.6 _0.4 _0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
   sqr x
1 0.64 0.36 0.16 0.04 0 0.04 0.16 0.36 0.64 1
   PLOT x;sqr x
Similarly, a graph of the cube is reflected in the origin, because the cube of -x equals the negative of the cube of x:
   cube=: ^ with 3
   PLOT x;cube x
   (cube -x)=(-cube x)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
   (sqr x)=(sqr x)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Simple algebra shows that for any function f , the function ef=: f + f with - is even, and that the function of=: f - f with - is odd. For example:
   f=: ^ NB. The exponential (which is neither even nor odd)
   ef=: f+f with -
   of=: f-f with -
   PLOT x;(f,ef,:of) x
The functions hef=: ef % 2: and hof=: of % 2: are called the even and odd parts of f because they are, respectively, even and odd, and because they sum to f:
   hef=: ef % 2:
   hof=: of % 2:
   (f=hef+hof) x
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
   PLOT x;(hef,hof,:hef+hof) x
The odd and even parts of a function are often functions of interest in their own right. For example, hof is the hyperbolic sine, and hef is the hyperbolic cosine. They are denoted in J by 5 with o. and 6 with o., respectively.

As we will show in Chapter 19, we can use complex numbers to similarly express the sine and cosine as odd and even parts of a function closely related to the exponential.

15: Linear Vector Functions

15A. Dot product and vector functions

15B. Dot product as a linear vector function

15C. Matrix inverse

15A. Dot product and vector functions S15A.

The expression +/w*x gives a sum over the argument x weighted by the vector w. For example:
   x=: 2 3 5 7 11
   w=: 0 1 2 3 4
0 3 10 21 44
The dot operator (.) applied to the functions +/ and * produces an equivalent function called the dot, inner, or matrix product. Thus:
   dp=: +/ . *
   w dp x
Moreover, dp applies to a matrix (table) left argument to produce a vector (list) of results, using successive rows of the matrix as weights. For example:
   a=: 3 1 4
   b=: 2 7 8
   c=: 2 1 0
   ]m=: a,b,:c
3 1 4
2 7 8
2 1 0

   m dp 2 3 5
29 65 7
   b dp 2 3 5

   g=: m with dp
   g 2 3 5
29 65 7
If m is a square matrix (as in the present example), then m with dp applies to a vector to produce a vector of the same number of elements. We will call such a function a vector function.

15B. Dot product as a linear vector function S15B.

The dot product with a vector or matrix left argument distributes over addition, and is therefore a linear function, as defined in Section 14F. For example:
   x=: 2 3 5
   y=: 0 1 2
   f=: 2 7 8 with dp

   ((f x)+(f y)) , (f x+y)
88 88
   g=: m with dp
   ((g x)+(g y)) ,: (g x+y)
38 88 8
38 88 8
The function I=: =/~ on i. yields a result called an identity matrix, because when used with dp it produces an identity function (that yields its argument unchanged). For example:
   I=: i. =/ i.
   ]i=:  I 3
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
   i with dp 2 3 5
2 3 5
A linear vector function need not be expressed as a dot product, but if it is not, the required matrix is easily determined. For example, sop=: +/\ (sums over prefixes) is a linear vector function, and the matrix m for an equivalent function m with dp may be determined as follows:
   x=: 2 3 5 7 11
   y=: 0 1 2 3 4
   sop=: +/\
   ((sop x)+(sop y)) ,: (sop x+y)
2 6 13 23 38
2 6 13 23 38

   ]i=: I # x
1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1

   i dp x
2 3 5 7 11
   sop i dp x
2 5 10 17 28
   (sop i) dp x
2 5 10 17 28

   ]m=: sop i
1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1
The resulting matrix provides an interesting way of looking at the sums over prefixes: the ones in the successive rows indicate the elements included in the successive sums.

15C. Matrix inverse S15C.

The inverse of a linear vector function m with dp is itself a linear vector function, and can therefore be expressed in the form mi with dp. The matrix mi may be obtained from m by applying the matrix inverse function %. . Thus:
   ]z=:  m dp x=: 2 3 5 7 11
2 5 10 17 28
   mi=: %.m
   mi dp z
2 3 5 7 11
 1  0  0  0 0
_1  1  0  0 0
 0 _1  1  0 0
 0  0 _1  1 0
 0  0  0 _1 1
The pairs _1 1 in the rows of the inverse mi indicate that the inverse of the sum over prefixes is a differencing operation, and the matrix mi may be called a difference matrix.


  1. Experiment with various linear vector functions such as reversal (|.), rotation (2 with |.) and 8 with A..

    Comment on the matrices that represent them and their inverses.

16: Polynomials and NUMBER SYSTEMS

16A. Ascending and descending order of exponents

16B. Products of polynomials

16C. Multiplication of decimal numbers

16D. Other bases

16E. Remainder, Divisibility, and Integer part

16F. Notes

16A. Ascending and descending order of exponents S16A.

In conventional mathematics, polynomials are sometimes expressed with the exponents in ascending order (beginning with zero), and sometimes in descending order (beginning with the largest exponent). Thus:



Descending order is commonly used in high school, but ascending order is more suitable in advanced math, because in truncated power series a "largest exponent" may not be clearly identified.

To compare these schemes we will define two functions called pa (for ascending order), and pd (for descending). The former is the function p. that we have used in earlier chapters, and the latter may be expressed in terms of it using the reversal function (|.) to reverse the order of the coefficients. Thus:

   pa=: p.
   pd=: |. on [ pa ]
   x=: 0 1 2 3 4 5
   1 2 3 pa x
1 6 17 34 57 86
   1 2 3 pd x
3 6 11 18 27 38
   1 2 3 pd 10

The final example suggests that a descending polynomial with right argument 10 gives the value in decimal of the digits in the list of coefficients. In fact, the decimal number system (and number systems with bases other than ten) are "polynomial representations" of numbers, and we may find that schemes for multiplying polynomials lead to improved methods of multiplying multi-digit decimal numbers.

16B. Products of polynomials S16B.

The product of two polynomials c1 with p. and c2 with p. is itself a polynomial, whose coefficients can be computed from c1 and c2 by first forming their multiplication table. For example:
   c1=: 2 3 5
   c2=: 4 1 0 3
   c1 * table c2
| | 4 1 0  3|
|2| 8 2 0  6|
|3|12 3 0  9|
|5|20 5 0 15|
The coefficient 8 in the upper left corner is the coefficient of x^0 in the product polynomial, the elements of the next diagonal (2 12) are coefficients of x^1, the next diagonal has coefficients of x^2, and so on. The combined coefficients of successive powers may therefore be obtained by summing diagonals of the table to obtain c3=: 8 14 23 11 9 15. Thus:
   c3=: 8 14 23 11 9 15
   x=: 0 1 2 3 4 5
   (c1 p. x) * (c2 p. x)
8 80 840 4928 18800 54528
   c3 p. x
8 80 840 4928 18800 54528
In the expression f/. the oblique operator /. produces a function that applies f to each of the diagonals of a table argument. Thus:
   c1 */ c2
 8 2 0  6
12 3 0  9
20 5 0 15
   +//. c1 */ c2
8 14 23 11 9 15
   c3 = +//. c1 */ c2
1 1 1 1 1 1
We may therefore define a function pc to produce product coefficients as follows:
   pc=:  +//. on (*/)
   c1 pc c2
8 14 23 11 9 15
   1 1 pc 1 1
1 2 1
   1 1 pc 1 1 pc 1 1
1 3 3 1
Similar reasoning will show that the same function pc produces coefficients for the product of descending polynomials. This may be tested as follows:
   c1 pd x
5 10 19 32 49 70
   c2 pd x
3 8 39 120 275 528
   (c1 pd x)*(c2 pd x)
15 80 741 3840 13475 36960
   c3 pd x
15 80 741 3840 13475 36960

16C. Multiplication of decimal numbers S16C.

The last result of Section 16A indicates that the result of c pd 10 is the decimal value of the number whose digits are the elements of the list c. Thus:
   c1=:  1 2 3
   c2=:  1 2 0 3
   (c1 pd 10),(c2 pd 10)
123 1203

It follows that the elements of c1 pc c2 represent the product of the numbers 123 and 1203. Thus:

   ]c3=: c1 pc c2
1 4 7 9 6 9
   c3 pd 10
Consequently, the product can be obtained by making the table c1 * table c2 and summing its diagonals:
   c1 * table c2
| |1 2 0 3|
|1|1 2 0 3|
|2|2 4 0 6|
|3|3 6 0 9|
   1,(+/2 2),(+/0 4 3),(+/3 0 6),(+/6 0),9
1 4 7 9 6 9
However, these diagonal sums for other arguments may yield results greater than 9, and therefore themselves be multi-digit numbers. For example:
   c4=: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
   c5=: 8 7 6 5 4
   ]c6=: c4 pc c5
8 23 44 70 100 130 160 126 92 59 28
   c6 pd 10
The result c6 does correctly represent the product, but it is unsatisfactory in that its multi-digit elements cannot be simply squeezed together (as in 8234470100130160126925928) to produce the correct product.

An equivalent list of single digits can, however, be obtained by "carrying" all but the final digit to the next higher element, as illustrated in the following sequence:

   c6=: 8 23 44 70 100 130 160 126 92 59 28
   c7=: 8 23 44 70 100 130 160 126 92 61 8
   c8=: 8 23 44 70 100 130 160 126 98 1 8
   c9=: 8 23 44 70 100 130 160 135 8 1 8
   c10=: 8 23 44 70 100 130 173 5 8 1 8
   c11=: 8 23 44 70 100 147 3 5 8 1 8
   c12=: 8 23 44 70 114 7 3 5 8 1 8
   c13=: 8 23 44 81 4 7 3 5 8 1 8
   c14=: 8 23 52 1 4 7 3 5 8 1 8
   c15=: 8 28 2 1 4 7 3 5 8 1 8
   c16=: 10 8 2 1 4 7 3 5 8 1 8
   c17=: 1 0 8 2 1 4 7 3 5 8 1 8
   c6 pd 10
   c17 pd 10
Moreover, the entire normalization from c6 to c17 can be done easily by hand in a single process. In summary, multiplication of decimal numbers represented by the lists of digits d1 and d2 can be performed by hand by writing down the table d1 * table d2, summing the diagonals, and "normalizing" the results to single-digit elements (written together without spaces). This process may be compared with the commonly-taught scheme shown below:
In contrast to the three distinct steps of recording the multiplications in a table, summing its diagonals, and a final normalizion by carry, this conventional scheme combines multiplication and carry in each step of the production of each line, and again uses carrying in the final summation of the several lines.

Not only is this combined multiplication-and-carry more difficult to execute accurately, but the resulting record is almost impossible to check for possible errors except by repeating the entire process " a repetition that invites repetition of the same errors.

16D. Other bases S16D.

Just as c pd 10 gives the decimal (or base-10) value of c as a weighted sum with weights of decreasing powers of 10, so c pd 8 gives the base-8 value, using powers of 8 as weights. For example:
   c1=: 1 2 3
   c2=: 1 2 0 3
   (c1 pd 8),(c2 pd 8)
83 643
   ]c3=: c1 pc c2
1 4 7 9 6 9
   c3 pd 8
   (c1 pd 8)*(c2 pd 8)
Again the result c3 can be normalized, this time to the range 0 to 7. This requires dividing by 8, "carrying" the integer quotient, and leaving the remainder. Thus:
1 4 7 9 6 9
   1 4 7 9 7 1 pd 8
   1 4 8 1 7 1 pd 8
   1 5 0 1 7 1 pd 8

16E. Remainder, Divisibility, and Integer part S16E.

The carrying process used in preceding sections made use of the remainder. For example, 8 divides into 24 exactly (that is, an integer number of times), but it divides 27 leaving a remainder of 3.

The remainder function is denoted by | and is illustrated by:

   | table i=: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
| |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8|
|1|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
|2|1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0|
|3|1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2|
|4|1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0|
|5|1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3|
|6|1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2|
|7|1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1|
|8|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0|

If the remainder d|n is zero, we say that n is divisible by d, as illustrated by the following divisibility table:

   =&0 on | table i
| |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8|
|1|1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1|
|2|0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1|
|3|0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0|
|4|0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1|
|5|0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0|
|6|0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0|
|7|0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0|
|8|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1|

The number n-d|n is divisible by d, and the result of the division d%~n-d|n is called the integer quotient. Thus:

   iq=: ([%~]-|)"0
   8 iq 22 23 24 25 26 27
2 2 3 3 3 3
   iq table i
| |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8|
|1|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8|
|2|0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4|
|3|0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2|
|4|0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2|
|5|0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1|
|6|0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1|
|7|0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1|
|8|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1|

The integer quotient can also be obtained by applying the integer part function <. to the result of division. For example:

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
   <. on (%~) table i
| |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8|
|1|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8|
|2|0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4|
|3|0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2|
|4|0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2|
|5|0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1|
|6|0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1|
|7|0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1|
|8|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1|

16F. Notes S16F.

In his Chapter 6: The Dawn of nothing, Hogben provides an interesting discussion of number systems and the role of zero in their development. For example:

Why this is necessarily true, is easy to see if we recall the Roman representation of 32, i.e. XXXII. If the Romans had written it in the form III II, there would have been no way of distinguishing it from 302, 320, 3,020, 3,200, etc. The one simple way of escape from this dilemma is to introduce a sign such as the Maya lozenge ..., a dot or a circle for the empty column of the abacus. We can then write 32, 302, 320, 3,020 as below:


...If our base is b, we need only (b-1) other signs e.g. if b=10 the other signs we need are nine in all. We can then express any nameable number however great without enlarging our stock in trade.

...Its invention liberated the human intellect from the prison bars of the counting frame. The new script was a complete model of the mechanical process one performs with it. With a sign for the empty column, 'carrying over' on slate, paper or parchment is just as easy as carrying over on the abacus.

...In mediaeval Europe, the name for such rules was algorithms, a corruption of the name of a thirteenth century mathematician, spelled Al Khwarismi or Alkarismi.

17: Algorithms

17A. Introduction

17B. Designing an algorithm

17C. Explicit definition

17A. Introduction S17A.

In cooking, a list of one or more instructions is called a recipe; in mathematics or computer science it is called a program or algorithm.

A recipe may call for some thing (such as Hollandaise sauce) which is itself specified by a recipe; in mathematics or programming such a thing is more commonly called a function or component function. For example, in the program

   odd=: 1:+even
      even=: 2:*i.

the program for the function odd makes use of the function even, and each function may be used independently:

   odd 5
1 3 5 7 9
   even 5
0 2 4 6 8
   (odd*even) 5
0 6 20 42 72

17B. Designing an algorithm S17B.

Except for the very simplest cases, it is best to begin by computing an example and assessing its suitability, and only then composing the required definition or definitions. We will illustrate two approaches to this final step:

  1. Define component functions (such as f and g), and use them in a single definition (such as h=: f+f on g).

  2. Use the explicit form of definition, in which the body of the definition is essentially a copy of the worked example, but with the arguments denoted by x. and y. .

EXAMPLE 1 Define a function for the decaying sine curve.

We begin by assigning values to a list argument x, and applying sine and decay functions to it:

   x=: 1r2*i.11
   s=: 1&o. x
   ]n=: _1r5 * x
0 _1r10 _1r5 _3r10 _2r5 _1r2 _3r5 _7r10 _4r5 _9r10 _1
   d=: ^ n
   set 2
0 0.43 0.69 0.74 0.61 0.36 0.077 _0.17 _0.34 _0.4 _0.35
   PLOT x;d,s,:d*s

17C. Explicit definition S17C.

We will now illustrate the use of a form of definition in which the arguments occur explicitly (using the names x. and y.), and allows multiple lines in which names may be assigned to intermediate results. Thus:
   b=: 4

   f=: 4 : 0
a=: i. x.
b=: a ^ y.
c=: +/b

   5 f 2
|0 1 4 9 16|30|
0 1 4 9 16
It is clear that the value originally assigned to b (in order to illustrate this matter) has been changed by the execution of f, behaviour that might cause the loss of valuable data. This unsuitable behaviour can be avoided by using a different copula (=.) to localize the names assigned within the function. Thus:
   f=: 4 : 0
a=.i. x.
b=.a ^ y.

   7 f 3
|0 1 8 27 64 125 216|441|
0 1 4 9 16
See Section S16C for a further example of explicit definition.

In Section 11E, the agenda operator @. was used to provide a conditional execution of functions in its argument. In many programming languages, conditional execution is provided by constructs such as if, then, else, and while do. The form used in explicit definition is illustrated by:

   SUM=: 3 : 0
while. i<y.
   do. a i

   SUM 4
   sum=: +/ on i.
   sum 4

18: Anti-Derivative and Integral

18A. Introduction

18B. Area under a graph as a function

18C. Polynomial approximations

18A. Introduction S18A.

Just as the operator d.1 can be applied to a function f to obtain its derivative, so the operator d._1 can be applied to obtain its anti-derivative, that is, a function whose derivative is f. For example:
   derv=: d.1
   anti=: d._1

   c=: 1 2 3 4 5 6
   c with p.
1 2 3 4 5 6&p.
   c with p. derv
2 6 12 20 30&p.
   c with p. anti
0 1 1 1 1 1 1&p.
   c with p. anti derv
1 2 3 4 5 6&p.

  1. Experiment with the operators derv and anti on functions such as ^ and 1&o. and 2&o. and 6&o.

  2. Compare the derivatives of the functions 1 2 3 4 5&p. and 7 2 3 4 5&p. , and explain their agreement.

18B. Area under a graph as a function S18B.

A study of the graph of Section 3B (an approximation to a circle) suggests that the area under the graph of a function f from the argument _1 (or any fixed point) to an argument x is itself a function of x (that depends upon the function f).

We will first make a similar graph, using a finer grid (with a spacing 0.05 between points):

   a=:  i:1j40
   PLOT a;cir a
What is the rate of change of the area function?

Consider the point x=: 0.5, the spacing s=: 0.05, and the next plotted point x+s. The change in area is due to the quadrilateral with base s and heights cir x and cir x+s, an area equal to s times the average of the heights cir x and cir x+s.

The rate of change ((cir x+s)-(cir x))%s is therefore the average of cir x and cir x+s. For small values of s, this average approaches cir x; the derivative of the area under the graph of cir is therefore the function cir itself.

In other words, the area under the graph of a function is the anti-derivative of the function. Since this area can be viewed as the aggregation or integration of the component areas, it is also called the integral of the function.

18C. Polynomial approximations S18C.

As illustrated in Section 3B, the area under a curve can be computed to give the value of the anti-derivative of a function at a chosen point. But this does not yield a function for the anti-derivative in the sense that the operator d._1 does for the functions to which it applies.

This situation is analogous to the equation-solving of Chapter 9, which gives the inverse of a function for some chosen point, but not the inverse function itself.

A practical solution to the anti-derivative of a function f is provided by finding the coefficients of a polynomial that approximates it, and then using the fact that the anti-derivative (as well as the derivative) of a polynomial is easily obtained.

The expression (f x) %. x^/i.n yields the coefficients of an n-term polynomial that best fits the function f at the points x. For example:

   ]x=: i:1j10
_1 _0.8 _0.6 _0.4 _0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

   ]c=: (1&o. x) %. x ^/i.5
_3.46945e_17 0.997542 9.99201e_16 _0.156378 _7.77156e_16

   c&p. _1 0 1
_0.841164 _3.46945e_17 0.841164

   1&o. _1 0 1
_0.841471 0 0.841471

   (c&p. x) ,. (sin x)
   _0.841164 _0.841471
   _0.717968 _0.717356
   _0.564748 _0.564642
   _0.389009 _0.389418
   _0.198257 _0.198669
_3.46945e_17         0
    0.198257  0.198669
    0.389009  0.389418
    0.564748  0.564642
    0.717968  0.717356
    0.841164  0.841471
The polynomial approximations may, however, be wildly wrong for arguments outside of the list x to which it was fitted.

The function der of Section 6B applied to a list of polynomial coefficients yields the coefficients of the derivative polynomial. A coresponding function for the anti-derivative may be defined as follows:

   der=: 1: |. ] * i. on #
   ant=: 0:,] % next i. on #
   ant c
0 1 1 1 1 1 1
   der ant c
1 2 3 4 5 6 0

19:Complex Numbers and the Exponential Family

19A. Imaginary numbers

19B. Complex numbers

19C. Division

19D. The Exponential Family

19A. Imaginary numbers S19A.

In Chapter 1 we began with the counting numbers (1 2 3 4 etc.) and found that the introduction of subtraction as the inverse of addition led to a new class of negative numbers (when we attempted to subtract a larger number from a smaller).

Such negative numbers were once regarded as curious absurdities, but are found to serve consistently and usefully under addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

Similarly, the introduction of division as the inverse of multiplication leads to the consistent and useful notion of fractional numbers.

Because the square of any number (positive or negative) is non-negative, the introduction of the square root as the inverse of the square leads to a further extension when applied to a negative number. These new numbers were (and still are) called imaginary. For example:

   set=: 9!:11
   set 4

   sqr=: *:
   sqrt=: sqr^:_1
   a=: i.10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
   sqr a
0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81
   sqrt a
0 1 1.414 1.732 2 2.236 2.449 2.646 2.828 3
   b=: sqrt -a
0 0j1 0j1.414 0j1.732 0j2 0j2.236 0j2.449 0j2.646 0j2.828 0j3
   sqr b
0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9

19B. Complex numbers S19B.

The sum of a real and an imaginary number is called a complex number. For example:
0 1j1 2j1.414 3j1.732 4j2 5j2.236 6j2.449 7j2.646 8j2.828 9j3
   sqr (a+b)
0 0j2 2j5.657 6j10.39 12j16 20j22.36 30j29.39 42j37.04 56j45.25 72j54
   a + table b
| |0 0j1 0j1.414 0j1.732 0j2 0j2.236 0j2.449 0j2.646 0j2.828 0j3|
|0|0 0j1 0j1.414 0j1.732 0j2 0j2.236 0j2.449 0j2.646 0j2.828 0j3|
|1|1 1j1 1j1.414 1j1.732 1j2 1j2.236 1j2.449 1j2.646 1j2.828 1j3|
|2|2 2j1 2j1.414 2j1.732 2j2 2j2.236 2j2.449 2j2.646 2j2.828 2j3|
|3|3 3j1 3j1.414 3j1.732 3j2 3j2.236 3j2.449 3j2.646 3j2.828 3j3|
|4|4 4j1 4j1.414 4j1.732 4j2 4j2.236 4j2.449 4j2.646 4j2.828 4j3|
|5|5 5j1 5j1.414 5j1.732 5j2 5j2.236 5j2.449 5j2.646 5j2.828 5j3|
|6|6 6j1 6j1.414 6j1.732 6j2 6j2.236 6j2.449 6j2.646 6j2.828 6j3|
|7|7 7j1 7j1.414 7j1.732 7j2 7j2.236 7j2.449 7j2.646 7j2.828 7j3|
|8|8 8j1 8j1.414 8j1.732 8j2 8j2.236 8j2.449 8j2.646 8j2.828 8j3|
|9|9 9j1 9j1.414 9j1.732 9j2 9j2.236 9j2.449 9j2.646 9j2.828 9j3|
Since a complex number is a sum of a real and an imaginary number, the product of complex numbers is treated consistently as a product of sums. The steps in the multiplication may be illustrated as follows:
   c=: 2j3
   d=: 4j5
Note that the product of two imaginaries (0j3 and 0j5) yields a negative real number.

19C. Division S19C.

We begin by dividing the product e=: c*d by c and then by d to get the expected results d and c:
   ]e=: c*d
To get a general procedure for division, we first note that division by a real number is straightforward. For example:
   12j22 % 2
Similarly, we note that multiplication of both numerator and dednominator by the same number leaves the quotient unchanged. For example:
   g=: 2j_3
Finally, we note that the denominator c*g is a real number, a result of choosing g as the conjugate of c, that is, obtained from c by reversing the sign of its imaginary part:
The function conj=: + yields the conjugate of its argument, and it can therefore be used to provide division by first producing an equivalent quotient with a real denominator. For example:
   conj=: +
   p=: 2j5
   q=: 3j_4
   conj q
   p*conj q
   q*conj q
   (p*conj q)%(q*conj q)
NB. Compare with p%q

19D. The Exponential Family S19D.

In Chapter 14 we showed that the hyperbolic sine and the hyperbolic cosine belonged to the exponential family in the sense that they could be obtained from the exponential as its odd and even parts. Using imaginary numbers, we can treat the sine and cosine similarly.

The function j. multiplies its argument by 0j1 (the square root of negative one). For example:

0 0j1 0j2 0j3 0j4 0j5 0j6 0j7 0j8 0j9
Consequently, each term in the polynomial c with p. on j. differs from that in the polynomial c with p. by a power of 0j1 determined by its exponent. For example:
  0j1^0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 0j1 _1 0j_1 1 0j1 _1 0j_1 1

   c=: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
   f=: c with p.
   f t. i.10 NB. Taylor coefficients
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0

   f on j. t. i.10
1 0j2 _3 0j_4 5 0j6 _7 0 0 0
Consequently, the Taylor coefficients of the function ^ with j. are the same as those of the sum cos+j. sin, and the cosine and sine can be obtained from the even and odd parts of ^ with j.


  1. Define the following odd and even operators:
       O=:  .: -
       E=:  .. -
    and experiment with their use on the function f=: 0 1 2 3 4 5 with p. using expressions such as f E and f E i:4 and (f O+f E) i:4

  2. Experiment with the odd and even parts of other polynomials, as well as with the functions ^ and sin=: 1 with o. and cos=: 2 with o. and cosh=: 6 with o. .

20: Further Topics

20A. Introduction

20B. Mathematics: from the Birth of Numbers

20C. Concrete mathematics

20D. Computer Resources

20E. Conclusion

20A. Introduction S20A.

In stating the purpose of this book in the preface we said:
In the seventy-odd years since his publication, the development of computer programming has provided languages with grammars that are simpler and more tractable than that of conventional mathematical notation. Moreover, the general availability of the computer makes possible convenient and accurate experimentation with mathematical ideas....

These facts make it possible to present to the layman a simple view of calculus as the study of the rate of change of a function, and to use it to provide insight into matters such as the sine and cosine functions (so useful in trigonometry and the study of mechanical and electrical vibrations), and into the exponential and its inverse the logarithm (so useful in growth processes and matters such as the familiar musical scale).

These matters have now been addressed, but there remain many practical and interesting topics (such as probability and statistics) that are well within the grasp and interest of a layman. Rather than pursue these, we will conclude by suggesting sources for further study.

Although there are many excellent elementary treatments of math (including some high-school texts), they are all couched in conventional notation, which we have (except for the discussion in Chapter 10) largely ignored. This may make their study difficult.

However, the use of a foreign (that is, unfamiliar) language also offers advantage: the effort of translation often forces one to "look behind the words" to gain a clearer understanding of their import.

We will discuss just two texts, in addition to resources available on the computer.

The first text (Gullberg, Mathematics: From the Birth of Numbers [20]) is serious, entertaining, and extensive, and provides a wealth of interesting historical detail. As stated in a foreword by Peter Hilton (an emeritus professor of mathematics):

The unstated premise of this book - a premise that virtually all mathematicians would agree to - is that mathematics, like music, is worth doing for its own sake. The author is, by profession, a medical man, but he has a love for mathemtics and wants others to share his enthusiasm.

This is not to deny the usefulness of mathematics; this very usefulness, however, tends to conceal and disguise the cultural aspect of mathematics.


Further, the study of mathematics starts with the teaching of arithmetic, a horrible, wretched subject, far removed from real mathematics, but perceived to be useful. As a result, vast numbers of intelligent people become 'mathematics avoiders' even though they have never met mathematics. Their desire to avoid the tedium of elementary arithmetic, with its boring, unappetizing algorithms and pointless drill-calculations, is perfectly natural and healthy.

To those intelligent people, it must seem absurd to liken mathematics to music as an art to be savored and enjoyed even in one's leisure time. Yet that is how it should appear and could appear if it were playing its proper role in our (otherwise) civilized society. Just as an appreciation of music is a hallmark of the educated person, so should be an appreciation of mathematics. The author of this book is a splendid example of an educated person bearing this hallmark.

The second (Graham, Knuth and Patashnik, Concrete Mathematics [2]) is presented as "A foundation for Computer Science". As stated in the preface:

The course title "Concrete Mathematics" was originally intended as an antidote to "Abstract Mathematics", since concrete classical results were rapidly being swept out of the modern mathematical curriculum by a new wave of abstract ideas popularly called "The New Math." Abstract mathematics is a beautiful subject ... But its adherents had become deluded that the rest of mathematics was inferior and no longer worthy of attention.

This text is recommended not only because of its clarity and coverage, but also because of my Concrete Math Companion [21], which may prove helpful in the matter of notation. It provides an extensive commentary on the Graham text, expressed in the executable notation used here.

20B. Mathematics: from the Birth of Numbers S20B.

We will comment on four topics covered by Gullberg, primarily to show the form of their expression in J, and the possibility for computer experimentation:

CONTINUED FRACTIONS On page 127, Gullberg says:

All real numbers can be written as periodic
or nonperiodic, terminating or nonterminating, decimal
fractions. Another way of writing a rational number
is in the form of a continued fraction,

N = a0 + 1 ----------------------- a1 + 1 ------------------ a2 + 1 ------------- a3 + 1 -------- a4 + ... or, in a kind of accepted mathematical "shorthand", N = [a0, a1, a2, a3 ...]

This is equivalent to the function pr=: [+1:%] applied over the list a0,a1,a2,a3, etc., and Gullberg's example of 221/41 may be treated as follows:
   pr=: [+1:%]
   2 pr 5
   pr/5 2 1 1 3 2r1
   pr/5 2 1 1 3 2
   pr/\5 2 1 1 3 2r1
5 11r2 16r3 27r5 97r18 221r41
The final expression illustrates how the operator \ may be used to obtain the partial sums or "convergents" to the complete continued fraction.

The fibonacci numbers (treated by Gullberg on page 287) may also be obtained as continued fractions. For example:

   pr/\1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1r1
1 2 3r2 5r3 8r5 13r8 21r13 34r21 55r34 89r55
   pr/\1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 1.5 1.66667 1.6 1.625 1.61538 1.61905 1.61765 1.61818
These decimal results may be recognized as increasingly good approximations to the Golden Mean (or golden number), also treated by Gullberg.

On page 143, Gullberg shows examples of continued fraction approximations to irrational numbers such as the square root of six:

   a=: 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4
   b=: pr/a
DETERMINANTS On pages 646,7, Gullberg states:
A determinant is a value
representing sums and products of a square matrix.

The determinant of a matrix A, det A, is denoted as
arrays of numbers or algebraic quantities, called
entries or elements, disposed in horizontal rows and
vertical columns enclosed between single vertical bars:

           | a11 a12 ... a1n |
   det A = | ... ... ... ... |
           | an1 an2 ... ann |
has 3! = 6 triple products of entries from every row
and column, of which no two triplets can be the same,

a11 a22 a33  a11 a23 a32  a12 a21 a33  a12 a23 a31  a13 a21 a32  a13 a22 a31
   1-2-3        1-3-2        2-1-3        2-3-1        3-1-2        3-2-1
# of inversions:
    none         one          one          two          two         three
Correction factor:
     +1           -1           -1           +1           +1           -1
In J the determinant function is defined as det=: -/ . * which, applied to the three-by-three matrix (that is, table) of Gullberg's example yields the following results:
   det=: -/ . *
   A=:  2 3 4,.0 1 2,.4 0 2
2 0 4
3 1 0
4 2 2
   det A
Gullberg notes the following properties:
The value of a determinant is reversed in sign if any two rows are interchanged.

Multiplying all entries of any row multiplies the determinant by the same factor.

The area of a triangle is one-half the absolute value of the determinant of the matrix obtained by bordering the three-by-two table of its coordinates by a column of ones.

For example:
   (1 A. A);(det 1 A. A);(det A)
|2 0 4|   |  |
|4 2 2|_12|12|
|3 1 0|   |  |
   (1 3 1 * A);(det 1 3 1 * A);(3 * det A)
|2 0 4|  |  |
|9 3 0|36|36|
|4 2 2|  |  |
   (2 3 4 * A);(det 2 3 4 * A);((*/2 3 4)*det A)
| 4 0 8|   |   |
| 9 3 0|288|288|
|16 8 8|   |   |
   triangle=: 3 2$3 _2 , _4 1 , 8 3
   bt=: triangle,.1
   triangle;bt;(det bt);(1 A. bt);(det 1 A. bt)
| 3 _2| 3 _2 1|   | 3 _2 1|  |
|_4  1|_4  1 1|_50| 8  3 1|50|
| 8  3| 8  3 1|   |_4  1 1|  |
The last result agrees with Gullberg's statement that the absolute value of the determinant yields twice the area of the triangle. But, more generally, the determinant yields a signed area that indicates whether the vertices of the triangle (when plotted) occur in clockwise or counter-clockwise order.

Similarly, the tetrahedron specified by a four-by-three table of points in three dimensions may be bordered by ones and subjected to the determinant to yield six times (!3) its signed volume. For example:

   ]tet=: 4 3$0 0 0 , 1 0 0 , 0 1 0 , 0 0 1
0 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
   det tet,.1
   ]tet2=: ?. 4 3$10
1 7 4
5 2 0
6 6 9
3 5 8
   det tet2,.1
LOGARITHMS On page 154 Gullberg says:
that is, a logarithm is an exponent which defines to what power the base a must be raised in order to give x, called the anti-logarithm.

The following practicable systems of logarithms are used:

lg x The common logarithm of x (to base 10) (also called log x ...)

ln x The natural logarighm of x (to base e)

lb x The binary logarithm of x (to base 2)

loga x The logarithm of x to the base a (also called alog x, especially in older texts)

In J the function a with ^. gives the base a logarithm, and the function ^. (or 1x1 with ^.) gives the natural log. Hence:
   ln=: ^.
   log=: 10 with ^.
   lb=: 2 with ^.
   x=: 1 2 4 10 100
   ln x
0 0.693147 1.38629 2.30259 4.60517
   log x
0 0.30103 0.60206 1 2
   lb x
0 1 2 3.32193 6.64386
   ln -1 2 4 10
0j3.14159 0.693147j3.14159 1.38629j3.14159 2.30259j3.14159
   ^ ln -x
_1 _2 _4 _10 _100
   log -x
0j1.36438 0.30103j1.36438 0.60206j1.36438 1j1.36438 2j1.36438
   10 ^ log -x
_1 _2 _4 _10 _100
THE PEANO AXIOMS On page 157 Gullberg says:
The natural numbers were axiomatically defined in 1899 by Giuseppe Peano in his ... Later, Peano modified his axioms to include also zero:

1. Zero is a number.

2. Every natural number or zero, a, has an immediate successor a + 1.

The treatment in our Chapter 1 is based on Peano's original formulation (which did not include zero as a natural number), and denotes Peano's successor function by >: (and its inverse, the predecessor, by <:).

20C. Concrete Mathematics S20C.

The text Concrete Mathematics [2] will be referred to as GKP, and will be discussed together with commentary on it (expressed in J) from Concrete Math Companion [21], to be referred to as CMC.


Our generic generating function has the form

G(z) = g0 + g1z + g2z2 + ... (7.12)

and we say that G(z), or G for short, is the generating function for the sequence <g0,g1,g2, ...>, which we also call <gn>. The coefficient gn of zn in G(z) is sometimes denoted [zn]G(z).

In Section 7B, CMC discusses this as follows:
In GKP7.12 the limit (as n approaches infinity) of the polynomial G=. (g i.n) p. ] is defined to be the generating function for the function g. In other words, g k is the kth element of the Taylor series for g.

For example, the functions for the exponential, sine, and the product of the sine and the exponential may be generated as follows:

      gex=. ^ t.
     gsin=. 1&o. t.
   gsinex=. (1&o. * ^) t.
   ]ce=. gex i. 8
1 1 0.5 0.166667 0.0416667 0.00833333 0.00138889 0.000198413
   ]cs=. gsin i.8
0 1 0 _0.166667 0 0.00833333 0 _0.000198413
   ]cse=. gsinex i. 8
0 1 1 0.333333 0 _0.0333333 _0.0111111 _0.0015873
We'll be working with sums of the general form

a1 + a2 +...+ an

where each ak is a number that has been defined somehow.

In Section 2A, CMC discusses this as follows:
We will therefore treat a as a function, and the list of indices as a second function, typically i. or the function Ei=. i.@>: . For example
   Ei=. i.@>:
   Ei 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
   a=. *:
   a Ei 5
0 1 4 9 16 25
   +/ a Ei 5
STIRLING NUMBERS In Section 6.1, GKP defines Stirling Numbers of the first and second kind by:
...the number of ways to arrange n objects into k cycles

...the number of ways to partition a set of n things into k nonempty subsets

and provides tables of them in Table 245 and Table 244.

In Section 5F, CMC introduces the falling factorial function ^!._1 and uses it to define the Stirling numbers as matrices that provide the coefficients for linear transformations between the coefficients of certain important polynomials.

The required transformation matrices are given by:

   s1=: |: on ((i. ^!._1/ i.) %. (i. ^/ i.))
   s2=: %. on s1
   (s1;s2) 8r1
|1    0     0    0    0   0   0 0|1 0  0   0   0   0  0 0|
|0    1     0    0    0   0   0 0|0 1  0   0   0   0  0 0|
|0   _1     1    0    0   0   0 0|0 1  1   0   0   0  0 0|
|0    2    _3    1    0   0   0 0|0 1  3   1   0   0  0 0|
|0   _6    11   _6    1   0   0 0|0 1  7   6   1   0  0 0|
|0   24   _50   35  _10   1   0 0|0 1 15  25  10   1  0 0|
|0 _120   274 _225   85 _15   1 0|0 1 31  90  65  15  1 0|
|0  720 _1764 1624 _735 175 _21 1|0 1 63 301 350 140 21 1|
Functions to provide Tables 245 and 244 of GkP are defined in terms of these as follows
   S1=: | on s1
   S2=: s2
   (S1;S2) 8r1
|1   0    0    0   0   0  0 0|1 0  0   0   0   0  0 0|
|0   1    0    0   0   0  0 0|0 1  0   0   0   0  0 0|
|0   1    1    0   0   0  0 0|0 1  1   0   0   0  0 0|
|0   2    3    1   0   0  0 0|0 1  3   1   0   0  0 0|
|0   6   11    6   1   0  0 0|0 1  7   6   1   0  0 0|
|0  24   50   35  10   1  0 0|0 1 15  25  10   1  0 0|
|0 120  274  225  85  15  1 0|0 1 31  90  65  15  1 0|
|0 720 1764 1624 735 175 21 1|0 1 63 301 350 140 21 1|

20D. Computer Resources S20D.

LABORATORIES Clicking the mouse on the menu item marked "Studio" shows a menu that allows the selection of either "Labs" or "Demos". Clicking on "Labs" provides an opportunity to choose a variety of topics.

These topics are presented as labs in the sense that, at any point in the presentation, you may enter your own J expressions to experiment with the ideas presented. Or you may use the facilities described in Section 4B to capture and revise expressions already used in the presentation or in your own experiments.

For example, choosing "Fractals, Visualization, & J" leads to a function which, applied repeatedly to the one-element list ,1, produces a matrix with an interesting pattern. Moreover, it provides a function viewmat that plots a view of the matrix as a grid of black and white elements. Thus:

   f=: ,~ ,.~
   f ,1
1 1
1 0
   f f ,1
1 1 1 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
   f f f ,1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

   load 'graph numeric trig'
   viewmat f f f f f f f f ,1

DEMONSTRATIONS The demos include a game (called Pousse), a table of distances between major cities, and numerous graphical displays of objects in two and three dimensions. By choosing the Definition option in some displays you may study, and even modify, the programs that produce them.

DICTIONARY DEFINITIONS Further information about J may be obtained from the Help menu as described in Section 4B, but definitions may also be obtained more directly by pressing key F1 to display the vocabulary, and then clicking on the desired item.

For example, selecting the item o. will show that the definition of the function 0 with o. (used to graph circles in Sections 3B and 18B) is the square root of one minus the square.

A definition may also be displayed by placing the cursor immediately to the left of a symbol on the screen and pressing F1 while holding down the CONTROL key.

20E. Conclusion S20E.

Study of this book will not make a mathematician, but we hope that the use of precise executable language possessing a simple strict grammar will further the cause stated by Hogben in our preface (and repeated here):

The view which we shall explore is that mathematics is the language of size, shape and order and that it is an essential part of the equipment of an intelligent citizen to understand this language. If the rules of mathematics are the rules of grammar, there is no stupidity involved when we fail to see that a mathematical truth is obvious. The rules of ordinary grammar are not obvious. They have to be learned. They are not eternal truths. They are conveniences without whose aid truths about the sorts of things in the world cannot be communicated from one person to another.

Perhaps the most important lesson for the layman is that there is no need to be intimidated by mathematics or mathematicians. On this matter, we give the final word to Hogben:
There is a story about Diderot, the Encyclopaedist and materialist, a foremost figure in the intellectual awakening which immediately preceded the French Revolution. Diderot was staying at the Russian court, where his elegant flippancy was entertaining the nobility. Diderot was informed that a mathematician had established a proof of the existence of God.


Before the assembled court, Euler accosted him with the following pronouncement, which was uttered with due gravity:

       ------- = x, donc Dieu existe, repondez!
Algebra was Arabic to Diderot. Unfortunately, he did not realize that was the trouble. Had he realized that algebra was just a language in which we describe the sizes of things, ... he would have asked Euler to translate ... into French.


Like many of us, Diderot had stagefright when confronted with a sentence in size language. He left the court abruptly amid the titters of the assembly, confined himself to his chambers, demanded a safe conduct, and promptly returned to France.


S1A. The Counting (Natural) Numbers

This definition of the counting numbers in terms of a successor function was made in 1899 by Giuseppe Peano. For further details, see the discussion in Section 20B, and the Gullberg text to which it refers.

This discussion may be found by first clicking on Chapter 20 in the list at the beginning of the text, then clicking on Section 20C, and then moving back up the page to the last part of Section 20B.

S1B. Lists and Names

The function (or verb) denoted by ,. can be used to stitch lists together to form tables, and lists and tables together to form further tables, as illustrated by the following:
   a=:1 4 7
   b=:2 5 8
   c=:3 6 9

1 2
4 5
7 8
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
1 2 3  4
4 5 6  7
7 8 9 10
2 3  4
5 6  7
8 9 10
1 2 3  4  5  6
4 5 6  7  8  9
7 8 9 10 11 12
The function denoted by , can be used to catenate lists and tables as illustrated by the following:
1 4 7 2 5 8
1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
1 4 7
 1  2  3
 4  5  6
 7  8  9
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18
The function denoted by |: can be used to transpose a table as follows:
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
1 4 7  4
2 5 8  7
3 6 9 10
Write various expressions employing the functions used in the preceding examples, and show the results produced.

S1C. Iteration (Repetition)

Write the result of the expression next for list list , and compare your result with that produced by entering it on the computer.

S1D. Inverse

While we had only the counting numbers (which begin at 1), our lists could contain neither negative numbers nor zero; but now that we have extended our domain to the integers this restriction is removed. We may therefore introduce the functions i. and i: that produce lists of integers as illustrated below:
   i.5   NB. The first five non-negative integers
0 1 2 3 4

   i:5   NB. The integers from _5 to 5
_5 _4 _3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3 4 5
In the foregoing we used NB. which indicates that what follows it is a note or comment that has no effect on the meaning of the preceding sentence.

The function denoted by +: doubles its argument. For example:

_5 _4 _3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3 4 5
_10 _8 _6 _4 _2 0 2 4 6 8 10
   double x
_10 _8 _6 _4 _2 0 2 4 6 8 10
   y=:double for 2 x
_20 _16 _12 _8 _4 0 4 8 12 16 20

   double for _1 y  NB. Inverse of double
_10 _8 _6 _4 _2 0 2 4 6 8 10

   double for _1 x
_2.5 _2 _1.5 _1 _0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Some of the results of the last expression are not integers. Just as the inverse of the successor function led us out of the domain of the counting numbers, so the inverse of double has led out of the domain of integers -- this time into fractions or rationals. These matters are treated further in Section 1J.

S1E. Addition and Subtraction (+ and -)

Study the following function tables, and try to state the definitions of each of the functions denoted by = > <. <: | and !

Compare your definitions with those given below.

0 1 2 3 4 5
   =table a
| |0 1 2 3 4 5|
|0|1 0 0 0 0 0|
|1|0 1 0 0 0 0|
|2|0 0 1 0 0 0|
|3|0 0 0 1 0 0|
|4|0 0 0 0 1 0|
|5|0 0 0 0 0 1|

   (=table a),.(>table a),.(<.table a)
| |0 1 2 3 4 5| |0 1 2 3 4 5| |0 1 2 3 4 5|
|0|1 0 0 0 0 0|0|0 0 0 0 0 0|0|0 0 0 0 0 0|
|1|0 1 0 0 0 0|1|1 0 0 0 0 0|1|0 1 1 1 1 1|
|2|0 0 1 0 0 0|2|1 1 0 0 0 0|2|0 1 2 2 2 2|
|3|0 0 0 1 0 0|3|1 1 1 0 0 0|3|0 1 2 3 3 3|
|4|0 0 0 0 1 0|4|1 1 1 1 0 0|4|0 1 2 3 4 4|
|5|0 0 0 0 0 1|5|1 1 1 1 1 0|5|0 1 2 3 4 5|

   (<:table a),.(|table a),.(!table a)
| |0 1 2 3 4 5| |0 1 2 3 4 5| |0 1 2 3 4  5|
|0|1 1 1 1 1 1|0|0 1 2 3 4 5|0|1 1 1 1 1  1|
|1|0 1 1 1 1 1|1|0 0 0 0 0 0|1|0 1 2 3 4  5|
|2|0 0 1 1 1 1|2|0 1 0 1 0 1|2|0 0 1 3 6 10|
|3|0 0 0 1 1 1|3|0 1 2 0 1 2|3|0 0 0 1 4 10|
|4|0 0 0 0 1 1|4|0 1 2 3 0 1|4|0 0 0 0 1  5|
|5|0 0 0 0 0 1|5|0 1 2 3 4 0|5|0 0 0 0 0  1|
= is a truth function that compares its arguments for equality, giving 1 if the relation is true, and 0 if it is false.

> is a truth function called greater than.

<. is called lesser-of or minimum.

<: is a truth function called less than or equal.

| is remainder on dividing by the left argument.

! is the binomial coefficient (m!n is the number of different ways of choosing m things from n things). This table is commonly shown without the zeros, and called Pascal's Triangle.

S1F. Bonding

Apply the bond (with=:&) to some of the functions = < >. <: | introduced in Section S1E, and show their results. Compare your results with the following:
   with=: &

_3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3

   = with 2 a
0 0 0 0 0 1 0

   < with 2 a
1 1 1 1 1 0 0

   <: with 2 a
1 1 1 1 1 1 0

   <. with 2 a
_3 _2 _1 0 1 2 2

   2 with | a
1 0 1 0 1 0 1

   3 with | a
0 1 2 0 1 2 0

S1G. Multiplication or Times (*)

Comment on the pattern of positive and negative numbers in the four quadrants defined by the row and column of zeros in the following multiplication table:
   * table i:4
|  | _4  _3 _2 _1 0  1  2   3   4|
|_4| 16  12  8  4 0 _4 _8 _12 _16|
|_3| 12   9  6  3 0 _3 _6  _9 _12|
|_2|  8   6  4  2 0 _2 _4  _6  _8|
|_1|  4   3  2  1 0 _1 _2  _3  _4|
| 0|  0   0  0  0 0  0  0   0   0|
| 1| _4  _3 _2 _1 0  1  2   3   4|
| 2| _8  _6 _4 _2 0  2  4   6   8|
| 3|_12  _9 _6 _3 0  3  6   9  12|
| 4|_16 _12 _8 _4 0  4  8  12  16|
The idea of multiplication can be introduced at an elementary level by pictures of rectangles. For example:
   a=:3 4 $ 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3

1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 4
Discussion of the notation used here (such as $) may be found in Sections 2E and 2F.

In his imaginative and persuasive Vision in Elementary Mathematics [22], W.W. Sawyer uses similar (hand-drawn) pictures to introduce elementary concepts in arithmetic and algebra, clarifying the ideas by "translating" from pictures to notation and back.

Sawyer's pictures do not even require the somewhat abstract notion of the numeral 1 used above, but uses dots:

   c=: a { ' .'
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
Moreover, he draws a tied bag (rather similar to &) to denote an unknown quantity, and translates to algebraic expressions that denote unknowns by letters such as x and y. For example:
translates to 2x+3.

Addition is shown as:

which is denoted by (2x+3)+(2x+3) and is (pictorially) equivalent to that shown above, or to &&&&...... which, in turn, translates to 4x+6.

S1H. Power and Exponent

See Section S1J for an extension of the power table to negative arguments.

S1I. Monomials and Polynomials (p.)

Write various expressions using the polynomial function p. and show the results they produce. Include cases with negative coefficients and negative arguments, and compare your results with the following:
_4 _3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3 4

   1 3 3 1 p. b
_27 _8 _1 0 1 8 27 64 125

   _1 3 _3 1 p. b
_125 _64 _27 _8 _1 0 1 8 27

_125 _64 _27 _8 _1 0 1 8 27

   1 _4 6 _4 1 p. b
625 256 81 16 1 0 1 16 81

625 256 81 16 1 0 1 16 81

S1J. Division (%)

Comment on the pattern in the rows and columns of the division table. Then make a division table for both positive and negative arguments, and compare your results with the following:
_5 _4 _3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3 4 5

   %table c
|  |  _5   _4   _3   _2 _1  0  1    2    3    4    5|
|_5|   1  5r4  5r3  5r2  5 __ _5 _5r2 _5r3 _5r4   _1|
|_4| 4r5    1  4r3    2  4 __ _4   _2 _4r3   _1 _4r5|
|_3| 3r5  3r4    1  3r2  3 __ _3 _3r2   _1 _3r4 _3r5|
|_2| 2r5  1r2  2r3    1  2 __ _2   _1 _2r3 _1r2 _2r5|
|_1| 1r5  1r4  1r3  1r2  1 __ _1 _1r2 _1r3 _1r4 _1r5|
| 0|   0    0    0    0  0  0  0    0    0    0    0|
| 1|_1r5 _1r4 _1r3 _1r2 _1  _  1  1r2  1r3  1r4  1r5|
| 2|_2r5 _1r2 _2r3   _1 _2  _  2    1  2r3  1r2  2r5|
| 3|_3r5 _3r4   _1 _3r2 _3  _  3  3r2    1  3r4  3r5|
| 4|_4r5   _1 _4r3   _2 _4  _  4    2  4r3    1  4r5|
| 5|  _1 _5r4 _5r3 _5r2 _5  _  5  5r2  5r3  5r4    1|
Comment on the patterns in the following extension of the power table to negative arguments. In particular, note the value of 0^0 (which may have surprised you in the power table in Section 1H).

For further justification of the choice of 1 for the value of the "indeterminate" expression 0^0, see page 785 of Gullberg [20].

   ^table c
|  |     _5    _4     _3   _2   _1 0  1  2    3   4     5|
|_5|_1r3125 1r625 _1r125 1r25 _1r5 1 _5 25 _125 625 _3125|
|_4|_1r1024 1r256  _1r64 1r16 _1r4 1 _4 16  _64 256 _1024|
|_3| _1r243  1r81  _1r27  1r9 _1r3 1 _3  9  _27  81  _243|
|_2|  _1r32  1r16   _1r8  1r4 _1r2 1 _2  4   _8  16   _32|
|_1|     _1     1     _1    1   _1 1 _1  1   _1   1    _1|
| 0|      _     _      _    _    _ 1  0  0    0   0     0|
| 1|      1     1      1    1    1 1  1  1    1   1     1|
| 2|   1r32  1r16    1r8  1r4  1r2 1  2  4    8  16    32|
| 3|  1r243  1r81   1r27  1r9  1r3 1  3  9   27  81   243|
| 4| 1r1024 1r256   1r64 1r16  1r4 1  4 16   64 256  1024|
| 5| 1r3125 1r625  1r125 1r25  1r5 1  5 25  125 625  3125|

S1K. Review and Supplement

Experiment with moving around in the text as follows:

Click on any one of the Chapters listed at the beginning of the text, and then click on the chapter heading to return to the list of chapters.

Click on any one of the Sections listed at the beginning of the selected chapter, and then click on the Section heading to return to the chapter.

Again select a chapter and a section within it. Then click on the label beginning with S that appears to the right of the section heading.

Click on the heading of the supplemental section to return to the corresponding main section.

S1L. Notes

S2A. Introduction

To gain further familiarity with the computer, enter some of the expressions from the supplemental sections for Chapter 1.

S2B. Number of places

The !: used in the expression set=:9!:11 to define the function for setting the number of digits displayed is called the foreign conjunction, because it concerns matters other than the normal verbs such as + * and %.

Click on the Help menu to display the items for which information is available. Then click on Foreign Conjunction, and then on item 9 to see the case used in defining set. Also click on the button marked >> to see further pages.

Finally press the Escape key (Esc) to remove the Help display.

S2C. Displays

Sawyer [22] emphasizes the use of trees and tables for insight, and introduces an interesting non-numeric table as follows:
In the Japanese Hiragana alphabet, each character represents a sound such as ka, ru, si, or o. There are 10 possible beginnings - the consonants k, s, t, n, m, y, r, w, and 'blank'; ... The ending is always one one of the five sounds a, e, i, o, u. How many characters are there in this alphabet? We could show this as a tree with 10 branches and 5 twigs on each ... This problem could equally well be solved by the rectangle ...
   Beginnings=:' KSTNHMYRW'

   { Beginnings;Endings
| a| e| i| o| u|
The catalogue function ({) used above may be further illustrated as follows:
   { 0 1 2;0 1 2;0 1 2
|0 0 0|0 0 1|0 0 2|
|0 1 0|0 1 1|0 1 2|
|0 2 0|0 2 1|0 2 2|

|1 0 0|1 0 1|1 0 2|
|1 1 0|1 1 1|1 1 2|
|1 2 0|1 2 1|1 2 2|

|2 0 0|2 0 1|2 0 2|
|2 1 0|2 1 1|2 1 2|
|2 2 0|2 2 1|2 2 2|

   { 'cht';'oa';'gtw'



S2D. Integer Lists

Explain the difference between the following tables:
   %table i:4
|_4|    1   1.33333    2  4 __ _4   _2  _1.33333    _1|
|_3| 0.75         1  1.5  3 __ _3 _1.5        _1 _0.75|
|_2|  0.5  0.666667    1  2 __ _2   _1 _0.666667  _0.5|
|_1| 0.25  0.333333  0.5  1 __ _1 _0.5 _0.333333 _0.25|
| 0|    0         0    0  0  0  0    0         0     0|
| 1|_0.25 _0.333333 _0.5 _1  _  1  0.5  0.333333  0.25|
| 2| _0.5 _0.666667   _1 _2  _  2    1  0.666667   0.5|
| 3|_0.75        _1 _1.5 _3  _  3  1.5         1  0.75|
| 4|   _1  _1.33333   _2 _4  _  4    2   1.33333     1|
   %table i:4r1
|  |  _4   _3   _2 _1  0  1    2    3    4|
|_4|   1  4r3    2  4 __ _4   _2 _4r3   _1|
|_3| 3r4    1  3r2  3 __ _3 _3r2   _1 _3r4|
|_2| 1r2  2r3    1  2 __ _2   _1 _2r3 _1r2|
|_1| 1r4  1r3  1r2  1 __ _1 _1r2 _1r3 _1r4|
| 0|   0    0    0  0  0  0    0    0    0|
| 1|_1r4 _1r3 _1r2 _1  _  1  1r2  1r3  1r4|
| 2|_1r2 _2r3   _1 _2  _  2    1  2r3  1r2|
| 3|_3r4   _1 _3r2 _3  _  3  3r2    1  3r4|
| 4|  _1 _4r3   _2 _4  _  4    2  4r3    1|

S2E. Vocabulary

The Vocabulary provides two definitions for the symbol -; one (called Negate) for use with one argument, and the other (called Minus) for use with two arguments. For example:
   - i.7    NB. Monadic use
0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6

   3 - i.7  NB. Dyadic use
3 2 1 0 _1 _2 _3
Other functions also have both monadic and dyadic cases. For example, a * b denotes the product of a and b, while *b denotes the sign of b.

A deinition may be displayed directly without displaying the Vocabulary: simply place the cursor just to the left of the symbol, and press F1 while holding down the control key (Ctrl).

S2F. Functions over lists

Just as the over adverb / modifies a verb to which it applies, the prefix adverb \ modifies its argument verb, applying it to each prefix of the eventual argument. For example:
   a=:1 2 3 4 5

1 3 6 10 15

1 3 6 10 15

   (sum 1),(sum 1 2),(sum 1 2 3),(sum 1 2 3 4),(sum 1 2 3 4 5)
1 3 6 10 15

   b=:1 2 3 4 5 6r1

1 2 6 24 120 720

1 2 6 24 120 720

1 1r2 3r2 3r8 15r8 5r16
Consulting the Vocabulary if necessary, state the results of the following expressions, and check your results by executing them on the computer:
   c=:18 3 96 17 24 12





   c % +./\c


   (*./\c) % c

S2G. Notes

S3A. Plotting

The link function (denoted by ;) used in the expression PLOT x;f x in Section 3A boxes its arguments and catenates them to form a two-element list. Together with the laminate function also introduced in Section 3A and the , and ,. introduced in Section S1B, they provide four ways of forming lists and tables.

Experiment with their joint use, employing the shape function $ to examine the shapes of results.

S3B. Local behaviour and area

Use the Vocabulary to examine the definition of the circle function o. used in Section 3 B. In particular, experiment with the monadic case in expressions such as o.1 and o.2 and o.1r2 .

Examine a plot of the sine function (sin=:1 with o.) to determine the approximate area under one of its arches. Then define cos=:2 with o. and use plot to plot each of sin and cos against the argument, and against one another.

Look up the definition of +: (the double function) and plot sin on +: against sin .

Finally, plot 5 with o. against 6 with o. on the argument 1r12*i:10 to draw a hyperbola.

S3C. Graphs versus function tables

  1. Determine the pairwise differences of various polynomials, including 0 0 1 with p. and 2 0 1 with p. and 1 4 6 4 1 with p. .

S3D. Notes

S4A. Bonding

  1. If the lists c and d are the same length (that is, have the same number of elements), then the polynomial (c+d) with p. is equivalent to the sum c with p. + d with p. . If one is shorter than the other, it must be extended by trailing zeros before adding it.

    Test this assertion for various values of c and d.

  2. A coefficient list that has a single non-zero element defines a polynomial that is a multiple of a power of its argument. In other words, it defines a monomial in the sense defined in Section 1I. For example:
    _4 _3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3 4
       0 0 1 with p. x
    16 9 4 1 0 1 4 9 16
    16 9 4 1 0 1 4 9 16
       0 0 3 with p. x
    48 27 12 3 0 3 12 27 48
    48 27 12 3 0 3 12 27 48

  3. If e is the diagonal sum(s) of the multiplication table c */ d, then the function e with p. is equivalent to the product g=: c with p. * d with p. . Test this assertion for various values of the coefficients c and d.

  4. The expression 1 1 with p. x yields the result 1+x, and (1 1 with p. * 1 1 with p.) x yields (1+x)^2. Determine (by hand and by computer) the coefficients of polynomials equivalent to further powers of 1+x. Compare your results with the table of binomial coefficients !table i.8.

  5. As shown in Section 6B, the list d obtained by multiplying a list of coefficients c by its indices i.#c and then deleting the leading element gives the polynomial d with p. that is the derivative or rate of change of the function c with p. . Thus:
       c=:1 2 1
    1 2 1
    0 1 2
    0 2 2
       d=:2 2
    _3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3
       (c with p. ,: d with p.) x
     4  1 0 1 4 9 16
    _4 _2 0 2 4 6  8
    Use the expression PLOT x;(c with p. ,: d with p.) x to plot the function together with its derivative, and observe that the derivative does represent the rate of change. Repeat for other polynomials.

  6. Use the derivative operator d.1 (discussed in Chapter 6) as illustrated below:
       c with p. d.1 x
    _4 _2 0 2 4 6 8
       c with p. d.1 t. i.5
    2 2 0 0 0

  7. The operator d.2 gives the second derivative, the derivative of the derivative. Experiment with its use.

  8. Use the Taylor operator t. to determine the coessicients of sums, differences, products, and composition of various polynomials.

  9. The operator d._1 yields the anti-derivative or integral discussed in Chapter 18. Experiment with its use on various polynomials.

S4B. Notes

S5A. Introduction

  1. Press key F1 and use the Vocabulary to select the definitions of the functions ! | _1: 3: ] used in the definition of the power series function ps . Then experiment with each of the following "components" of ps, and explain their behaviour:
       a=:4: | ]
       b=:3: = a
       c=:_1: ^ b
       d=:2 with |
       e=: d * c
       f=:% on !
       g=:f * e

S5B. Truncated power series

The function pg=:% on ! is the power series function for the growth or exponential function discussed in Chapter 7. Evaluate, plot, and otherwise experiment with, its use.

Experiment with the growth function g=:(pg 0 1 2 3 4 5 6) with p.

S5C. Notes

S6A. Approximation to the derivative (rate of change)

S6B. Derivatives of polynomials

  1. Compare the behaviours of the functions:
       DER=: 1: }. ] * i. on #
       der=: 1: |. ] * i. on #
    Note that their results are equivalent as polynomial coefficients, but that the latter has the (sometimes convenient) property of yielding a result with the same number of elements as the argument.

  2. The point where the derivative of a function f reaches its lowest point (and therefore changes from decreasing to increasng) is called a point of inflection of f. Enter the following expressions, and comment on the resulting graphs:
    der=: 1: |. ] * i. on #
    c=: 4 _3 _2 1
    PLOT x2;(c with p.,(der c)with p.,:(der der c)with p.)x2

S6C. Taylor coefficients

Experiment with the approximations to the exponential, sine, and cosine functions and their derivatives given in Section 6C, by applying them to the following argument:
   x=: i: 1j5
_1 _0.6 _0.2 0.2 0.6 1

S6D. Notes

S7A. Growth polynomials

Execute the following expressions, and comment on the results:
   ^ - x
   (^*^ on -) x

S7B. The name Exponential

S8A. Introduction

Plot the sine and cosine functions together, using the argument y=:i:3j100.

S8B. Harmonics

For a discussion of Harmonic Analysis see Chapter 31 of Gullberg [20].

S8C. Decay

S9A. Inverse

Experiment with the use of the inverse adverb on other functions in expressions such as:
0 1 2 3 4
   ^&3 a
0 1 8 27 64
   ^&3 INV a
0 1 1.25992 1.44225 1.5874
   ^&3 ^&3 INV a
0 1 2 3 4
   ^&1r3 a
0 1 1.25992 1.44225 1.5874

   ^ a
1 2.71828 7.38906 20.0855 54.5982
   ^INV ^ a
0 1 2 3 4

2 3 4 5 6
2 6 24 120 720
   ! INV ! a+2
2 3 4 5 6

S9B. Equations

Repeat the first few steps of Section 9B to find approximations to the root of the function g defined therein.

S9C. The method of false position

Define the function g as follows:
   c=: 4 6 _8 2
   g=: c with p.
Use the function tighten of Section 9C with the initial bracket ab=: _1 1 to get approximations to one of the roots of g.

Then use other initial brackets to approximate the other two roots, and apply g to the results to confirm that they are indeed (near) roots. Compare your roots with the result of p. c .

Experiment with other polynomial functions. Note that a polynomial will have one less root than the number of elements in its coefficient, but that some of them will be complex in the sense defined in Chapter 19.

The method of false position will find only the real (that is, non-complex) roots. The result of p. c shows each complex root with a j separating its real and imaginary parts.

S9D. Newton's method

Apply Newton's method to obtain the roots of various polynomials.

S9E. Roots of Polynomials

Pages 87-88 of Gullberg [20] give a brief history of complex numbers. Gullberg uses the conventional notation i for the imaginary square root of negative one, and a+bi for the complex number obtained by adding the real number a to the product of the real number b with the imaginary i.

We will use the function j. which multiplies its single argument by the square root of negative one, and which forms a complex number from two arguments. For example:

   3 j. 4

   3j4 * 5j12

The last result illustrates the fact that the multiplication of complex numbers follows the normal rules for the product of the sums of their components (3 0j4 5 and 0j12).

Experiment with multiplying other pairs of complex numbers. In particular, verify that the product of 3j4 with its conjugate 3j_4 yields a real number.

The (monadic) function + yields the conjugate of its argument. For example:

   5j12 * +5j12
   %: 5j12 * +5j12
   | 5j12
The foregoing illustrates that the square root of the product of a number with its conjugate is its magnitude (given by the function |). Verify that the magnitude of a real number is itself, as is its conjugate.

S9F. Logarithms

S10A. Introduction

S10B. Word formation

S10C. Parsing

S10D. Conventional Mathematical Notation

S11A. Introduction

S11B. Informal proofs

Write an informal proof that +/i.n (the sum of the first n non-negative integers) is equivalent to n*(n-1)%2.

Make a table of the sum of squares (+/*:i.n) and try to find an equivalent expression that is easier to calculate. Then write an informal proof of the discovered relation.

S11C. Formal proofs

Make formal proofs of the informal proofs of Section S11B.

S11D. Inductive proofs

Make inductive proofs for the relations found in Section S11B.

S11E. Recursive definition

Enter the following recursive definitions and apply the resulting functions to integer arguments to learn what you can about them:

See page 286 of Gullberg for a discussion of Fibonacci numbers.

S11F. Guessing games

S12A. Anagrams

Execute the following:
a=: 'episcopal'
p=:1 0 6 3 2 4 5 8 7
!#a  NB. Number of permutations of a
index=: A. p
index A. a

S13A. Introduction

Define Boolean functions to determine various properties of numbers. For example, is a number the square of an integer; is it a cube; is it a prime? Consult the Vocabulary for functions concerning primes.

S13B. Or, and, and not

When restricted to the arguments zero and one, multiplication is equivalent to the and function, and Boole used the symbol for multiplication to represent it. The analogy between or and addition is less compelling, but Boole used + for or. In a broader domain it is necessary to distinguish between the arithmetic and logical functions, and we therefore use + * for the arithmetic functions, and +. *. for the logical.

Consult the Vocabulary for the significance of other arithmetic functions used as Booleans. Also note that p <: q tests whether p implies q.

S13C. Lists and sets

Write functions to define the set of fricatives in the English alphabet. Do likewise for the set of all non-negative integers that are divisible by either 2 or 5.

S13D. Classification

Study the discussion of classification in the J Dictionary: Click on Help/Dictionary/Sample Topics/8. Classification.

S14A. Introduction

S14B. Commutativity

S14C. Associativity

The functions + and * were seen to be both associative and commutative, whereas - and % were neither associative nor commutative. Try to find a function that is commutative but not associative.

Hint: Consult the Vocabulary for the functions +: (not-or) and *: (not-and).

An associative function g defined on a domain d is said to form a group if the table d g/ d has the following properties:

a) there is a unit element e such that e&g and g&e are identity functions; that is, both e&g d and g&e d yield d.

b) Each element x of d has an inverse xi in d such that (x&g)@(xi&) is the identity function.

For example:

   d=:0 1 2 3

   g=:4&|@+    NB. Addition modulo 4

   d g table d
| |0 1 2 3|
|0|0 1 2 3|
|1|1 2 3 0|
|2|2 3 0 1|
|3|3 0 1 2|
In the foregoing table it is clear that 0 is the identity element. Thus:
   e=:0        NB. Identity element

   e&g d
0 1 2 3

   g&e d
0 1 2 3
Moreover, a little experimentation will show that 3 is the inverse of 1, and that 2 is self-inverse:
   1 g d
1 2 3 0

   3 g 1 g d   NB. 3 is inverse of 1
0 1 2 3

   2 g d
2 3 0 1

   2 g 2 g d   NB. 2 is self-inverse
0 1 2 3
A group function on a given domain may also form a subgroup on a subset of the domain. For example:
   0 2 g table 0 2
| |0 2|
|0|0 2|
|2|2 0|
A function on the domain of the leading integers can be easily mapped onto another domain, so as to give a more abstract appearance to a group. For example:

   map=: ad&i."0

   map ad
0 1 2 3

   ad g&.map table ad
| |ABCD|
Define a group of order eight as follows:

Then display the group table, and try to find any subgroups. Also show that the element 1 is a generator of the group by entering the expression 1&g ^:(i.12) d. The result shows that the powers of the function 1&g generate all rows of the group table.

S14D. Symmetry

S14E. Distributivity

S14F. Distributivity of dyadic functions

S14G. Parity

S15A. Dot product and vector functions

It is important to note that the expression dp=:+/ . *must include a space before the dot, for otherwise the phrase /. would be recognized as the single entity that represents the oblique operator as shown in the Vocabulary. Compare the results of applying the word-formation function ;: to the lists '+/ . *' and '+/. *' .

S15B. Dot product as a linear function

If sop=:+/\ (sum over prefixes), then sopinv=: sop^:_1 is its inverse.Test this assertion by entering expressions such as sopinv sop x=:2 3 5 7 11 and sop sopinv x.

Guess at the value of a matrix mi such that mi & dp=:+/ . * is equivalent to the function sopinv. Compare your guess with the result of applying sopinv to an identity matrix.

S15C. Matrix inverse

S16A. Ascending and descending order of exponents

S16B. Products of polynomials

S16C. Multiplication of decimal numbers

A function to perform the normalization described in Section 16C (to reduce a list to an equivalent list with elements less than the base) can be defined (using the Explicit Definition described in Section 17C) as follows:
NORM=:4 : 0
  base=. x.
  list=: y.
result=. i.0
 carry=. 0

while. 0&lt;#list do.
next=. carry + {: list   NB. carry plus last of list
list=. }: list           NB. Delete last from list
rem=. base | next        NB. Remainder on div by base
result=. rem , result
carry=. (next-rem) % base

For example:
   a=: 2 34 56
   c=:10 NORM a
5 9 6
   10 #. a  NB. Base 10 value of a
   10 #. c
However, an argument such as 23 4 5 requires a result with more elements than the argument, and the function NORM fails to account for this. Thus:
   b=: 23 4 5
   10 NORM b
3 4 5
The following function produces the correct result:
norm=:4 : 0
  base=. x.
  list=: y.
result=. i.0
 carry=. 0

while. -.*./0=carry,list do. NB. Not all zero
next=. carry + {: list   NB. carry plus last of list
list=. 0,}: list         NB. Delete last from list
rem=. base | next        NB. Remainder on div by base
result=. rem , result
carry=. (next-rem) % base


   10 norm b
2 3 4 5
Choose a pair of rather large numbers (of eight or more digits) and multiply them by the conventional method taught in elementary school. Then multiply them by the method given in Section 16C and compare the results.

S16D. Other bases

Use the function norm of Section S16C with bases other than 10. Also define and use the functions n10=: 10 with norm and n2=:2 with norm.

Repeat the exercise suggested in Section S16C, but using base 8.

S16E. Remainder, divisibility, and integer part

A prime number is one that has exactly two distinct divisors. Sum the columns of a divisibility table, and use the foregoing fact to identify the primes.

S16F. Notes

S17A. Introduction

S17B. Designing an algorithm

S17C. Explicit definition

S18A. Introduction

S18B. Area under a graph as a function

S18C. Polynomial approximations

S19A. Imaginary numbers

S19B. Complex numbers

S19C. Division

S19D. The Exponential family

S20A. Introduction

S20B. Mathematics: from the Birth of Numbers

S20C. Concrete mathematics

S20D. Computer resources

S20E. Conclusion

Appendix 1: Utilities

and      =:  *.                             NB. 13B
ant      =: 0:,] % next i. on #             NB. 18C
anti     =:  d. _1                          NB. 18A
cos      =:  2&o.                           NB. 19D
cube     =:  ^ with 3                       NB. 14G

dec      =:  rat^:_1                        NB. 2A
der      =:  1: |. ] * i. on #              NB. 6B
derv     =:  d.1                            NB. 18A
decay    =:  ^ on -                         NB. 8C
det      =:  -/ . *                         NB. 20B

diag     =:  /.                             NB. 11F
dp       =:  +/ . *                         NB. 15A
each     =:  "0                             NB. 11F
eachbox  =:  &.>                            NB. 11F
eachrow  =: "1                              NB. 13D

exp      =:  ^                              NB. 6C
for      =:  ^:                             NB. 1C
gcd      =:  +.                             NB. 2E
INV      =:  ^:_1                           NB. 9A
lcm      =:  *.                             NB. 2E

load 'plot'                                 NB. 3A
mean     =:  +/ % #                         NB. 9C
next     =:  >:                             NB. 1A
not      =:  -.                             NB. 13B
on       =:  @                              NB. 2D

or       =:  +.                             NB. 13B
over     =: 2 :'(u.@v.)=((u.@[)v.(u.@]))'"0 NB. 14E
pa       =:  p.                             NB. 16A
pc       =:  +//. on (*/)                   NB. 16B
pd       =:  |. on [ pa ]                   NB. 16A

PLOT     =: 'line,stick'&plot               NB. 3A
pref     =:  \                              NB. 11F
previous =:  <:                             NB. 1A
pw       =:  1 : '2 with (u.\)'             NB. 3C
rat      =:  x:                             NB. 2A

roots    =:  > on {: on p.                  NB. 9E
set      =:  9!:11                          NB. 2B
sign     =:  *                              NB. 2D
sin      =:  1&o.                           NB. 5B
sort     =:  /:~                            NB. 12A

sqr      =:  *:                             NB. 9A
sqrt     =:  %:                             NB. 9A
sum      =:  +/                             NB. 11F
trans    =:  |:                             NB. 12A
under    =:  &.                             NB. 10D

with     =:  &                              NB. 1F
zero     =:  **|                            NB. 9E


1. Hogben, Lancelot, Mathematics for the Million, 1983 paperback edition, W.W. Norton. First published 1937.

2. Graham, R.L., and Knuth, D.E., Patashnik, O., Concrete Mathematics, Addison-Wesley, 1988.

3. Cajori, F., A History of Mathematical Notations, The Open Court Publishing Company, La Salle, Illinois, 1928 (Now available from Dover).

4. Cajori, F., William Oughtred: A great Seventeenth-Century Teacher of Mathematics, Open Court, 1916.

5. Staff of the Computation Laboratory, A Description of the Mark IV Calculator, Annals of the Computation Laboratory, Volume XXVIII, Harvard Press, 1952.

6. Backus, J., "The History of FORTRAN I, II, and III", ACM Sigplan Notices 13 # 7, 1978.

7. Heaviside, O., Electromagnetic Theory, Chelsea Publishing Co. Reprint 1971.

8. Falkoff, A.D., and K.E. Iverson, APL\360 User"s Manual, IBM Corp, 1966.

9. Boole, G., An investigation of the laws of thought on which are founded the mathematical theories of logic and probabilities, Dover, reprint, 1951.

10. March, H.W., and H.C. Wolf, Calculus, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1917.

11. Curry, H.B., and R. Feys, Combinatory Logic, North Holland Publishers, 1968.

12. Iverson, K.E. "A Personal View of APL", IBM Systems Journal, v30 #4, 1991.

13. Synge, J.L., and A. Schild, Tensor Calculus, Dover, reprint, 1978.

14. Pinker, S., The Language Instinct, William Morrow, 1994.

15. Deacon, T.W., The Symbolic Species, Norton, 1997.

16. Iverson, K.E. Exploring Math, Iverson Software, Toronto, 1996

17. Lakatos, Imre, Proofs and Refutations: the logic of mathematical discovery, Cambridge University Press, 1976

18. Lanczos, C., Applied Analysis, Prentice-Hall, 1956

19. Hardy, G.H., A Mathematician"s Apology, Cambridge University Press, 1940

20. Gullberg, Jan, Mathematics: From the Birth of Numbers, W.W. Norton, 1997

21. Iverson, K.E., Concrete Math Companion, Iverson Software, Toronto, 1995

22. Sawyer, W.W., Introducing Mathematics:1 Vision in Elementary Mathematics, Penguin Books, 1964